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World eaters dread


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no i had to do a load of cutting to get it like that, the body, and arms are possable, but i had to cut the leg at the thigh joint and move it around, then a heated the toes and curled them around as you can see in the next pics,



thanks all for the possitive comments though, funny you should say about the metal jk, i entered it into a painting comp at my local gw store and due to the metallic work i only got second, they said it was too patchy, the thing i was going for was patchy as i wanted to look old and beaten up but hey ho never mind seconds good enough for me lol

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Very sweet dread mate! You can't go wrong with two-arm-killy-ness :)


I like the dark red, gives it a more sinister look as ópposed to the BA bright red some go with (well I shouldn't talk since the dead world eaters on my bases are bright red ).


But I imagine that he breaks of the base quite often? The pose is sweet, but with so little contact to the base it just seems like a pain.


hazardousZERO: Oh I used to have one of those! It's filled with air/liquid ( was years ago, can't remember ), and was sold as a version of the stress reliever balls. The type you just squeeze in your hand real hard as an outlet.


Oh the memories :)



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yes they are fake boobs, mother bought them for me for xmas!! nope not broken off yet, the foot thats on the base is stuck to milliput with pins underneath that i caked in glue and the more milliput to hold it in place so touch wood its ok lol and yea im still trying to get gold looking right.
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