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Idea: Call of the Librarium!

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And I thought: Wow. I can't ever get myself to paint a darn thing these days.


I also thought: Wow. I can't ever get myself to write a darn thing these days. But hell, it's easier than painting!


So in lieu of actually dragging out my paints I thought I'd do a little brainstorming with you guys for a similar project on this forum. Doesn't have to happen now (in fact if it lacks enthusiastic, overwhelming support, which is likely, it doesn't ever have to happen), as that might interfere with the other "Call of..." threads.


The following is not an official announcement or anything, just an example of how this might work. I am not a Codicier, Lexicanum, Moderati, or any other such esteemed rank. I do not have such authoritah, and you are under no obligation to respect the lack of such.


Ripped wholesale from the other thread I was looking at and edited gleefully, with author inserts in red:


Call of the Librarium, Mark I:


Spinners of yarns about that grimmest and darkest of millenniums, hear the Call of the Librarium!


Those of you having problems writing your epics, now is the time to act.


This is the perfect opportunity for you to get those unfinished stories out of your head! Pick up that pen, worm!


Mission Statement


To assist writers in the conceptualizing, writing, and refining of stories about Space Marines. By using open project threads, each writer will be able to inspire other writer with what they are doing, and at the same time receive feedback on the progress of their tale. Each writer is encouraged to provide constructive feedback to her/his fellow participants throughout the Call.


Call of the Librarium Requirements


1. Your story must feature a supported faction on the B&C (E.g. Power-Armored and/or under an Existing Sub-Forum). e.g. Adeptus Mechanicus is allowed.


2. The Call will last for 3 months only. Please be aware of this when entering what you will write.


3. You are allowed to submit between 2 to 5 items; no more, no less. The question is how we would define an item. An article? A stub? A short story? A novella? A chapter of a novel? An Index Astartes/Traitoris?


4. You are expected to submit a minimum of 2 updates in this thread, per month, for the duration of the call. There will be consequences if this is not followed. Making an update here is quite easy, you simply post a reply in this thread with a link to the relevant updates in your WIP thread.


5. Should you complete your items within the 3 months and still have time to spare before the end, you are able to add additional items (to a maximum of 5 items).


For ideas on how the previous calls went down, please check yourself, fool. This is the first of its kind, a beautiful birth in the making.


Entering the Call of the Librarium


To enter the call, all you need to do is sign and post the following:


Muses, hear my call!


I <Your name> hereby pledge my soul and my sanity to the Craft.


I swear to you that I will write <N> items (as defined above) before X of Y, 201Z.


I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


You can follow my progress here: <link to your WIP project thread>

-<Your name>


Although the Call will only last for 3 months, we do expect that there will be some that have to pull out due to real-life issues coming up. Should you feel that you need to pull out, please let us know and we'll remove you from the Participant listing and list you as a 'Fallen in Battle'.


The other way to be removed from the call is not complying to the 2 updates per month criteria. This is not a 'big thing to ask' and failure to comply with this will result in your immediate removal from the participant list and placed into the MIA/Excommunicated list. Please note that being placed there may prevent you from joining future Calls.


The plan is to start out with A slots available for sign-up, adding B more if we garner enough interest. Should places become free via the above two listed methods, you can try to sneak into the Call, but keep in mind, it's first in best dressed, and you may need to work twice as hard based on how much time is remaining.


Call Duration and Target Dates(not in the sense of that cutie at the supermarket)


Sign-up will commence on the C of D, 201E and will close F of D, 201E. On the C+G, the Call will formally begin and will last until X of Y, 201Z. During that time, your progress will be closely monitored. I assume you all understand the conglomeration of variable letters.


Depending on the success of the Call and the involvement of everyone there will be token prizes. YOU WANT THAT WORTHLESS TRINKET? BAH! WORDS FOR THE WORD GOD! PAPER FOR THE PAPER THRONE! And now you know why my inserts were in red.




What does everyone who frequents the Librarium Short Stories section (i.e. me and you, that one guy, on the other side of the screen, pal) think?

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The Iron Gauntlet Challenge is planning to have a fiction section to it. You may want to talk to Silver Phoenix about it and see if you can work this idea into that so we don't have the conflict of two challenges going on at once.


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