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Hellios' World Eaters


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So for the Call of Chaos IV I must now complete a World Eaters Captain and his 5 man command squad. I intend to base the captain of Chapter Master Seth of the Flesh Tearers (His rules not his model) while his Command squad will be represented using the Honour Guard rules.


I'm also planning to do them as Pre-heresy so expect blue and white rather Red and brass... although thier might still be a bit of red :P


I'll try and get some links up to a few bits of work that have inspired me and also see if I can get some of my "sketches" up to show some of my ideas.




Some inspiration...


You can see more pictures of his various works including a HUUUGGGE Dreadnought... on the link below...

Synapse's EPIC World Eaters


I would also like to thank the B&C and whoever was responsible for this fantastic article... Astartes Power Armour


I've also got to say thanks to mywargame.com for it's great tutorials on making Pre-heresy pattern armour and also thanks to Kurgan the Lurker for putting links to this in the tutorial section of the B&C.


The inspiration for Brother "Sub-Zero"... just in case people can't tell what the hell is going on in my sketches... I know they are bad...



---2ND EDIT---


Some ideas...




So here is a really bad set of sketches of the command squad.


So we have the Apothecary kneeling down (think the legs that come with space marine command squad I think) supporting a wounded World Eater while firing his bolt pistol at someone getting a bit to close...


Then we have Brother "Sub-Zero" holding someone by the front of thier "shirt" while pulling thier head off with the spine coming out (Hence Brother "Sub-Zero").... funnily enough he has a flamer hanging at his side from a sling around his neck...


Then We have the standard bearer... nothing special here just doing the classical planting the flag into someone...


Then we have Brother Mallet (Not to be confused with Brother Mullet) who is crushing someones skull with a Thunder Hammer :o


Finally we have "The Champion" who is supposed to be in a just rammed and sending someone through the air with my shield stance while either jabbing someone else with a Trident or doing a swipe with a gladius... I want this guy to have a gladiator theme to link him in with Angrons past (I'm not saying he was a pit fighter with Angron, I just think it would be a nice theme).

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So you're doing truescale I suppose? -_- this is going to be awesome! :D


True-scale/Art-scale a bit larger but not right scale :P I'm going to try... but as modelling projects go... this will be my biggst so far... and I'm fairly rubbish so we shall see how it goes... I think mine will be slighgtly shorter and less bulky than synapses... because I'm already going to be using more green stuff than I'm comfortable with... but we shall see... I do hope they go well. I do plan on MKII rather than MKIV so mine should look different as well :D

Hi everyone I was wondering if I could get your oppinions on poses for my captain.



Ok a few words about each pose...


Glasgow: Basically running forward doing a huge sweeping arc with his giant chain axe/glaive and as he reaches the end of his arc he has now come into range of someone who was just out of range of his axe when it was in that position and he is giving them a headbut... which I imagine is like being hit by a car.


Leonidas: He is in a similiar position as he was in the Glasgow except now he is at the end of the swing he has slowed down a bit and got himself ready to give somone a pushing kick to the chest/head.


Knee-Breaker: Unlike the other two poses this is nearer to the mid swing and the idea is that someone has some at him slightly from behind and he has reduced his forward momentum (but continuing with his swing) and derlivered a low kick towards his attacker with the aim of breaking his knee.


So those are my ideas so far and I would love comments/criticism about the ideas for the poses rather than how bad my sketches are -_-

  • 1 month later...

Well my Exams have finished so expect to see me doing more stuff :P I haven't done much but expect another update soon as I only have a few days to get my mandatory second update in :'<


Anyway here are some pics...


Legs in progress :P



Sliced down torsos...



The one torso I've started building up again...



And my first use of fine white milliput... It was fun :) but I had to rip my work apart... it either needs a lot of work :P or I need to start from scratch :P.. it was supposed to be a standard :P



ok minor update :blush:... the legs are nearly done... and I'm starting to build up the plate armour on the torso to give it the MKII look... sorry about the poor photo quality and in my next update I hope to have more significant work done... so at least one of them should actually start looking like a marine rather than loosely associated parts.







  • 4 weeks later...

Well once again I've not done as much as I would have liked although I'm doing slightly better than last month and I've had more to do than I expected... so once more I'm sorry for the lack of awesome and I'm also sorry for the fact that once again I'm using a really bad camera (mine is broken) and to top that off the lighting is baaaaaaaaaad.


So the first pic is the same marine again except he has nearly had everything done to his legs and torso except for a few details... like rivets and pipes and so on... I would like the armour to be smoother... so seeing how time goes I might try and do that... Next him you might have noticed the first bit of work on Apothecary Kain/Cane/Kane?




In this pic the main set of legs I've started one which has had the left leg/foot reposed (on your right :D) and also built up a little greenstuff replacing the plate I cut off his foot is for MC Hammer and behind him you can see I've started doing the greenstuff for brother Sub-Zero who hasn't had his pose changed. As I say the lighting is bad so I haven't done close up detail shots as you can't see much... expect another update in 3 or 4 days... by which time I hope to have gotten then all closer to the first guy in terms of how much is completed... or maybe even have more done.




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