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Black Legion Khorne Possessed


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So, i've started work of my Call of Chaos IV project, this is basically a fun modeling exercise which will possibly lead to me using them in some friendly low points games. Possessed aren't the most popular choice to say the least but i get bored easily with lists (i've never fielded a twin prince, zerker/pm, oblit list and i'm very proud of the fact) and like to mix them up a bit especially when just playing against my mates and stuff.


Only have the first 3 models made atm, waiting on more legion shoulder pads from GW but it gives you an idea of where i'm going atleast, bases and backpacks will be last :)



Icon Bearer




Possible Champ




Possessed 1




Group Shot




found an old Nightlords mark 1 rhino i'll turn into a transport for them with some wizardry, pics to follow.....



enjoy :)

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April Update 1



managed to get my rhino hobbled together from my bitbox, i'll probably use this for my zerkers in competitive games and for my possessed in fun/narrative games.









i'm rather proud of this as it's an old night lords pred i had lying around from my very first chaos army with some bits pulled off and some added on :P

although this isn't part of my CoCIV project thought folks might like a look at my newly converted prince, i'm not a fan of the current prince model and that's always put me off fielding princes so i decided to make my own and try him out in a few games.


most of the highlighting and fine detail still to be done :tu:



was hoping someone would ask :tu:


the torso and legs are the =I= scale chaos magos


the right arm is from the old chaos ugrade sprue you used to get in CSM boxes with some lightning claw blades added to the fingers


the left arm is from the spawn kit with a leg plate from the new ven dread as a shoulder pad


the head is partly from the spawn kit with a defiler head fitted on the front with the tongue coming through the mouth from the spawn head.


the wings are from the possessed kit with the backpack part cut away and the wings greenstuffed together.



i'm rather proud of it tbh, looks way better that the metal GW model.

Yeah, I've modded my Princes a bit to make them a bit more pleasing to look at although they're still metal which sucks.


Good job on making a Prince that is your own though, I see the Undivided one everywhere and as cool as it is it's a shame to see so many of them. I can't wait until the plastics come out.


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