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What to add? How to best support a short range Codex Army?


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So I am trying to finish out my all comers army and am struggling with what would be the best addition to my army. As far as I can tell I will have the biggest trouble against gun lines, as the army is designed more or less as a short range shoot/assault army based on tacticals and Ass. Terms in Raiders. So what do you guys think would be the best use of the remainder of my points.


Current list:


Chapter Master Cincinatus (Calgar in TDA) 265


Chief Librarian Vespasian (TDA Epistolary + SS) 190

Null Zone + MOTA



10x Assault Terminators 400

Land Raider Redeemer + Multi Melta 250


10 man Tac Squad (Sgt. Power Fist, Melta Gun, Missile Launcher) 235


10 man Tac Squad (Sgt. Power Fist, Melta Gun, Missile Launcher) 235


10 man Tac Squad (Sgt. Power Fist, Melta Gun, Missile Launcher) 235



Typhoon + MM 100

Typhoon + MM 100


Land Raider (Phobos) 250


Total 2260


So 240 point the options I have thought of/am contemplating


5man sternguard + TL-LC Razorback-Adds some more long range firepower and sternguard are nasty support unit even as just a five man squad.


10x Assault Squad 2x flamer Sgt powerfist

Good against any non-assualt specialist unit, 2x flamers are great antihoard, and the ability to deepstrike can help against gunline armies, and a great fast reaction cleaner unit


5x TDA with 2x Chainfists and CML

Strong durable unit with ability to deepstrike, (also calgar has a teleport homer), add more great shooty support and some additional anti-tank.


10x Tac Squad with PF Sgt

More scoring units, not a huge fan, but definitely a game winner


2x Combi Preds

Additional long range high strength firepower


What do you guys think works best with the rest of my army? Any other suggestions?

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1) Id drop the MMs from the typhoon, typhoons should stay at long range where they risk only limited return fire.

2) Take the sterngaurd and razorback- the extra range and AP4 on kraken shells alone is worth the price.

3) Why in gods name do you have so many assault terminators?

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Okay I guess lets clear up the plan with the army, as that will help everyone concerned.


The Terminators will Combat squad with each one being led by an HQ. I have 2 raiders One Phobos (aka Godhammer) where calgar and his escort of 5x Terminators rides, and the Redeemer for the Epistolary and his 5x assault terminators to ride in.


The Land Speeders are dedicated Anti-tank, and I added the multimelta onto them to make them into fast melta platforms which I am otherwise missing. They will hang back and provide anti-transport, unless there is some AV13+ that needs to be melta'd to death.


The Tac's provide mobile short range fire bases, and essentially act as scoring swiss army knives bolstered by Calgar's GOW ability.



I have 10x Assault terminators...Because I like them, they are maybe the best unit C:SM has. (I love my uber-units) :P ;)

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I'd consider dropping MOTA and taking Vortex of Doom with your TDA Libby. Can't hurt to plop a strength 10 ap1 template into your enemy before you charge them and the Storm Shields should weather the small chance of your template scattering on you.


I'm not so sure about the typhoons, though. If you do choose to bring them in to crack an av13 vehicle, then the only way their multi-melta will do major damage is within 12" of your target... then well, you can wave goodbye to your 100 point paper airplane because no doubt your enemy will wax that thing quick. Like Grey Mage said, you want to keep Typhoons at long range. As a suggestion for cracking av13s with typhoons, you can move 12" and try and hit the enemy's side armor. Go with heavy bolters instead of MM because you can fire both HBs and frag grenades while moving 12". Great for thinning some hordes if need be, which is good for an all-comers list.


Hope smacking your enemy to a bloody pulp with hammers goes well. Ten assault termis seems like overkill to me, but dam pretty :)

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Given you've upgraded your Librarian to Epistolary, what's the 3rd power?

If one of your tac squads is going to "hang back" in objective missions, you might want to consider different loadout.

Better heavy/special combos (lascannon/plasma gun, multi-melta/plasma gun, and plasma cannon/whatever) and a combi-weapon on the sergeant are interesting options.


I think the Sternguard are the right choice.

I agree with the Typhoon/HB approach (especially if you add more melta elsewhere).


Cheers, Paul.

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Thyphoons should have HB (always ruin my transports and to wreck them I have to send some valuable lascannons that way).


Assault terms do have at least one guy with LC right? Right? You will end up killing more.


Sternguard, always take Sternguard. Just do it now.


I wouldn't take Calgar personnaly but if you like him then go ahead.


As long as you aren't taking this list to 'ard boyz it will do well.

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Okay, thanks for the help so far guys, I have a couple questions before I make any changes.


1. If I drop the Multi-meltas off the typhoons where is the best place to put melta into the list to give me the ability to deal with AV13 and AV14?


2. If I take the Sternguard should I give the Sergeant a powerfist or is that 25 pts better used for another squad member?


3. Just for info the break down is on the assault terminators is (2x LC 3x TH+SS) with the librarian and (3x LC, 2x TH+SS) with Calgar.

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1) Give your Sternguard 3 or more combi-meltas. You could even give a tactical squad a multi-melta.


2) Always take the pf in Sternguard. That's probably one of the most well spent 25 points space marines can get! No doubt your enemy is going to want to charge your Sternguard, but you'll have a huge fist of death waiting for them.


good hunting

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My favorite unit that I always seem to take in my close range is a Thunder Fire Cannon. Against gun line armies a single TFC represents a very serious threat since you can easily ignore cover saves or prevent movement with its different types of shells. It also has one of the longest ranges in the codex.
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I'd put the typhoons in a squad, drop their multi-meltas, and add two squads of 2 MM attack bikes.


That'd leave you 70ish points to play with. I'd recommend something other than missiles in the tacs. I'd also put either a flamer or plasma gun in them instead of the flamer, or buy a combi-melta for the sgt. I find that a single melta will fail just when you need that charge on the contents of the transport.

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