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Second Land Raider or Bikes?


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Hey all,


I'm debating between two lists, and I need some feedback. Right now I'm building up my army in 250 point installments with a league at my local gaming shop and I've got Vulkan, Libby, 5 man termies in LRR, 2 tac squads, Land Speeders, and a Dakka Pred. I have two options for expanding my army out to 1850 for a big local tournament this fall:


1) Add another 5 man assault terminator squad and put it in a second Land Raider. Terminators hit like bricks, and having a second av 14 target gives me protection through redundancy. The downside is that I have only 2 scoring units, and if I have a high objective mission I'll have to use foot slogging combat squad marines.




2) Drop the librarian, pick up a Bike Captain, and add a full bike squad. I'd combat squad the bike squad. The downside to this is that I have only 1 AV14 target, so the LRR would get a lot more attention and I'd lose psychic defense (plus null zone), but it gives me two more scoring units.



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See, this just confirms why I like to post questions like this on multiple forums - on Warseer everyone is saying go with a second land raider because just one land raider won't survive. I guess my thought is if they don't shoot at the Land Raider the bikes will have a field day, and vice versa. Since I still have Vulkan the meltas would be twin linked, and bikes could get up on some side armor FAST.


I also thought about taking a cheap elite inquisitor with hood to cover the psychic defense I'd lose from dropping the librarian. But that's for another discussion.

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It depends on your play style and your battlefield opponents.


Against tough-units armies and using frontal style warfare maybe the mighty LR + TDA will be OK.


Against everything else and with a "fast fluid sneaky basterd" style go for bikes.


And a scoring unit is usefull in many many games.

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Not a second Land Raider. If only one won't survive, then why two?


That answer that justifies the second LR tells me the opponent has more than enough firepower to punk out Land Raiders. He's expecting you to bring two and has spent to points accordingly. So spend your points on something else ... the bikes. A Lascannon and Meltas will kill one biker at a time, but he'll have to devote the shots to the bikes. All it takes is one shot to kill a LR - granted, it's a tough nut to crack.


SO, pack your army with scoring units. That's how you win the game.



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I'd drop the librarian, pick up a bike captain (captain, bike, relic blade), add as small bike squad (bikes x4, power fist, flamers x2, attack bike with heavy bolter), and add a squadron of two multi-melta attack bikes.
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