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Goldenwonder's Black Legion


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Hi all;

Before I start I would just like to point out that I am not a particularly good painter but of late I have really started to focus on improving and enjoying painting rather than viewing it as a chore. My ideal standard is gaming standard and if I can achieve it at level I am personally satisfied with then I'm truly happy.

With the Call of Chaos coming up I figured it is about time to update my Black Legion force and to a good size before moving onto my other projects. It is also time I learned how to post images here hence the dual purpose of this thread.

Comments and tips more than welcome :P

Here's the first pic (fingers crossed), my Slaaneshi Forgeworld Dreadnought with Dual DCCW. This is the best painted model from my old Black Legion force - though I have only just (around 18 months - 2 years later due to Uni/exams/work/etc) done the base on the model and got cracking with painting again:


More pictures (hopefully of better quality) to hopefully follow.

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That's a pretty good dread, I mean sure it's not Golden Daemon quality like what some of the people around here post but it's above most tabletop models I see. The only quibble I have is that the pink of the Slaanesh symbol looks too flat. I know that the symbol is flat but you might want to highlight it a bit to simulate light hitting it, since it sticks out too much as it is now. Otherwise well done, I especially like the dark purple you got for the head.
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Thanks for generous feedback all :D



The only quibble I have is that the pink of the Slaanesh symbol looks too flat. I know that the symbol is flat but you might want to highlight it a bit to simulate light hitting it, since it sticks out too much as it is now.


When I painted this model it was one of my first attempts at highlighting and I still don't have the steadiest of hands for highlighting. That being said I may have a go at highlighting the symbol when I get chance. I've also started trying to paint gemstones so I may also update the red orb in the centre of the Slaanesh symbol at the same time.


The purple on the head if I remember correctly is simply Liche Purple, with the edges on the face highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Liche Purple/Tent Pink then an attempt at a second highlight of pure Tent Pink. This latter highlight probably covers all of the first though.


You have some good highlights that bring out the edges and I think it looks better than "gaming ready".


Thank you for the very kind comment Myxx. I still have a drastically long, long, long way to go to improve but this is the most generous thing anyone has said about my painting.

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Next up is my first unit of Black Legionnaires sporting my forces new colour scheme.

My previous force had all-gold trim which looking back, isn't as satisfying as I thought it would be when on every model in the force. I have now moved over to the codex scheme of gold and silver trim, reserving all-gold trim for vehicles where silver is heavilly present such as Dreadnoughts/Defiler and possibly for my planned unit of Terminators.

The photos were taken at the same time as the Dreadnough so they aren't perfect - something I will seek to improve when I get time. Again, they are of gaming standard so highlights on the armour are not present. However I am still quite pleased with them and they are an improvement on my older Marines which I am gradually replacing.



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