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Flaming Meteors of Death

Jarl Bloodwolf

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Ok first off does Vulkans chapters tactics work on dreadnoughts? It says that all units in his army lose their combat tactics rule but then it just lists which weapons are astercrafted and it says ALL of them are master craftes. What has me confused is if that rule still applies to dreads even though they dont have combat tactics but the rule says it applies to all said weapons?


Now onto the tactica part. If i took a Master of The Forge and used his lord of the armory rule to take 3 dreads as elites and 3 as heavy support. And then i gave each of those dreads flamer weapons and a DP and then dropped them right down my enemies throat (using homing beacons) would it be a good tactic? I know the army would be expensive with 6 dreads each mounted in a drop pod, 2 tacticals and at least my MoTF. Maybe i would drop it down to 4 dreads instead. The image of 6 dreadnoughts bursting out of drop pods spewing flames into the ranks of the enemy and then getting stuck in is just down right awesome (if not a brutal, gotta feal bad for whoevers on the wrong side of that).


And in all reality i probably wont do this i just really really like the idea

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I'm 99.9% sure it applies to vehicle-mounted weapons; that's always been the interpretation I've seen, and He'stan's rule says it applies to all weapons in the army, not just infantry-mounted ones.


Dreadnought spam is actually a pretty decent list. Six Ironclad Dreadnoughts with DCCW/HF + SH/MG in drop pods only comes out a bit over a thousand points; expensive, but well within reasonable limits for higher points value games, and that many Ironclads in that build can threaten just about any list. Hordes will hate the heavy flamer and ability to tarpit, while mech armies hate the meltagun and Seismic Hammer. Standard/Venerable Dreads in a DCCW/HF + Multi-melta work pretty well too. Assuming you take Vulkan as your secondary HQ, all of those flamers and melta weapons get twin-linking for extra awesomeness.

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I don't think "Suicide Dreads" works too well - but mind you I'm a fellow Salamander player that acutally *uses* Devastators, so there's an awful lot of Melta sitting around in my deployment zone - I'd personally say "thanks!" for the extra points. Against other armies however, the idea could work quite well, particularly those relying on Lascannon or Missile units for long-ranged support (Combat Squads, Havocs or whathaveyou).


The biggest drawback is not being able to assault when you land - this really hurts. You can toast a few squads with that set-up, but what do you do if the enemy is mechanised?


I think quite a nasty list (but VERY points-intensive) would be:


Master of the Forge

4 Dreads in Pods

2 Tactical units in Pods (pods go empty)

2 Land Raiders (for the Tacticals)

+Something else that can take a Drop Pod and not really need it.


The idea being that you mount your Scoring Units in some seriously rock-hard transports, and the enemy will be too busy bimbling around with the Dreadnoughts ruining his back-field to take them out. "Standard" Land Raiders would also provide the possibly-needed long-range anti-tank.

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Hmmm the wheels of the Mechanicum are definitly turning in my head. I would almost feal bad playing that list though, I mean yea its not the ultimate list of the galaxy but its still 4-6 dreadnoughts. To me it invokes the same feelings i get when i see a army of terminators or a HUGE horde of nids (even though i did beat the nid player and i almost beat the "counts as deathwing" player). Maybe ill keep rolling the idea around for a bit. Oh and for long rand tank killyness would it be effective to give my 2 required troop choices (probably tactical squads) lascannons? Or if i took scout squads as my troops (since there cheeper) i could give them missle launchers.
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I've used a Dread with a twin-linked heavy flamer, and a DCCW+Heavy flamer setup in the past. I dropped it in via pod, and roasted things. It single-handedly routed half a Tau troop gunline in two turns, before taking a railgun to the face.


A list like that will make a mockery of IG Blob, as well as Ork Boyz. Anything with less than a 3+ armor save, basically.


The Achilles Heel of this list is the Drop Pod deployment. A savvy opponent will simply leave all his soft troops in reserve or inside their transports where your heavy flamers end up getting a single hit per template.

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I've used a Dread with a twin-linked heavy flamer, and a DCCW+Heavy flamer setup in the past. I dropped it in via pod, and roasted things. It single-handedly routed half a Tau troop gunline in two turns, before taking a railgun to the face.


A list like that will make a mockery of IG Blob, as well as Ork Boyz. Anything with less than a 3+ armor save, basically.


The Achilles Heel of this list is the Drop Pod deployment. A savvy opponent will simply leave all his soft troops in reserve or inside their transports where your heavy flamers end up getting a single hit per template.


But if i go with Chengars Iron Clad set up then ill have both anti tank and anti horde capabilities incase my opponent deploys his units in vehicles or has some big critters. As for DP deployment im thinking about taking scouts/ scout bikers and using their homing beacons to guide the dreadnoughts in. The thing i can see about this army is unless i did what Interegator Chaplain Adam says i wouldent have alot of scoring units. So pretty much my army would rely on my dreadnoughts taking out the enemy, and if my dreadnoughts were destroyed i wouldent have much else to keep the fight going. Ill try and write up a list and see what i like or if i can get something to work. At first i wasent going to seriously do this list but now im thinking about play testing it a bit

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