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Scions of Blood WIP


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Hey guys, this will be my WIP thread for my army...the Scions of Blood. They are a blood angels successor chapter.

Up first are the WIP shots for the call of the imperium, as well as the rest of the army so far. Since i can't start on my vow units till the 30th, i will probably start painting the 6 man assault unit also included in my army this week. Gotta get my color scheme worked out in miniature form anyways.

So heres the pics.

Vow Units (2-10 strong assault squads, 2 Reedemer Transports, and 1 Baal Predator)


The rest of the army....1 6 strong assault unit + razor back transport with TLHF, 1-6 strong Death Company with Assault Cannon Razorback transport, the Captain and my second Baal Predator.


My Furioso Librarian Dread WIP. I am lacking the Force Weapon arm, waiting on the ironclad dread kit/plasticcard to arrive this week so i can convert it up.


All that is lacking for my initial 2k list here is 3 sanquinary priests i have yet to get the parts in to convert up. I plan to use the sanquinary guard bodies to make them look a little more ornate looking, but the kit is on backorder.

After i get his 2k list painted up, i will end up working on some of the rest of my models for the army, which will end up including a furioso dread, TLLC dread, tac squad, 2 termie squads, a devestator squad, and a scout squad. Not to mention i want to build a stormraven this summer once i can get my hands on the kits needed to build one.

Also for those who haven't seen the color scheme, this is the intended color scheme.


The army symbol is basically a blood drop with bat wings inplace of the feathery wings. Picture the night lords symbol with a blood drop replacing the skull. I have it modeled on the dread and baal predators but its hard to make out on the dread since the glare makes the grey sculpted symble almost invisible looking.

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pic updates. Got the sergeant done of my 6man assault squad. Since i can't start my other two assault squads till after the 30th, i decided to start my other 6 man squad to get the paint scheme done and worked out.

Up next will be finishing up his squad, and figuring how i am going to base these guys. Probably going to base them in a standard brown painted sand and static grass. Also this army will be painted to a good gaming standard, so i am skipping some small details like there eyeballs. Also they will be follow a similar squad marking to the blood angels, and so i am building a 5th company force. I also wont be including any yellow or blue in the squad markings that will be done on the rest of the squad. I will keep these squad markings to a black, red, or white marking. Also the sergeant here has a bit more bling so has a bit more gold on him than a regular marine will have.

Sorry for the 56kers out there the pics a tiny bit big. If too big, the mods can just remove and i will post links to the album instead.





really like the paint jobs and colourscheme chosen, the power sword is subtle which I like but personally I'd add a slightly brighter highlight to the flames on it, right at the edges.


freehand is very nice :(


the highlighting is good, but try and make sure they stay as thin as the freehand lines are, alternately give 2 very thin glazes of black over the black armour to make it all blend in (keep it very thing though)

thank, yeah i plan on doing a wash over the black armor but i realized i was out of badab black wash. I thought i had two bottle of it but i can't find them...so i guess i have to wait till i can get some more. Also these pics are big and they exagerate every highlight. The highlights look more subtle in person, and i was thinking of brighting up the sword too. Its the first ime doing the lightnight on the blade and i am debating whether or not i will keep it or not. It didn't turn out as cool as the pics from the codex. I might just redo the sword all together.

Army update:

Well its the 30th and now i can start working on the Call of the Imperium Vows. Luckily i was able to get my other 5 man assault squad and my captain that isn't apart of the vow done before hand. Again the idea is to get an army painted and finished up to 2000 points. So i am keeping the paint scheme as simple as possible yet retaining enough details to make the army stand out. These guys are done except for some static grass to the base and a coat of sealant. I gotta get some more PVA glue for the grass..so thats the hold up.

SO here is the 5th Company Captain, Captain Akaleos, Lord of the Reavers. Basically my 5th company uses the nickname "Reavers" for there company, so his banner incorporates that name instead, while his shoulder proudly bares his name. Also the banner has the Chapter Symbol and 5th written within the circle. Its a little hard to make out the 5th part as its in the fold and in the shadows.




And next up is the 5 man assault squad. These are a bit harder to see the details, but the idea is also to get a feel of how the army is going to look when its all said and done.





Now to start working off my first ever B&C vows.

not sure exactly what you mean. They are a successor chapter of the blood angels. They share a similar iconography, as they use the company markings that the blood angels use, as well as similar squad markings. The chapter icon however is a blood drop with bat wings. Its similar to the blood angels icon, since most of the second founding chapters used icons similar to the Bloodangels, but i added a bat wing as it looked cool against the blood drop and gave them a more sinister look to them.
Nice models and colour scheme, but you need to lose that apostrophe from the chapter name!

Damn, someone got there before me! :lol:


Still, your army's got a cool shadowy look going on there & the blades contrast the deep red really nicely. Looking forward to seeing that furioso all liveried up :lol:

Thanks guys. I really want them to have a darker feel, almost border line chaos, but it seems to fit in well with the Grim Darkness that is now 40k.


I will go ahead and add the few extra pics in this thread too. Heres the pics i took last night for my army. I posted the COI updates in the COI thread too already.

so heres 15 RAS marines with just the base coat of scab red over the inital black washed black primer.


And the 5 RAS for the first squad that have the red built up, and the basecoat of the cloth and purity seals, as well as the army icon done.



I am also working on 3 sanquinary priests while i work on these squads. I know they aren't part of my CoI vow, but they are technically apart of these 3 assault squads i am working on. Well the two i am working on and the 5 man squad I already have finished.



and now the Furioso Librarian dread, fully built and primed/black washed. I wont be working on his paint tho until i get my RAS done and my first 4 tanks painted because i need to finish the COI vow units before i start having fun painting him. And yes i said 4 tanks because while i am painting the Baal for the vow, i will be painting a second Baal at the same time. Might as well knock them out together.



Right now i am working on building up the red on the priests and the other half of the first 10 man RAS. I also have the white built up on the priests too. I will probably get another update pic when i get these guys finished and hoping to visit the nearest gaming store next wednesday. Considering its a 45-50 min drive one way its no easy hop over. But i will try to get some good quality pics from the store and some battle pics of my army i hope. Itching to get some game testing in on the new dex. Plus i need that extra motivation to keep painting. Its been hard with my busy schedule but luckily i got another night of painting in this week since i can't proceed with my Class assignment till i get some feedback and the class helps me narrow down a layout for a design project. YEAH!!! for extra painting time.

The dread looks nice, the scrolls and banner at the bottom as well as the extra banners on the front and side should add to tle libbie feel. The cc weapon looks sweet.


The marines looks awesome ( I am so envious of you BA players for those sweet plastics... I want giant swords and axes! <_< )



Well there are some nice bitz from the new blood angel sprue, but personally i think most of the bitz are too cluttered. Most of them have to much fiddly little details that make speed painting an army difficult. Also it makes each model a bit ornate. For example alot of the pistols and chainswords from the death company have several little blood drops all over them, chains dangling, extra litanie parchment designs that are just to much. Especially on a small pistol or the edge of the chainsword. While some of the chains swords are actually cool, those are the ones that have the ornate looking handles and simple chain blade. Also there are lots of helms and chests that are just great, and i wish they would do more of those. A few of the legs are nice too but again lots of ropes and purity seals and blooddrop jewelry. Some is nice, maybe on a sergeant but overall they are a bit fiddly. Also the shoulderpads, some are nice, but most are just to extravagant looking. The sanguinary guard for example just don't have any basic shoulderpads without any sort of ornamentation. So there is no way to add your own army symbol to any of the pads in the kit. So it sucks for us DIY chapters. Lots of feather motives and fancy looking blood angel icons on the shoulder pads, and the others have grails and such. I think the designer went a bit overboard on some of the details. It would be nice tho if they would just release a blood angel upgrade kit for the assault squads and tac squads that have well, blood drop chest eagles and some fancy torsos, lots of stylized blood angel shoulderpads, but not so overboard on the feathers. Maybe a shoulder pad that has a blood drop imbedded in the corner or something a little simple. Also i will say there are a few back packs that i like, one in particule has 3 blood drops in place of the back top vents and its nice, but with all the ropes and parchment paper on some of them, they are just a bit overdone on detail.

Afterall, sometimes simpler is better and i think in the case of the blood angel specific kits..a little simpler detailing on some bits would have made the kits much more universal and better overall.

Not to mention, had GW thought about this, made the armor and stuff more ornate but less fiddly little blood angel details everywhere, more people could have easily bought hese kits to add to there army. The sanquinary guard bodies make awesome looking vanguard vet bodies with very little reworking of the details, and the backpacks cand work for other chapters too, just they need to replace a few heads(helmeted ones), and replace the shoulderpads and they work perfectly for almost any other chapter out there. Can't say the same for the death company tho.

  • 2 weeks later...

Got an update.

Well heres the first squad for the COI done.

My 10 man Assault squad.


And so you can see them better, some close ups. I wanted to get some side angle shots but they came out blurry. Guess i rotated them and shot the pic to fast. Maybe next time i can get some good close up shots of the army icon.




And to show, i am working on the 3 tanks for COI next. I figured these might be easier to knock out while working on class assignments so i am beginning to apply the paint. Right now just a base coat of black and the scab red. I plan to further the trio of tanks with knocking out the metal sections tonight, and trying to bring the red sections up to there final color this weekend.



And then i have my extra unit that i got painted when i was working on the assault squad. I guess i should have waited so i could add more to my COI units after i finished the first 5 units, but i just couldn't wait to paint the priests. My trio of sanguinary priests.





Also i changed the look of the powerweapons to a simple and easier way to paint. The lightning feel that the weapons have in the new dex look good, but it was a bit of a pain and slowed the army painting down. Have to stay focused, as this isn't a golden demon painted army but a speed painted above tabletop average army. I want it to have some good details and look awesome on the tabletop and to get it finished, not win painting competitions. So i went back and changed all my power weapons to something a bit simpler to paint. They still look striking on the table which is all that really matters.


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