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Call of Chaos MKIV - Cult of Flesh WIP Thread

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I realize this post says Call of Chaos IV, but much time has passed, much real life has interfered with the hobby, etc. Call of Chaos V era stuff will be part way down the page after the Dreadknight conversion images. I figured it would be better to just add to this WiP blog rather than start a new one.




After one of the guys at my local store asked if I wanted to participate in the 'ardboyz this year, a little time with Army Builder got me thinking about a dedicated Slaanesh list I've been kicking around for a while. After planning out the 1850 and 2500 lists and being really charged about it for once (been kinda burnt out since I played IG in a lengthy campaign of getting my face smashed by powerfists and not having enough room to work on an army that scale) I decided to start on the list...then rottenlad told me about the call and I knew I had to sign up. Slaanesh demands it...


For the Call, I'll be submitting the majority of the 2500 point list for the Cult of Flesh, a cabal of Slaanesh's favored subjects: fallen Eldar who, in the pursuit of killing in His name have made themselves stronger and more perfect as killing machines, adopteing the armor, tactics, and weapons of the Astartes. (A while back I did some Chosen that were a hybrid of the new Howling Banshees and the current Chaos Space Marines and I think they turned out pretty well, so I'm running further with the theme, mostly because I like the look on Eldar player's faces when I field corrupted Eldar stuff.)


One Chaos Terminator Lord, MoS, Daemon Weapon, Personal Icon

One squad of ten terminator champions, two reapers (one chainfist, one powerfist), 8 pairs of lightning claws, MoS

One squad of three terminators, three combi-melta/chainfist, MoS

One squad of three terminators, one heavy flamer/lightning claw, two combi-flamers, MoS

One squad of ten raptors, two melta guns, MoS, Icon


Other units in the list to include;


Two squads of ten Noise Marines, 9 sonic blasters, 1 blastmaster w/ havoc equipped rhinos

Two squads of ten Lesser Daemons (or possibly 4 squads of 5, needs play testing)

Two units of two Oblits


I'm waiting on parts to come in for the conversion work, but I do have a good start on most of the plastic I need, so that shouldn't be an issue. I'll post some pictures of the Chosen I mentioned in the next day or two to hold you all over till I start making progress on the Call units.

  • 3 weeks later...

May, Update #1

Well, it took longer than I hoped but I finally have something worth posting for the update. I'm still waiting on almost all the models I ordered from the Dark Elf line as they're direct only now and they haven't come in at my local shop yet, so I thought I'd start with the simple ones that could be done with basic terminators and DE Wytches.

C&C definitely welcome as I haven't completely decided what I want to do with them to finish the conversion off. I'm thinking robes/sashes/clothy bits to help make it look like the pewter bits are supposed to be in the terminator armor, but past that, I don't know. Not sure if I even need anything more really...






Will post more as the week goes on. I should have all I need for all three of the combi-melta/chainfist terminators and the combi-flamer/heavy flamer group. Hopefully the rest of my bits will be in before I run out of things to do on these guys...

AWESOME! this is how Slaanesh should be!


as for GS-ing: i suggest to add a long robe in the front, covering the gap and add some smal ones at the shoulders and lower back, to make it a bit more female, and besides: there Slaanesh-followers, they have the right to be decorated :D

Thanks for the feedback guys. I need to get some practice for making robes/cloaks/cloth effects that don't look like garbage with GS, so if anyone knows of a few good online tutorials for sculpting free hanging cloth, PM me or post a link please. At this point They're coming along well. I've got two of the combi-melta/chainfist terminators done and I'll probably finish the third and start on a little of the gap-filling greenstuff before the next post. I've also got a few of the models that are destined for Raptor death attack and the Dark Elf fig I was waiting on for the lord, so lots of options for what to work on next. More pics to come when I spontaneously feel like I've hit a good progress mark...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've got the combi-melta/chainfist termicide squad assembled and will be upping pics today after work. There was an unfortunate mishap with one of the models as an engraving bit tried to and did eat most of a face, but I figure I can do a gas-mask SoB style and it won't matter that she doesn't have a nose or lips...and of course, maybe I can come up with something more...sadistic, but we'll see.


Next up is either some of the Raptors, the Lord, or the greenstuff work on the 6 assembled terminators just for a change of pace. I need to sort out a few issues with my lightning claws before I can work on the rest of the brick anyway (the '5 pair box' came with 4 pair, plus 2 of the same side, plus I have to find 2 more pair in my bits box) and as I've just done a trio of combi-weapon terminators, I don't want to do the other termicide squad just yet.


Pics in ~16 hours...

So I guess I lied. I was fully intending to work on something else earlier today, but I ended up building the termicide of flamey doom tonight. As always, thoughts and opinions welcome and appreciated.


I guess this must have been a deep strike mishap...yeah, that's it...



Anti-troop termicide squad. I decided to make the heavy flamer guy a champion with power weapon instead of a regular guy with a lightning claw. Rerolls are nice, but so are bonus attacks. Plus, I don't have enough spare claws...



Melta-cide squad. The gangster is the one without a face if you couldn't tell.

I figured I'd add the previous three into a new group shot in front of the ruins of my subjugator. Maybe once I'm done with the Call, I'll fix it...


And a big group shot...


  • 3 weeks later...
I still need to check over everything, but I -think- I've got all the rest of the dark elf bodies I need for the rest of the Call. Life's been chaotic lately with a temporary adoption of a stray labrador that got dumped, but hopefully I'll get the factory rolling again in the near future.
  • 10 months later...

Well, I don't know if anyone was tracking this thread, but it seems like a good a place as any to post news. I'm coming back to my roots as it were. I've been dealing with a nasty fungal infection and all the conversion opportunities the Green Tide offers, but it seems I've lost momentum on that and First Heretic is whispering sweet heresy in my ear again...


My previous 1850 that the Cult of Flesh was based on was the following (it evolved to be slightly different than in the OP);


Lord in Termi armor, Mark of S, D-weapon

10x termi champions, Mark of S, 8 pairs of claws, 1 chainfist / reaper, 1 pfist / reaper as the main deathstar

3x termis, Mark of S, combi melta and chainfist all

2x termis w/ combi flamers and 1x termi champ with heavy flamer (all Mark of S of course)

2x Noise marine squads, 9x sonics, 1x blastmaster, rhino (one havoc, one combi-melta)

2x squads of summoned lesser daemons (6 per squad...holy numbers might be dead in rules, but not in fluff)...


Well, after a few play-tests I wasn't so keen on the D-weapon. It's good an' all, but sometimes it outright biffs the Lord and she doesn't get any attacks off in the process. All the claws at I5 are more than enough to wipe out pretty much everything, and the fists can deal with anything heavier, so I don't know that I need blissgiver except for it's tasty instant-death ability. Also, as soon as I saw the Dread Knight, as per proper hobby hive-mind, I naturally thought Daemon Prince. I think you can all figure out what's coming...


Picked up a Dread Knight and Lelith Hesperax to replace the mini-me on the front of the knight. It will debut as a winged lash prince, along with some point swapping in the above-mentioned list. I'm dropping the champion in the flamer squad down to a regular to free up 10 points, the prince comes in at 5 points higher than the lord, and the other 5 points is going to upgrade the combi rhino to a havoc rhino. Thoughts and CC appreciated, and I'm stoked about this conversion, so I'll be working on it soon. Pics to follow in the next couple weeks...


I think the lash prince will prove to be more reliable than the d-weapon terminator lord, and the conversion will be fun. For wings, it's getting 3-5 Sanguinary jump packs I think, but I'll have to play with it to see what I'm going to do exactly. I'm also thinking of using the soulgrinder sword instead of the Inquisition sword, though with the right paint scheme the inquisition sword might have delicious irony as well. Also, thoughts on what to do with the imperial iconography? Leave it and paint it to mock the imperium, remove it and smooth it over, or replace it with something more chaotic?

  • 1 month later...

So I've got most of the parts sorted, greenstuff mostly done, and most of the pose work taken care of. There are some hard to reach places, so I'm going to paint before final assembly, but I wanted to get some feedback on the DP as it stands. Stuck together with blu-tac and bent paperclip clamps, here she is. Lelith isn't quite in the right pose because the model kept wanting to lean forward, and the chain that will eventually go from her hands to the harness sockets that hold the marine in normally aren't present yet.







The blu-tac wasn't quite sturdy enough to keep both of the swords in position, but this last shot is closer to what I'm aiming for. I want her doing the blade on blade scrape trying to scare the crap out of the followers of the false emperor before she chops them to teeny tiny bits. Since it's got a bit of a mech feel, I didn't want actual wings, so I thought the giant jump-pack complete with big daemon-face intake was enough to work. Some or all of the leg plates will make an appearance on the final model with the words filed off, filled in, and the contours smoothed out via sanding sponge.

Thoughts and comments welcome.

Seems to work for me. I upped them to the B&C gallery and copied the BBC code directly. *shrugs*


As for picture quality, apologies. My room is terrible for lighting and I don't have the free space to set up my normal lighting rig at the moment, so I had to compensate with some camera voodoo.

  • 1 year later...

So as it turns out, I'm not dead. Took a long break because I didn't really have a dedicated space to work in. The winds of change picked up with 6e Chaos hitting stores. At first I thought my list was ruined since half of my 'essential' units either weren't valid or would cost too much to be worth while. After much lamenting, I actually came up with a new list that salvaged most of it. Of course, relying on teleportation to get the bulk of my close combat death squad into the fray without taking a ton of casualties, I was naturally drawn to the dimensional key. I think the only realistic way to field it is in the hands of a Prince, so I built a list around adding one...and thus, my Daemon Prince(ss) of Slaanesh was born. Always loved the old Daemonettes before the new plastic ones. I wanted to mod the DP to feel inspired by the old models. I think I'm 95% happy with this; might need a couple of touch ups here and there yet, but almost ready for paint.

I also noticed after updating this thread that Brother Nihm has just put out the Call of Chaos V. It's like I was meant to post this tonight or something. As much as it goes against the nature of Slaanesh, I'm keeping the pledge more...modest...this time in hopes of actually finishing it.

For Call of Chaos V, I pledge the following offering;

To finish and paint the Daemon Prince in this post.

To finish and paint a squad of 10 noise marines.

To finish and paint a Heldrake.

If I meet this pledge by the deadline, I pledge an additional Rhino for the noise marine squad.

Thoughts and comments welcome as always.





I really like the daemon prince(ss) and look forward to seeing what you come up with for the call of chaos V. If i could offer some advise i would suggest removing the horns on the DP as i think this would make the face more feminine and therefore more inline with the body.


Just my two cents



I really like the daemon prince(ss) and look forward to seeing what you come up with for the call of chaos V. If i could offer some advise i would suggest removing the horns on the DP as i think this would make the face more feminine and therefore more inline with the body.


Just my two cents




I was actually considering cutting them off for a repose before I started adding the tentacle hair. I might play around with the image in photoshop and try to get a better idea for how it will look either with reposed horns or amputated horns. I wouldn't mind re-doing one like the old daemonettes used to have, but I guess it slipped my mind.


Brilliant stuff man, loving everything so far.


As for those terminators I'd love to see some mutated tubing and stuff fusing them into their armour (old guitar strings and wires are great for that).


Keep it up bro




Yeah, that was all part of the plan for them, but life got in the way and interest started to fizzle. Tubes and flowing robes will blend the gap between hacked up metal models and carved up plastic armor. Honestly, until I put together the daemon prince(ss) and went to town on the sculpting I was never all the confident with greenstuff, so the whole 'I know I want them to have draped robes and stuff to complete the look' thing was intimidating. I don't know what was different about this time, but I just sat down and did it. The big old daemon boobs were a three step sculpt and maybe I just didn't have the patience or confidence for that a couple years ago. At any rate, after the pledge has been assembled and painted, I definitely want to get my terminators finished. They make up the bulk of the awesome I try to bring to the table. Who doesn't like a bunch of well endowed scantly clad women in stompy armor fighting in the name of sin and excess? :D

  • 1 month later...

November Update 1

I know it's a bit late in the month for a first update, but I've still got a few days to make my second one. Life's been running full force and I've been distracted from my pledge as usual :rolleyes: . I've also been fighting some questionable paint that's taking more coats than it should to get a smooth uniform finish, but that part's between me and Games Workshop I guess...

Anyway, here's the state of things:

Finalized the DP conversion, primed black and started initial coat of red on flesh. Later tonight, I'll be doing the initial coat of blue on everything else.

The Heldrake is in pieces getting a solid base color. I hadn't realized how difficult the drake would be to paint in any state of assembly so I had to do a bit of backtracking on a few pieces. Solid base is almost done, time to start with the fun stuff.

The Defiler has been stripped and is in the process of being rebuilt. I'm not sure if I'll do any scratch converting or not at this point as I'm pressed for time. I had initially thought of Slanneshing it up a bit more with some custom legs that look a bit more like the triarch stalker with the big legs in the front and the little ones in the back, but all Slanneshed out to look almost Eldar, but twisted. This might take too much time and get nixed.

The Noise Marines are in need of repair and reinforcement, but they should be faster and easier than the detail heavy big models, so I'm holding on those.

Without further delay, some quick photos of the above mentioned paint.




Nov Update 2

May not seem like a huge update, but I put the secondary base coat and initial color on the daemon princess, as well as making the red more uniform. Now I need to start working the purple range on the blue parts, working through the flesh tones on the red, and hopefully it'll look like a really fair skinned sex demon with purple wings and armor :tu:

I haven't completely decided if the weapon will be purple range as well or if I'll bring work the blues into green highlights just so it stands out a little more. I suppose I could work it up through the shadow grey to bone white range as well since it's supposed to represent the dimensional key.

And now, pics...




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