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Pre Heresy World Eaters

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Well, this is gona be my entry.


I want to sart with Captain Khârn and 5 'zerkers.


Khârn is in the modelling stage right now. I have a problem with him. I don't have any chainaxe, so I must to build one (by this way, I have ruined two chainswords...) but I'm not sure with the results.


After this units, I probably add some PH terminators (I hope 3 at least) and/or 5 marines.


And this are the sketch of Khârn with a friend from a world under conquer:


With a smal non-converted axe from a old metal champion (and mutilated) skeleton:




And here with a plastic converted thunder-chainaxe:




Side view from the axe:




Still very very WIP, needs very GS to fix some stuff but is the general idea. The helmet is not the final one, just I don't want to show the big guy without head.


So what do you think guys? What axe is better? I belive that the small one is in better scale, but is Khârn and he can rip tanks, even landraiders with his bare hands (a part from the fact that Gorechild was a gift from his primarch, and everyones knows that they are big and awesome).


Some thoughts?

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A rival appears!


Hah for CoCIV I'm also doing Pre-Heresy World Eaters (a captain and a command squad of 5)... anyway click the linky if you want to look at the topic I made a few days ago... also as you will see from my bad sketches I intend to have a head with the spine attached for brother "sub-zero"... so it will be interesting to see what you do ;)



In the original idea Khârn must be holding some guts, but I don't have here my WHFB zombies (at least not the one with the exposed guts) so Predator comes to my mind. If you care about this just tell me and I drop the head :)


Besides, nice sketches you heretic! :lol:



In the original idea Khârn must be holding some guts, but I don't have here my WHFB zombies (at least not the one with the exposed guts) so Predator comes to my mind. If you care about this just tell me and I drop the head ;)


Besides, nice sketches you heretic! :HQ:


Why am I a heretic?

Pre update!


Progress in Khârn's friend:




Khârn's photobook:






General view:




Still WIP but near to be ready for painting.

I think your project has a lot of promise, and that's why I felt compelled to post here.


I love the pose and the idea, first off. Standing triumphant over a trivial-enemy-challenger, holding it's spine and skull aloft for his buddies to see and tremble ... awesome!


However, the awesome is diminished by the comparative size of him and his prey; GW makes Guardsmen the same size as Space Marines. This is something that can hardly be avoided. However, it can be minimized.


1) without altering the Guardsman, you could place Khârn on top of the rock, and the Guardsman laying in the dirt. Then Khârn will look taller.

2) without altering the Guardsman, you could redo the base and make it recessed like this. Then Khârn will look taller than the Guardsman again.

3) Alter the Guardsman. I did this for a few bases way back; I had my Daemon Prince standing on top of three dead guardsmen. But I decided the scale was off, so I had to somehow make them smaller. I chopped them into pieces. You've done a pretty good job of flattening him out, but you can do better. File down his back (or, if you have a dremel, cut him in half shoulder to shoulder wise so that he'll sit really flat), his legs, and feet so that it looks like he's sunk into the dirt or mud or what-have-you. If you don't have a dremel, just take the guardsman, lay him onto a large file, and go nuts. Shouldn't take too long.

4) Do all of (1-3) those things. That'll have Khârn looking massive compared to the Guardsman, and give the piece more gravity.


Rock on!

Thanks for your advices & encouragement Brother Gothard, very useful tricks :lol:


I've followed your tips and looks much better. I reversed the position of the rock and I moved to be free 40% of the base. Here is the new stand:






And the fixed Gorechild:





Just needs to fix the bottom of the pole.


P.S: Nice blog BTW!

General Warning!


For those who do not know me (all of you) this is a general advertise. I'm pretty bad painting, I'm enjoying very much playing and converting -also painting- but usually never finish a work, this is the main reason for my entry in the CoI IV.


So no expect professional painting, far Mona Lisas: basecoat, wash and highlights (last optional). Be gentle please.


April, UPDATE 1


Well, I spent almost all day making various things, GS casting (my first time, pretty much an epic fail) for the termie's pre heresy shoulderpads -I know, not termies until finish stuff, but I have thoe pads rounding my head again and again and again and... Whatever. Also priming Khârn and his fellow -his name is "Lucky" Luke- and making the base. The base is almost done and I'm pretty happy with the blood effect, and the rock color. The ground is sandpaper (I'm a cheap guy) cutted like a dried, thirsty and scorched earth. Happy earth, will be filled with blood! Yumi!!


But, stop talking, here's Lucky:








Need to fix some blood drops, but it's more or less the final result. Oh, I'm a :geek: noob, I almost forgot! Two mould lines -that I've forgot- escaped from me ¬¬' One on the head (not time for the head tonight :) but is 80% finished) and one on the arm.


Anyways, hope you like it!



Woohoo! Two updates in a day! Oh yeah ^_^


I have news, the Pre Heresy Shoulder for the terminators ARE a fail -checked- but still trying. Here are the pics:




As you can see, this pads are very ugly. The most of the fail is because I forgot to remove the original at the time, the resut is that the piece was difficult to draw, breaking part of the mould in the process. Besides, the size:




So I'm a bit sad :( But I learns from mistakes :)


Anyways, here is something that makes me happy, Khârn is done! It's been a busy day, I wanted to have it done tomorrow in the morning, but without realizing I managed to finish him. An exhausting and profitable afternoon :)


ADVICE: Countless mould lines -I hate them! ;) - almost ruin the model, but I fixed what I could. Now, see the Betrayer in al his glory!




Left view:




Right view of the ;) freehand:








And front:




Hope you like it!!

Damn. :D


That is superb. The spatter is perfectly executed and I do not believe you when you say you are no great painter - if I could do colours as sharp as that, a very happy man would I be.


Thanks Paladin7221, I'm flattered! But you better belive me, I'm a mediocre painter. If you doubt, just check my Blood Angels army fail WIP: Link.


Coman man thats really sick !


yeah its done well but thats disturbing to see the poor guard :´(


Thanks I guess :D Lucky had the good fortune and honor that be the first of many, many dead guards!


Next target: 5 psycho marines. Those guys are most in mk 7 & 8 power armour, so first I must think how convert them.



Update time!


Assault marines today. I've been thinking on how to make the conversions, as I have almost no experience in pre heresy armor. Finally I decided to make the sergeant in mk IV and the marines in mk III, since the mk III is an assault oriented armor I think that fits pretty well.


Ok, I have no GS tools besides of the modelling knives and my fingers :lol: but the result is almost acceptable methinks.


First, the Sargeant (aka aspiring champion):




As you can see, is far from complete, the GS is now waiting to cure, so it can be cut and smooth. This guy, unnamed yet, will be armed with a power fist and a bolt pistol, and tons of rage.


For the mk III iron armor I followed this great tutorial, and also this.


Here the first assault marine (aka berzerker), front:




And back:




And the second one, left side:




And back:




In less of one hour I have the three in this current state! Great tutorials, thought.


C&C very welcome ;)


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