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My Crimson Fists


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G'day fellas,


Been reading here for a few years, hardly post, but decided why not post up a few pics of my current Crimson Fists army thats WIP.

So far I have completed a Captain, 2x tac squads, Vanguards, Termi Assault squad, Scout Squad, AoBR Dred, 2x Razorbacks and a LR Crusader.

The extreme highlights were actually intended, kind of a homage to the fluro marines in 2nd edition.


Enough with the words, on with the pics.










And yes even the inside is fully painted...




At first when I started filling in the details (before high lighting for a change) I was a bit unhappy with the golden crux on the front door. Now that it's complete I actually quite like it.


Brother Yuric






and an old photo taken way back when I first started with my Captain and 1st Tac Squad WIP



Objective marker / terrain



I tried taking some more pics, but the lack of a decent camera atm and shoddy lighting is not making very attractive shots. More pics will come when I get the chance to borrow an SLR camera and have better lighting.

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OMG....that is top notch painting! Wow! Pure goodness! What is your recipie for such amazing blue?


Thanks for the compliments. The blue is an easy yet painfully long (drying time) process.


1) Black undercoat.

2) Airbrush Necron Abyss

3) Heavy coat of Leviathan Purple (hand paint for minis, airbrush for vehicles). This tints the original blue to a much darker colour to be shaded in step 5.

4) Paint Boltgun Metal into all metal areas, Mechrite Red into lens' and purity seals (leave gloves blue atm).

5) Heavy coat Badab Black (again airbrush this for vehicles). This shades the entire model and darkens the tinted blue from step 3.

6) First highlight with Ultramarines Blue.

7) Second highlight with Ice Blue.


All other reds are Mechrite shaded with Devlan highlighted with blood red and blazing orange. The heavy coats of the washes take forever to dry but well worth it in the end.

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what do you mean when you say heavy coat?


Get a decent size cheap brush (around size 4) and load it up with the required wash. Paint this onto the mini until it starts to pool in and fill in the details.

Get a clean brush and remove excess wash so not to obscre the details.


Its really hard to explain without pics (gotta love formatting the PC) but simply put as much on as you physically can in 1 coat. Just make sure you dont fill in the details.

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Yours is the first CF army with a look that I really adore. Pure beauty!

Sometimes they tend to be painted too dark or either too close to Ultra blue.

But this deep dark blue with the strong and extremely precise highlights and perfect shade of red... just gorgeous.

I'll save your images to my 40k picture gallery right now if you don't mind. :)

Oh yes, and would gladly see more more more. :)

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Captain Cortez (Lysander) is complete.









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Very nice work, the extreme highlighting works especially well on the tanks where it breaks up the large flat surfaces.


Nice to see your still around MFV (<---- Old Legio Morbidius lurker)

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Thanks for the compliments guys. It has been a little slow this week on the painting side due to work, but I still managed to complete another unit.

Here are the Sternguards. The plan for these guys is to load up in a drop pod (soon to be assembled) with Lysander and be an expensive anti MEQ nusiance unit.



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Loving this army, especially the extreme highlights (who cares if they're unrealistic- they post human super warriors!)


My only issue is Cortez- in the Rynns World book he is described as in power armour with only a Power Fist and Bolt Pistol, although he requires a robotic arm at the end of it (wont say why though for spoiler's sake)

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My only issue is Cortez- in the Rynns World book he is described as in power armour with only a Power Fist and Bolt Pistol


I know fluff wise Cortez is in power armour, I even managed to get that miniature for a steal on ebay. My army is based after Rynn's World hence no squad markings on the right shoulder. They have so few marines left that they all have to multirole and fill in where needed. As for Cortez in Terminator armour, I wanted to somehow incorporate the Lysander model into the army and basically having it represent the 'what if' Cortez reappeared from being MIA fighting with the Eldar.

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