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500pt list help


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Hi guys, I believe this is the right area for this. I am new to 40k and am working on getting a 500pt army for a battle with my friend who plays Tau. I am wondering what i should include in my army list. I have AoBR and I am planning to field 2, 10 man tac squads, and the AoBR captain. Any suggestions on my list or what to equip my guys with would be helpful.


What are some good tactics for fighting Tau?


Also should I use a captain of go for a chaplain because of the fewer points?


Thanks again!

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At 500 points, I would worry less about how to fight Tau specifically and more about learning the game and having a good time. <3


That said, go with the flamer/ML combo as they're free upgrades and solid weapons. Throw a power fist in at least one of those tac squads, maybe two if you have the parts.


Tau are very powerful at range and very, very weak in melee. If you can get close, shoot with pistols instead of your bolterguys and ML (the flamer is okay to use) and charge them. You'll eat them. Once they understand this, they will do all they can to get away from you.


Get Rhinos. Encourage your Tau-playing friend to also get Transports. They define this current version of the game and, esp. if you ever play with other people, you will need them.


Have a good time. =)

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Thanks man, I really appreciate it! Yeah we have done a few small skirmishes just a few troops vs a few troops and we have learned most of the rules accept vehicles and upgrades. Just as a question do you recommend using a chaplain instead of a captain? If I used a chaplain do you think that I would have enough points for a rhino? Thanks again for you helpful information!
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Welcome to the Forums.


A chaplain will actually be cheaper in the long run than a Captain... because a chaplain is well equiped at 100pts. Jumppacking Chaplains are perfect at 115pts. A captain needs equipment to be worth while.


2 Basic tacticals will run you 340pts. A chaplain runs you 100, giving 60pts for upgrades.... and two rhinos is 70pts.


So instead I suggest you get a Razorback with twin-linked heavy bolters, and upgrade one of your tacticals to a Plasmagun and Plasmacannon for shooting battle suits, terminators, and other heavy infantry.


You might also consider getting some scouts for a second troops choice in smaller games, as it can really help give you some extra points.

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Except that the poor tact squad with chaplain will be fearless, and it's not always a good plan. Well, against Tau if you manage to charge them it's good, but try against 500 pts Orks with some Nobz and you'll see what I mean. ;) I prefer a not that useful naked captain at 115 pts rather than a HQ that leads your guys to slaughter and force them to be slayed.


Chaplains have their uses: having a JP and leading an full assault squad, but it's out of the question in 500 pts. (and I think the chaplain is more than 115 pts with the JP IIRC). Or being Cassius and lead a Assault Termies squad, but it's even less for 500 pts...

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Tactical Squad - P.Fist, M.Launcher, Flamer 195

Tactical Squad - M.Launcher, Flamer 170

Chaplain - 100

Rhino - 35

500 pts


This is a good list for your first games in 40k.


Combat squad the first tac squad, split them so the flamer and p.fist sarge travel with the chaplain in the rhino. These six guy will easily make mince-meat of the tau gun line....remember to run to cover after you annihilate a squad.


The other two squads should either slowly advance or just sit back and take pot-shots. try to advance the second tac squad (through cover), and have the other half of the first squad sit back and fire that m.launcher into the tau. Not the most effective use for them, but you will quickly learn infantry rules this way.

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And you'll hate the world for not having those <DELTED BY THE INQUISITION> 10 points required to buy a razorback...


Good build, I'll try it, mine was (IIRC) :


Tactical Squad - M.Launcher, Flamer 170

Tactical Squad - M.Launcher, Flamer 170

Captain with PW - 115

HB Razorback - 45

500 pts


Please just use the :o smiley as the board rules ask.

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At low points I would always field a Librarian. The Librarian does not need to upgradet to be effective, so you can have your HQ choice for 100pts dead.


So you have a few points left to invest into you tactical suqads. I would recommend plasma rifles - they will help against everyting :ph34r:

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Thanks man, I really appreciate it! Yeah we have done a few small skirmishes just a few troops vs a few troops and we have learned most of the rules accept vehicles and upgrades. Just as a question do you recommend using a chaplain instead of a captain? If I used a chaplain do you think that I would have enough points for a rhino? Thanks again for you helpful information!


If you are playing larger games, like 1500 or something, Captains are good for their Command Squad option and his better statline. But in 500, the free power weapon comes in really handy.


500 point army list:


Chaplain - 100 pts


Tactical Squad 1 - 225 pts

Missle Launcher - free

Flamer - free

Power Weapon on Sergeant

Razorback with Twin Linked Heavy Bolter - 40 pts


Tactical Squad 2 - 175 pts

Missle Launcher - free

Meltagun - +5


I don't have much experience in 500 but this is what this list would work:

Tac squad 1 "Combat Squads". Put the Sarge and the Flamer in one and the Missle Launcher guy in the other. The ML part sits on an objective while the Sergant half rides on the Razorback with the Chaplain for some pure CC overkill goodness while the other combat squad takes pot-shots at the enemy battlesuits, vehcles or any T4, multi-wound target.


Tac Squad 2 rolls around on the flank and maybe stopping occasionally to shoot at something nasty in CC. The Meltagun is simply an insurance to protect you from those battlesuits running at you.


My 2 cents

Have fun with this list! Good luck.

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Hell yeah, you're right ! A Librarian. I just forgot it (I don't own one, sadly).


The problem with the chappy is the "no fear" rule. I think it's pretty bad for tactics, even worse if combat sqadded. OK the librarian has other drawbacks (less resilient), but at least he doesn't force his men to die.


How will you tailor a 500 pts list against the AoBR Orks for example ? It's a huge problem for me at this points level, coping with 5 vanilla Nobz and a Big Boss with PKlaw. Thinking that these evil big green basterds count as troops with the BB !

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I would think plasma cannons might help. They're effective against heavy infantry and a few stray shots can land you some dead boys, hah. Avenger would put the pain on those nobs, but as always I cross my fingers when charging orks (better to charge then be charged i guess). Through all those rounds of shooting and avenger, a small squad with a libby and pf serg should whack them to submission.
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I sooo want to try that !

I usually feel bad and on the losing end below 750-1000 pts with marines.


Thanks guys !


And yeah, you're right Zynk Kaladin: even if it's suicide, you have to charge them. If not, it's suicide, but faster and with less revenge !

Damn those Xenos !

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Hell yeah, you're right ! A Librarian. I just forgot it (I don't own one, sadly).


The problem with the chappy is the "no fear" rule. I think it's pretty bad for tactics, even worse if combat sqadded. OK the librarian has other drawbacks (less resilient), but at least he doesn't force his men to die.


How will you tailor a 500 pts list against the AoBR Orks for example ? It's a huge problem for me at this points level, coping with 5 vanilla Nobz and a Big Boss with PKlaw. Thinking that these evil big green basterds count as troops with the BB !


The thing is it all depends on the entire army 5 nobs and a Warboss at 500pts... (bare in mind I only have the BA dex with me atm)


85pts gets me a scout squad with a ML... I can frags boys or Krak nobs


170pts gets me a tactical squad with a ML which can combat squad so I don't need to fire all my bolter shots on the Nobs...


For 130pts I can have a Dev squad with 4 ML... I could kill his bodyguard and wound him with two turns of firing and then I could frag the hell out of the boys... or ID the deffkopters... if he has some other bits and bobs such as trukks I can take them out as well.


ML are great against most things in 500pts unless you play this guy I used to play who would take land raiders or blood thirsters in 500pts :D

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Thanks for the list information, I really appreciate it. Now I have another question, what is better a chaplain or librarian for the 500pt game I am going to play against my friend who plays Tau?


I am kinda leaning more toward the Librarian right now.

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Yeah I'd definitely go with the librarian. As Ookami pointed out, the chaplain's fearless rule is potentially dangerous for whichever unfortunate squad you choose to put him in. With the librarian you could even use gate to transport that squad around (a little risky, but oh so fun) and use avenger as others have suggested.
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Okay, so I am going to pick up a Librarian. I looked at gw's librarians online and there are alot of different ones to choose from. Which one should I buy? What are the differences between librarians? Also since I am playing ultramarines should i get Tigurius?
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Okay, so I am going to pick up a Librarian. I looked at gw's librarians online and there are alot of different ones to choose from. Which one should I buy? What are the differences between librarians? Also since I am playing ultramarines should i get Tigurius?


Tigurius isn't bad and you could use him as a normal librarian in friendly games as long as you inform your opponent beforehand ;)

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Don't really know where it is on the naked librarian GW is selling. I see the power sword, the niceties like book and keys, but he has no helmet, and his head wears nothing but bald skin. He has an implant on the back of the head, though, like the AoBR captain, but I don't know if it's a psychic hood. It seems to be more visible on tha TDA Librarian !
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