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585 point list

Brother-Captain Isaac

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Hi! Pretty new to B&C. I've been playing 1500 and 2000 games with a few guys at the LGS, but one day, Assault on Black Reach hit Hong Kong and staff are recommending it to every single customer they could find. A few weeks later, the game store was flooded with 585 point lists, even though the models are supposed to be worth 590 points. Nobody wants to play high point values and I'm stuck with a gigantic collection of models. I composed a little list and am not sure whether it would work on my to-be opponent tommorow:


AoBR list: (590 points)


Chaplain - 100 pts



Tactical Squad - 215 pts

Multi Melta

Plasma Gun

Plasma Pistol on Sergant

Rhino with Storm Bolter



Dreadnought - 125 points

Plasma Cannon

DCCW with Heavy Flamer


Heavy Support:

Predator - 120 points

Lascannon Sponsons


This list is also 1 troop choice for if I have to follow the FOC and they don't it's a bit unfair IMHO. The list is 590 points but that is the real value of the AoBR set, I did the math. If my opponent is a little kid or something I would switch the PP on the Sergant to a Combi-Plas instead.


C&C please!!!!!!

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Is nobody giving the Orks any love?


Beating the space marines out of AoBR shouldn't be very hard. The AoBR captain is awful. He's a pretty figure, but seriously... power sword + bolter? The tacsquad is passable, but the chainsword on the Sergeant is kind of wasteful (you'd prefer fist + bolter). Five terminators with no Assault Cannon, Chainfist, or Cyclone Missile Launcher is hardly the most dangerous thing in the book. The dread... no drop pod kind of makes him ineffective.


If you just want to win and you don't care about people hating you:-


100 - Librarian (Null-zone, Avenger)

75 - Scout Squad (5 models, BP&CCW)

250 - Standard Land Raider

150 - Attack Bike Squadron (3 models, 3 Multi-meltas)


- Deploy the LR on your baseline, pop his dred, keep the Terminators out of assault range, and you're basically untouchable.


On the other hand, if you want to have any friends ever, you should probably stick to the FOC (they're at enough of a disadvantage by playing the AoBR figures...), and bring at most one vehicle with at most 12AV.


Why not play the AoBR list yourself? (Or as close to it as you can approximate - I'm not sure I could bring myself to play a bolter/power-sword captain though...)

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Just play him as having a relic blade with or without hellfire shells and he can do alright.


The real problem with AoBR is that is has no respect for the normal FoC restrictions and gives you two elites choices rather than two troops IMO, but that is of course my opinion, I enjoy having a cheaper alternative to buying a box of terminators for bodies, and having a cheaper dread hull available is just gravy. The tacticals also do just fine as generic bolter marines, though I like my sarge kitted up a bit, and more special and heavy weapons are always appreciated.


Here's a tip for those AoBR termies. Buy one box Assault terminators, and mix in the AoBR termie bodies slong with the multipart termie bodies. Since the assault termies box comes with 10 weapon sets, you now have 10 assault termies, 5TH/SS and 5LC to mix and match as you please. :( They're also good mixed with multipart tac termies, painted up with some minor conversions, they don't look out of place a bit.


Simply put the AoBR is a great starting set, it comes with a variety of stuff and is playable with only one other purchase(tac squad or scouts box). In that respect it's a far better option than the old BfM box(though the introductory missions were fantastic there).


EDIT: got off on a rant. Your list is more than adequate to totally demolish the "AoBR List". You have well equipped tacticals and a real tank they won't have much on the board that can hurt(well, dread+ termies can but neither is very mobile). You have a plasma cannon to drop lovely templates that can hurt anything on the board, and ranged as well as closerange antitank. The AoBR list in comparison is pretty weak, but then again it's just default equip options so I saw that coming.


Anyways, if you want weaksauce try out the ork list(which is actually legal, a warboss can take one unit of nobs as troops) with twin big shootas in CC oriented boy squads(no squad leader!). Oh, and everybody loves a bunch of naked Nobs. Still, good conversion potential there and the plastic deffkoptas are wonderful.

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If people want to play small games get a copy of the 4th edition rule book and get people to play Combat patrol (400pts) which limits what options can be used (such as no 3 wound models) but is perfectly usable with 5th edition... or people could play Kill-team (200pts)... I don't see the point of playing some random points limit... oh and using FOC you are not at a disadvantage playing 2 troops IMO... Necrons on the other hand have a to spend 460pts on a minimum sized army (1 hq, 2 troops) with no upgrades.


I would agree with Mowglie on the Librarian over a chaplain (take powers that suit you), however if you expect to play any eldar maybe not the land raider :(



On another note why not just play people who have put time and effort into making a legal army and as you seem to like to play larger games why not find someone with 1,000pts+ of <insert force here>.

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I run an all foot army of 2 Black Reach sets + a couple extras. I changed the banners around a bit to vary the captains. One Tac squad got a captain's banner, and I use it as standin sternguard squad form time to time. Many times I take a librarian or two w/gate, using the captain model. The captain's sword can be a relic blade if you want it to be.


I wanted to try just using basic squads and basic weapons, without transports. It sets up differently than a mechanized army. And is best setup 2nd using refused flank. The object is to capitalize on your opponents setup. There is precious little mobility, save the the range of your guns, running, teleporting, or gating. Sometimes I will teleport or gate, but usually the threat of it is more valuable than actually doing it.


I usually play againt Tau. At first I lost, then I tied, now I mostly win... I have learned to hide behind terrain and come out later to limit exposure to fire in objective missions. Other times, I try to swarm, and setup as closely as possible. Hardest are the anialation missions, when setting up first. There is an art to swarming your opponent, without arriving piecemeal, (and being blasted to smitherines, one squad at a time.)




My usual 1500 pt list is:


4 Tac squads w/flamer and plasma cannon. (missiles count as plasma cannon and the sarge just gets a chainsword/pistol)

1 10man termie squad (2nd sarge counts as a powerfist)

1 chapter master

1 librarian (avenger, gate)

1 dreadnought (assault cannon)



At first, I tried missile lanchers, but prefer the plasma cannon so much, I just proxie them. If I am going to not move a squad, it will probably be because I need the plasma cannon's strenght to hit something I dont want near me. The blast is powerfull enough to really put on the hurt.


I have forced myself to play the termies without heavy weapons, as they come without in Black Reach. Like I say, I am using basic squads. But, I have not been disappointed with these guys, and find them to be my star performers. They are the shock troops that just about burst through anything. The strom bolters are great, adding nicely to the rapid fire the Tacs put down. And from fast moving skimmers, swamp lords and dreadnoughts to plain old normal troops, those wonderful powerfists can kill just about anything.


I will be adding a couple cyclones soon, because I just can't resist, but have played many games without them and find regular tactical termies to be excellent. Taking them in a massive 10 man squad is really fun! But many time I just combat squad them.


I have also tried using devestators (missile launchers) and sternguard to good effect from time to time.


Warprat ;)

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If people want to play small games get a copy of the 4th edition rule book and get people to play Combat patrol (400pts) which limits what options can be used (such as no 3 wound models) but is perfectly usable with 5th edition... or people could play Kill-team (200pts)... I don't see the point of playing some random points limit... oh and using FOC you are not at a disadvantage playing 2 troops IMO... Necrons on the other hand have a to spend 460pts on a minimum sized army (1 hq, 2 troops) with no upgrades.


I would agree with Mowglie on the Librarian over a chaplain (take powers that suit you), however if you expect to play any eldar maybe not the land raider :)



On another note why not just play people who have put time and effort into making a legal army and as you seem to like to play larger games why not find someone with 1,000pts+ of <insert force here>.

While I agree... getting 1k on the table is not hard, AoBR doesnt give much for combat patrol- Dreadnaughts have to high an AV total, Termies have a 2+ save, and Captains/Chapter Masters have 3 wounds.

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If people want to play small games get a copy of the 4th edition rule book and get people to play Combat patrol (400pts) which limits what options can be used (such as no 3 wound models) but is perfectly usable with 5th edition... or people could play Kill-team (200pts)... I don't see the point of playing some random points limit... oh and using FOC you are not at a disadvantage playing 2 troops IMO... Necrons on the other hand have a to spend 460pts on a minimum sized army (1 hq, 2 troops) with no upgrades.


I would agree with Mowglie on the Librarian over a chaplain (take powers that suit you), however if you expect to play any eldar maybe not the land raider :lol:



On another note why not just play people who have put time and effort into making a legal army and as you seem to like to play larger games why not find someone with 1,000pts+ of <insert force here>.

While I agree... getting 1k on the table is not hard, AoBR doesnt give much for combat patrol- Dreadnaughts have to high an AV total, Termies have a 2+ save, and Captains/Chapter Masters have 3 wounds.


Oh it was more that it isn't that hard to grab 400pts, they have a tactical squad (around 200) then a chaplain or librarian & something else for example could make up the rest.

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Buy one box Assault terminators, and mix in the AoBR termie bodies slong with the multipart termie bodies. Since the assault termies box comes with 10 weapon sets, you now have 10 assault termies, 5TH/SS and 5LC to mix and match as you please.


I've put an Assault Cannon from the DA sprue on mine, along with a simple Chainfist conversion.


Does mixing them with the Assault box work? Don't you only get 10 shoulder pads in the box? (Or are you chopping the AoBR arms at the elbow?)

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Ok, I'll admit it, I used forge world pads(the crux terminatus pads have loads of definition compared to the plastic GW ones). :rolleyes: Still, weapon swaps should be pretty easy just clipping off the AoBR storm bolter and fist arms, which also leaves you little piles of powerfists(slightly large for PA work though...) and storm bolters for other projects.
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Ok, I'll admit it, I used forge world pads(the crux terminatus pads have loads of definition compared to the plastic GW ones). ;) Still, weapon swaps should be pretty easy just clipping off the AoBR storm bolter and fist arms, which also leaves you little piles of powerfists(slightly large for PA work though...) and storm bolters for other projects.


That said, I've got a pile of pads off the BT sprue that I could use. I'd just be short of the actual terminator honours pads.

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Using the aobr pads isn't hard, if you can dig up a straight edge razorblade. If you don't care about saving the powerfist, it's even easier with nippers, and should require a very little GS work to gapfill if executed properly. At a close inspection, if you cut the right angles into the replacement arm you might not even need to fill the gap, just glue with normal plastic glue. Note that I haven't tried this(yet!). As I said, I cheated and used FW pads. ;)


I did do one weapon swap onto an AoBR termie arm, but it was a powerfist onto a sergeant, so doesn't count.

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