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Quick question


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right , im super excited about starting my daemon hunters army,

iv already bought 5 grey knights and 10 kasrkin storm troopers so , thats my troops choices sorted for the minute ,

my sort of question is , as im going to buy all the cool IG units such as valkyries and leman russ and what not (inducted of course , and after the new codex just in case . . .)

would they look better in black and red inquisition colours or with sum silver to go with the grey knights ???????????


im thinkin black and red is the way forward to be honest !!!!!


i only realised today that inducting valkyries and stuff would look really cool !! and inducting IG would fill in the gaps that pure daemon hunters armys cant fill like fast attack units and differant heavy units apart from lr's and dreads !!!

just more differant units really !!

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Congratulations on joining the hallowed ranks of the Ordo Malleus!


However, before you much farther, you should know that you cannot ever induct Valkyries or Vendettas. The only units that can be inducted are


* IG Platoons

* Sentinels (just one unit)

* Up to 1 single bog-standard Leman Russ


Those latter two units may only be inducted if you take two platoons as well, so if you have any intention of using GKs, it's highly unlikely you'll have the points to spare for those items. :(


But in general, painting your inducted Troops in Inquisition colors is a grand idea! :tu:

I have two chimeras that I use with my ISTs that are in red and black, similar to the example rhino in the codex painting section. As it stands though, I cannot in good conscience recommend buying anything Imperial Guard with plans of Induction at this point. There's too many rumors to know if we're going to still have the option, and the current allies/induction system doesn't really seem to work enough to make me think they're going to keep it around.

Well it seems that No. 6 and Inquisitor Pyykkonen hit the nail on the head. Our inducting rules aren't very clear any more and hardly worth the headache. My advice is to fill up on Stormtroopers if your looking for some cheap yet durable Troop choices.



NO VALKYRIES :huh::o:o


does no-one think that may be one of the things popped in the new codex ???

i really dont think theyl change it as much as anticipated , itd be well harsh to just pull imperial guard from DH in general !! plus all the back story says that the ordo can take anything they need from the imperium :S ?? surely theyr not just gonna change it and say " ya know what , actually , the utmost elite of our forces , can't have everything they need to protect us from gargatuloth and any other crazy demon that wants to beat our lives of anything good "

hardly seems fair to me !!

we shall see though aha

if we get valkyries im deffo buying multiple !!!!!

Valkyries are currently a transport option for Inquisitorial Storm Troopers provided you and your opponent are cool with you using the rules for IA vol 2. There used to be an update (v1.3) downloadable from Forge World's website giving it updated rules, however I haven't found the PDF since they redid their site.
  mmui4670 said:


does no-one think that may be one of the things popped in the new codex ???

i really dont think theyl change it as much as anticipated , itd be well harsh to just pull imperial guard from DH in general !! plus all the back story says that the ordo can take anything they need from the imperium :S ?? surely theyr not just gonna change it and say " ya know what , actually , the utmost elite of our forces , can't have everything they need to protect us from gargatuloth and any other crazy demon that wants to beat our lives of anything good "

hardly seems fair to me !!

we shall see though aha

if we get valkyries im deffo buying multiple !!!!!

Don't count on it, mmui4670. GW has long stated that they want every codex to stand on its own without any dependencies on any others. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that IG induction will be tossed out the window entirely. I'm also not certain that non-power-armoured troops will remain! The most reliable rumors I've heard is that the DH codex will be replaced with a "Grey Knights" codex. It will be power-armoured all the way through ... no li'l humies.


That said, nobody is certain what will happen, or when it will happen. But be wary of plunking for too much non-GK for your DH at the moment ... unless you also have a true interest in playing IG as its own army.

so i cud use valkyries with the current codex PROVIDING i buy a 30 pound book for the rules :S ?????

ludacris !!!!


i think if the new codex changes the rules so much that i cant use my storm troopers and stuff il stick to using the old codex in my games ( i dont play serious games so no biggy )



  mmui4670 said:
right , im super excited about starting my daemon hunters army,

iv already bought 5 grey knights and 10 kasrkin storm troopers so , thats my troops choices sorted for the minute ,

my sort of question is , as im going to buy all the cool IG units such as valkyries and leman russ and what not (inducted of course , and after the new codex just in case . . .)

would they look better in black and red inquisition colours or with sum silver to go with the grey knights ???????????


im thinkin black and red is the way forward to be honest !!!!!


i only realised today that inducting valkyries and stuff would look really cool !! and inducting IG would fill in the gaps that pure daemon hunters armys cant fill like fast attack units and differant heavy units apart from lr's and dreads !!!

just more differant units really !!


Hey dude why not play with the IG codex taking vets with grenadiers (and storm troopers if you want) put them in Valks take whatever variants of russ you want. and then use 1HQ, 1ELITE, 2TROOP, 1 FA choice from the Daemon hunters codex while you wait for the new codex (for Daemonhunters or grey knights, whatever it is that is coming out) then when you know what rules are coming out you can make the serious investment in your Daemonhunter army and you will have two armies and in bigger games with multiple detachments or apocalypse you can use your guard army (who you can paint as =I= units) with your Daemonhunter/Grey Knight army.


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