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Paper, Rock, Scissor, Emperor


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Post a unit under or up to 300 points to counter the last unit posted. For example.



Land Raider Redeemer + Multi Melta




5 Stern Guard, Combi Melta + Drop Pod


Continue till you get bored.


First Unit:


Triple Dakka Preds + Hunter Killer Upgrade

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7 terminators with chainfists and a Cyclone Missile Launcher. At 12" move forward, shoot 2 krak missiles and 12 bolter shots. About 40% chance that a krak missile will take a speeder down since immobilized counts as destroyed. About 22% chance of a bolter taking one down. Charge with 21 attacks, half hit assuming the landspeeders only moved 6 inches if they have 2 Multi-Meltas to fire. 10 hit and 10 will most likely penetrate, 5 destroyed.


I really like this thread. I will be back.

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Lets keep this Board-appropriate ok guys? So yes, PA, Daemon, Inquisition....


And please, explain how your going to use the unit in question. If this gets off track, its going to die quickly, instead of perhaps being useful as a way to show that there is always a counter to any unit.


For the record- A whirlwind from the other side of the table should take care of those scouts quickly, since the Khan cant infiltrate with them. Ill toss on a stormbolter and extra armor just in case.... but S5 AP4 pieplates should do the job. Pinning will probly kick in one of the next 5 turns to boot.


Just shell them until they get about 18" away, then drive away while shelling them to buy another turn or two.

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Lets keep this Board-appropriate ok guys? So yes, PA, Daemon, Inquisition....


And please, explain how your going to use the unit in question. If this gets off track, its going to die quickly, instead of perhaps being useful as a way to show that there is always a counter to any unit.


For the record- A whirlwind from the other side of the table should take care of those scouts quickly, since the Khan cant infiltrate with them. Ill toss on a stormbolter and extra armor just in case....


2 x 4 Chaos Terminators, 3 x Combi-Melta, 1 x Combi-Plasma, Power Fist = 300


Deepstrike in and destroy the Whirlwind(s), C-Plasma is to give you a little extra damage if you drop outside of 6"

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2 x 4 Chaos Terminators, 3 x Combi-Melta, 1 x Combi-Plasma, Power Fist = 300


Deepstrike in and destroy the Whirlwind(s), C-Plasma is to give you a little extra damage if you drop outside of 6"

Bjorn the fellhanded objects to your destruction of his property.


So I use his plasmacannon on your terminators, and if Im close enough I also flame and then assault them. AV 13 and a 5++ should keep me safe, especially after you used most of your combis up.


In fact, hes tough enough hes likely to survive your combis if you targetted him too.

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I could say lysander and break the entire game but I won't :lol:


I see your veterens of vanguarding and reveal my trap card: plasma cannon in tactical squad with plasma gun, the Str7 AP2 blast and shots should be more than enough to see off your squad in majority followed by boltering. Points: 195


Vindicator pie plates you!

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Drop Pod with 8 Combi-Melta Sternguard. Sgt has a Power Fist.


300 even.


*meltmeltmeltmeltmeltmeltmeltmelt* and there was no more Predator, just a pile of slag.


2 x 4 squads of Flamers.

Counter deepstrike onto the Sternguard and wipe out the entire squad many times over. Wounding on 4's with no armor/cover save with 4 attempts per squad means that you should be able to cover the entire squad in death and you have two chances to do this. Plus the 4+ Inv save will protect against Melta shots or a Power Fist on the slim chance anything else lives.

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The Winged Bloodthirster they were screening is used to assault your landraider.....


3x Land Speeder Typhoons hang back outside the Bloodthrister's 18" charge range and blast you with 6 Krak Missiles a turn. 4 hit, 3.5 wound, 1.75 saved, so roughly 3 turns until your dead (not counting any lucky wounds from the Heavy Bolters) and at no time are you able to catch up to them.

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3x Land Speeder Typhoons hang back outside the Bloodthrister's 18" charge range and blast you with 6 Krak Missiles a turn. 4 hit, 3.5 wound, 1.75 saved, so roughly 3 turns until your dead (not counting any lucky wounds from the Heavy Bolters) and at no time are you able to catch up to them.


A pair of Riflemen Dreads would like to respond, each one is going to score 3.55 hits, 1.77 pens and .59 glances. That's going to strip you down pretty quickly.

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My Grey Knight Purgation Squad with 4x Psycannons would like a word with you. No invulnerable save means no save period.

Sine Hazardous has produced Rock? lets step back:


My Ironclad Dreadnaught is going to DP in next to you, heavy flamer and meltagun salvod in a with a couple of missiles for good measure. Next turn I can all but gaurantee youll be in assault range... try getting through my AV 13 puny mortals.

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