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Paper, Rock, Scissor, Emperor


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5 Assault Terminators with LC and basic chaplin (or sanguinary priest if you like BA).

I charge, you die:)


Yay, first post!


Three full tac squads with each a flame thrower and bolt guns introduce you to the loving embrace of the Emperor's Holy Rapid Fire. Your Termies are gone.


Very probably so are my Rhinos. =(

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5 Assault Terminators with LC and basic chaplin (or sanguinary priest if you like BA).

I charge, you die:)


Yay, first post!


Three full tac squads with each a flame thrower and bolt guns introduce you to the loving embrace of the Emperor's Holy Rapid Fire. Your Termies are gone.


Very probably so are my Rhinos. =(

Isn't 3 tactical squads somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 points? Also, a much better counter to this is any dreadnaught... S4 can't hurt him at all, and since there is no mention of the chaplain carrying meltabombs and no mention of one assault terminator being armed with a thunder hammer that dred should be feeling pretty safe.



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10 Black Templar Assault Marines (all with meltabombs, 2 with Flamers, 1 with a PWeapon) jump pack out from behind cover and attach their meltabombs to your Land Raider's hull. A few seconds later, no more Land Raider. And the Techmarine dies in the next turn to concentrated Bolt Pistol fire, followed up by a charge if needed.



(and yes, Black Templar Assault Squads can legally take meltabombs for everyone)

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No fist? 2x Winged Daemon Prince with mark of nurgle at 150 pts each would make mince of that assault squad. Then again, Templars don't use sergeants so a fist would have only 1 attack anyways. I'd still vote for the pinces in that instance. It might take them awhile to wipe out the squad though. :)
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To counter the Emperor and his people, I choose Hourus and his "people". Just kidding


To counter those space wolves, I choose to use two Vindicators. For that extra 70 points, a Land Speeder with that 20 point weapon upgrade (can't remember)

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5 Assault Terminators with LC and basic chaplin (or sanguinary priest if you like BA).

I charge, you die:)


Yay, first post!


I don't die, you don‘t get to charge, I got 8 Combi-Plasma Sternguard rapid firing at you...... you've got no armor and a 5+ inv. save. What makes you think you could make 11 saves with 5+ :)

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hang on let me check my numbers... oh yes good


Chapter Master with lightning claws 155


3 honor guard 115 chapter champion has relic blade and there is a chapter standard bearer


shoot with pistols from 12 inches then charge



10 power weapon attacks

5 relic blade attacks

5 lightning claw attacks


a red mist is all that remains of the sturnguard *the emperor protects but he also gives us some damn good attacks* :o



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Tigrus-Quickening, Might of the Ancients, then Force Weapon=ID'd Meph.


Force hood. <3 Your powers fail (at least your force weap) then you're Str 6 Init 10 vs Str 6 Init 10...btw Meph is WS 7 and you'll have failed your Ld 6 test, so he'll be re-rolling his hits and wounds against Tig...who doesn't have an invuln save either. Not so open-and-closed. Here come six invuln saves, each one packing it's own Force Weapon hit.

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Tigrus-Quickening, Might of the Ancients, then Force Weapon=ID'd Meph.


Force hood. <3 Your powers fail (at least your force weap) then you're Str 6 Init 10 vs Str 6 Init 10...btw Meph is WS 7 and you'll have failed your Ld 6 test, so he'll be re-rolling his hits and wounds against Tig...who doesn't have an invuln save either. Not so open-and-closed. Here come six invuln saves, each one packing it's own Force Weapon hit.



Now I feel stupid. So Meph still lives. Uh, Uh, two MOTFs on each table corners, each packing a conversion beamer?

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assault marines in free drop pod sarge has power fist deep strike them right beside your MotF's and chop chop chop :lol:




Actually, I said that they were on different table corners, so you'd still have to deal with maybe 3 turns of templates that will always wound on a 2+. But to counter the LRC, I choose to use a sternguard squad with 2 meltaguns and 3 combimeltas in a drop pod.

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I just crunched some numbers. In close combat it would be close, but you would win in the end, loosing most of your unit. If I get a couple rounds to shoot at you as you approach, no contest.
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