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points limit and board size

chapter master 454

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In recent time I have experienced the change momently from a 6x4 table to a 4x4, and soon I will experience having to deal with multiple opponents all at 1000 points. Now I have come to notice that those two factors can completely change the game being played: knowing if your opponent can take something will determine if something is needed or is not required. Board size too is where I saw how Multi-meltas and meltas got their fame: in a desperate battle against chaos daemons of nurgle (valiant defence of a combat squad lead by a priest and two tank shocking tanks gave a draw) I saw how close you can get on the board in such cramped conditions of 4x4. The question is though: How much of an effect do you think these factors have on the game?


Try and be varied and even tell what it's like on 4x4, 6x4 and 8x4 to yourself and describe how you feel on point limits (because for me, gettting 750 points shaved off the things I'm allowed to take really hurt). It was this thought that showed me 40k can be extremely varied and while you may get used to terrain being random, when a 2x4 section of the board is removed then it becomes different. Points also, I find myself barely able to write a 1000 point list as everything I know is thrown out the window (I normally take 2-3 troops in 1750, imagine trying to think if 2 troops is enough for a game you don't really play at that level) and I find any tactics I normally employ are going to have change, an in this case far more because I have to most likely compete with a couple of firsts: playing a 1000 point game and facing 3 other opponents in a free for all.


What are your thoughts on these things and can it be agreed that board size can easily determine your weapon of choice.

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Board size and pts can massively change everything.

As you say, melta works well at short range, and the las-cannon loses it's long-range bonus, as most things will not be too far away.

At lower pts, more % of your army will be 1 HQ, 2 troops, leaving less for Elite, Hvy etc.

Terrain also mixes things up, with City-Fight being very different from "empty board with 2 trees and a hill on it".

Different rules get emphasised e.g. Move Through Cover, Skimmer, Melta ...


I've not played on 4x4, but have played 500pts on 6x4. It felt very empty compared to 1500pts on 6x4! Fast movers were very effective.


I'm not sure that board size 'easily determines your weapon of choice', but it certainly favours some weapons and tactics over others.

Hard to run a Refused-Flank on 4x4, 1500pts. Footslogging assault troops fail on 6x4 unless up against badly-deployed slow troops, where as mechanised assault troops (esp. is fast vehicles/jump packs) win 4x4 games vs gun-line.


Deep Striking onto a 4x4 board filled with terrain and troopers becomes rather difficult, but on a 6x4 750 pts there is loads of room.


I also run an Ork Green Tide list (not quite the full 180 boyz) and often run into problems deploying everything with Table Quarters, leaving da boyz vulnerable to Blasts and blocking each other's movement. 4x4 would make this a lot worse. (Hence my DA DeathWing: 1500pts, 19 models! :lol: )


Lists that rely on Elite/Heavy /Fast spam don't work so well at low pts, and armies with good Troops can excel.


Overall, yes. There are lots of things that change how the game works, and which units/tactics will succeed.

I think this is one way that the game avoids becoming stale. A simple "lets try a smaller/larger board, more/less pts, more/less terrain" makes a lot of difference, even before trying out Battle Missions.

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Right now at the house we are playing 1000 pts on a 4x4 table and it works ok. any more points would probably be too much. The only trouble is that having your whole force on that small of a table means that you can't evade those super strong HQ's If your opponent wants to get to you you can't stand off as easily. due to the small size of the board we have been playing with smaller deployment zones of only 6"
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The most intense game I've ever played was on a 18" X 18" board, three player, free for all! One troop squad and HQ only(Ork player was exception). I took Kor'sarro Khan and a squad of 8 bikes with attack bike. The Orks had a Warboss five man Nobs and 10 man boys squad. IG player had Classic troopers and an HQ(I forget what). It was CC second turn. I charged my bike across the table into the Orks! All their boys against my bikers! I had them running after two rounds of combat! I lost all but Kor'sarro and two bikes which were gunned down by the Guardsmen and the Warboss got away with one wound left and was gunned down as well. It was a perfect example of Imperial might and proof that Orks are inferior to White Scars in any Theater!
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It was a perfect example of Imperial might and proof that Orks are inferior to White Scars in any Theater!


Hur Hur Hur you make me laugh squishy ooman....


But on topic... I find that Mech Eldar & Dark Eldar do better on bigger boards where it is easier to outmanoeuvre almost anyone (and if people sit in a corner... then it might not change anything or you might able to snipe them from range if say the greatest range they have is 48 inches and you have a prism cannon :D)....


I would say that 4 x4 is probably suitable for up to 1,500pts (although 4 x 6 would also be good) and you could stretch up to 2,000 although this will be a really intensive fight and very crowded especially if people have horde armies.... 2,500pts is just silly you will just get a big line of combat forming across the board unless a both forces decide to shoot each other.

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