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Iron Gods Pirates

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'ello all!


Well, here's the first finished unit of my renegade army the Iron Gods, Squad Ghoran:


Squad pic:




and close ups:








and Ghoran himself:




A veteran of countless battles, Brother Ghoran is one of Talek Varn’s most capable, ruthless and loyal lieutenants. He served the pirate Lord long before the Iron Gods arrived in the Solios Nebula and it is suspected that he may even have turned renegade from the same Chapter as his cruel master. Whether this is true or not, he seems to be one of the few men that Varn trusts implicitly and therefore Ghoran’s squad is invariably at the forefront of any Iron Gods raid.


C+C welcome!

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Thanks very much for all of the comments guys!


@BBM: Thanks, next squad is some TDA veterans, there are some WIP pics in a thread somewhere in the WIP section!


@Zeller: Thank you, they do seem to fit quite well together. For anyone else who's mixing bits, the only thing I found that was a little awkward was some of the SW bodies/legs don't match up perfectly with the SM/CSM ones; you can see it more on Ghoran himself, there's quite a gap there although the worst of it I was able to cover with his grenades.


@Hrvat: Cheers, but are you calling my Marines thick? :P No, I get what you mean. TBH, I did the IT before I had any minis, so it wasn't until after that I started playing with the colours and working out a way to paint them. It did end up a bit darker, I think I'll have to go back and redo the pic, perhaps once the latest SMP has had all the options for wargear added.


@turelhim vampire: Thanks! Nah, my sculpting/GS skills are way, way short of making my own heads! It's actually one of the ones from the new SW sprues(although I cant remember now if it's from the GH or WG box?).



Also, added a little fluff to the first post, something I'm planning on doing for all the squad leaders.




Thanks again for looking/commenting, C+C still very welcome!

  • 3 weeks later...

Update time! Next squad up is some TDA Iron Gods Veterans (c-a Wolf Guard, fairly obviously :cuss ). Quite happy with them, think they must be the first TDA models I've actually done since the multi part plastics came out!


Anyway, on with the pics:








and to continue my goal of adding some fluff to all the squad leaders, Brother Mbo'kamo:




Throughout the centuries that the Iron Gods have ruled the Solios Nebula, several power hungry individuals have attempted to wrest control from Talek Varn. Although none have ever been successful, one warrior came close. On the very day he arrived at the Iron Gods stronghold, the savage Brother Mbo’kamo challenged Varn for his sovereignty. The battle between them raged for what seemed like hours, but finally the pirate Lord prevailed. However, instead of slaying his rival Varn immediately gave Mbo’kamo a place within his personal guard, granting him access to the finest weapons and armour available. Since that time Varn has pointed to Mbo’kamo as an example proving that, under his command, skill and bravery are always rewarded without bias or resentment. Other, more cynical observers have privately suggested that the cunning Lord was simply putting a potential threat where he could keep an eye on him.

Thanks Alecto! Talek Varn is next on the list, model's done (can see it somewhere in WIP thread) and done most of the base coat. Hopefully will get him finished off in the next couple of weeks, that will complete what I promised for the second Iron Gauntlet challenge so I'll have to start planning some more stuff!

Wow. These guys look awesome. Almost make me want to do my Renegades the same way.


I have one question though...what's with the random wolfy bitz? For example, Mbo"kamo has a random wolf tail as does the SB/PF Termie and Brother Ghoran. I know you're using Codex: Space Wolves, but your IT makes me think the Iron Gods aren't particulary wolfy.


Just wondering about that.

Thanks very much Argon, and that's a good question!


The Iron Gods aren't supposed to be 'wolfy' exactly, however I guess my thinking was that they would be slightly wild, and would commonly take trophies of things they'd killed. The pelts and tails and things could be wolves, or bears, or anything really!


Similarly with the various badges sculpted on the armour, I did remove a few and used some 'normal' SM TDA and Chaos TDA bits, even a few 'sword' DA TDA bits too. I figure swords and wolves/other animals are pretty generic symbols for a group of warriors so I didn't think it made them look too tied in to any particular Chapters.


Finally, given the varied origins of the individual Iron Gods, it could even be there are one or two renegade Space Wolves among their number! (ducks as the B+C's SW community collectively hurl abuse/tankards/chain weapons :HQ: )

Ah, the Iron Gods. One of the forces that inspired my own renegades (yet to be properly created). Good to see you're keeping up with the Iron Gauntlet. I hope to see some updates for the Second challenge in the thread and/or some other peoples threads. I think two passed the first challenge and even less will pass the second.

Thanks SP! I have edited pics into my post on the Challenge thread but haven't added any new posts so it's still in the murky depths somewhere.... :P



Aaaannnyyyway, here's the next update (fairly quick for me! :) ), the big bad of the Iron Gods himself, Talek Varn:







EDIT: In line with the comments below, quickly added a shoulder pauldron to cover the joint, think it works well to make the pose less uncomfortable. I'm also quite pleased with it in that I think the red balances the mini out a bit better too?



Pretty happy with him, although I'm starting to think that maybe the army as a whole need something else to make them 'pop' a bit more. I was thinking some sort of army badge/symbol, although in the fluff I've written they deliberately don't wear any identifying marks so as to remain anonymous.... Not really sure, so any thoughts, suggestions, etc would be very welcome!


Thanks for looking!

Sweet is all I can say. I've been meaning to revive the IG thread, as well as repost the second challenge ijn its own thread, toi remind people that they only have just over a month. So, when can we expect the rules and other spiffyness for Talek to be finished for the Third Challenge?


Oh and as for identifying marks or something, might I suggest battle damage, perhaps? Just to ass that little more detail to the model. Perhaps defiles old army symbols or something? When I think of the Iron Gods I always think of battle damage. Dont know why, I just do...

I don't care for the pose of his left arm at all, but otherwise a very nice model.



have to agree with this, its a sweet model, the axe is really well painted, but the shoulder join (and the pose as such) looks very forced and unconfortable...



and as for warband badge, why not use other 'chapter' badges - like the marines previous chapters, but with subtle changes (in fluff could be to discredit the chapters that were left behind) - eg there could be a one from the ultramarines (this is an example, remember) where the badge could now be a snake, in the shape of an omega, on a blue background....



just a thought

Thanks for comments guys and the suggestions on markings, will have to have a think about it!


@Juckto/Martemis: I know what you mean, the soft armour in the shoulder join is just half a mm too wide and it makes the whole thing look off. Been thinking about it and planning to quickly spray and paint one of those TDA pauldron guard thingys to cover it up a bit, hopefully that will help?


@SP: Well, it depends if you want a lefty or a righty. If it's a lefty, its fairly easy, just smooth down the back of a PF and cut the SB in half along the bottom of the casing (if that makes sense?) Stick the main part of the gun onto the back of the fist. Then cut/file away the bit of the clip you wont see until it fits nicely between the side of the SB and the back of the PF. Bit of GS and voila...!


Gets a lot more awkward if you want a righty, as far as I know GW don't make any right handed TDA PF's! I used the Chaos Lord LC with the back filed down and bladed fingers cut off, then added thumb and fingers from a right handed PA PF. Bit more GS to cover the joins then as above to add the SB. Hope that helps!

Wow, they look cool. :huh:


I can't help but notice the way one of them has a chain-axe, some mail and a beard. :P

If I could paint one tenth as well I'd paint some Stonebound to hunt him down. :P


Varn looks exactly as I imagined him, apart from an axe rather than a sword.


As for a badge, you could carve a crude outline of a crown into the shoulderpads - it's not an identifying mark in the traditional sense, so it might even work without changing any of the IT. :P

I was thinking a crown to emphasize authority, since I can't think of a universally accepted sign for a deity - or for iron. :P

Of course, you could carve something else more suitable instead, if you can think of anything. ;)

Yeah, a shoulder pauldron will help, but personally I would have had the hand gripping the weapon closer to the axe head, and the arm rotated down - so that the arm almost matches the pose of the powerfist arm, and the axe cutting edge points towards the ground pretty much - but that's a matter of personal taste.


For example, kind of like the guy second from the left is holding his trophy, or the one on the far right with his axe.


Thanks for all the input guys!


Edited post with Varn to show added Pauldron.


@SP: Go for it! Reminds me, gotta finish up a background piece for my second character. He's gonna be a psyker based off the rune priest but with a few little changes and I want the fluff in place to help explain where I want to go with the rules!


@Ace: Thanks mate, glad you approve. Honestly, if I didn't have another 1200/1300 pts of Iron Gods already planned, I'd be seriously tempted to do a squad of Stonebound myself; they just create such a cool mental image in my head!


@Nacho Wolf: Correcto, good call!


@juckto: They look very nice! I get what you mean with the pose, although I am fairly happy with how it looks now with the pauldron added (too late to make any big changes now anyway! :P ). Think it works better with the shoulder now?


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