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Which landspeeder is best?


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I've just bought a landspeeder, and there a lot of ways I could equip it - but all of them seem good. I need help here. My ideas so far are


A. Typhoon w/ Heavy Flamer (90 pts)

B. Tornado w/ Assault Cannon & Heavy Flamer (90 pts)

C. Tornado w/ Multi-melta & Heavy Flamer (70 pts)


I'm mostly fighting Tau & Space Marine (really, duh).

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Against Space Marines and Tau I recommend the typhoon with heavy bolters. I love these things. You can move 12" then fire 2 kraks at 48" for some anti tank action or move 12" then fire BOTH heavy bolter and frag grenades (cus they're defensive weapons). I would recommend taking at least 3. With 6 missile launcher attacks at 48" range (60" threat bubble) you can't go wrong.


Another great variant is the multi-melta and heavy flamer speeder. Great for flanking a tank and hitting its side armor with a multi-melta. It fills both roles of anti tank and anti infantry because you will be moving 12" and either popping a tank or flaming some body (or flat out if you have to get behind cover). I'd also take more than one of these.


Landspeeders are one of the best Space Marine vehicles money can buy!

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GC08 hit the money on the mark, a storm with tooled up scouts is in every single one of my lists and has never disappointed me, except against GC08s own storm with scouts. >.> Oh well.



I can testify to just how effective typhoon speeders with heavy bolters are. They are so flexible and deadly, and it helps make up for the one major weakness with speeders, their low armour. At less then 24", they can be taken down by nearly every basic troop choice. By keeping them 36" away blasting at the enemy with heavy bolter and krak missiles, they have to divert some dedicated anti-tank weapons, which could have been used against your land raider, vindicators etc.


Keep them behind cover and they really become a major annoyance.

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Keep them behind cover and they really become a major annoyance.

Protip: Land Speeders on short flying stands get Cover from Rhinos.


Depends on what MK your Rhino is :D


As to the thread in general - The answer to your question is either:


1 - The one that wins you the game


2 - Whatever one either works best with your army or fills in the gaps missing from your list


So if you have a short ranged list heavily melta based then either go for short ranged to keep all your army the same or go for long range in order to make up for the short range of your list as a whole.



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D. Typhoon with heavy bolter. This is the best config. for standing off and pummeling the enemy. I try and take a typhoon like this in every list. It allways does well.

QFT. Anti infantry: move 12" and fire frag missiles and heavy bolter. Against vehicles or Tryranid beasties (wounds on a 2+ ignoreing saves :huh: ) fire the krak and if you want move less and fire the heavy bolter.


If you happen to take 5 scouts a Storm with a heavy flamer for less than any of your choices is a very nice thing to have.

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I'm leaning towards including 2x dual wielding Heavy Bolters on Landspeeders for a mere 120pts per squadron. It doesn't sound like much, but that is alot of firepower from over 24" away. Even Space Marines won't like to face the firepower of 12 Heavy bolter shots each turn! And Rhinos can be targetted if need be, with a fair chance at getting a glance or 2.


Of course I am also leaning towards 2 Typhoons in my lists, which is a total 300pts combined. That is alot of firepower for fairly cheap, I can concentrate on other stuff with that in my list.

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D. Typhoon with heavy bolter. This is the best config. for standing off and pummeling the enemy. I try and take a typhoon like this in every list. It allways does well.


I agree with this config as well. Use at least one in my 1500pts list, my 1750pts list has two. They really are brilliant, for the price of an basic Tactical Squad you get two missile launchers (which fire as one weapons system) and a heavy bolter, brilliant for its points. Move 12" and fire frags and heavy bolter at infantry, or kraks at vehicles. Multi-purpose, able to stay out of bolter range and just brilliant.

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Okay, sounds like the Typhoon w/ heavy bolter is the best! Thanks guys! I was already giving the storm a serious consideration, but I can't afford the 30$ Storm along with a scout squad. What really beats me is why people are afraid of crisis suits. The best I've ever seen one do is kill two marines before being blown to kingdom-come with missile launchers.
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Okay, sounds like the Typhoon w/ heavy bolter is the best! Thanks guys! I was already giving the storm a serious consideration, but I can't afford the 30$ Storm along with a scout squad. What really beats me is why people are afraid of crisis suits. The best I've ever seen one do is kill two marines before being blown to kingdom-come with missile launchers.


Then sir you have not played against a master Tau player. Fear the Tau assault, it is not a joke when you are facing against a bunch of plasma wielding suits who keep doing sneaky jumps in and out of LOS, then when you close on them you get assaulted!


Throws many a player off, oh and I am not talking about myself (I dont play Tau). Friend of mine has an evil Tau army, many a Crimson fist has fallen to the greater good under his watch.



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I made the mistake of laughing at a mate who fielded 3 suits with T/L flamers. He DS them next to an important tac squad and T/L toasted them to death, including both wounds on my commander :P


I too support the LSS with CCW/Powerfist scouts. I don't leave the barracks without it! I am in the process of upgrading my old Tornado A/Cannon HB to the missile variety.



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The flamer crisis suits are good - as are the air bursting fragmentation projectors, but the best counter to Tau is eliminating those railguns and waiting for them to come to you, as you can't truly beat the Tau's static defense. Most of the time if the crisis suits want to attack my marines there is not normally a suitable piece of cover. The two plasma gun suit is just as effective as 12 fire warriors, and they die a whole lot easier. Squads of three suits just make me happy. Vindicator shell = BOOM!!! 250 vps. Tau do have a tendency to be evil towards marines.


I have one piece of really important advice FEAR THE STEALTH SUITS! FEAR THEM!!! Their drone pals put out a lot of firepower, their mobile, 4+ cover save makes them difficult to kill, they blow up tanks like crazy, and you have to get close to shoot at them. Their stealth field generator makes them harder to kill than terminators. Shall I go on? The leader guy can get a markerlite to blow up your artillery, and he can increase his ballistic skill with upgrades, as well as take the teleport homer equivalent. GAH!

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The flamer crisis suits are good - as are the air bursting fragmentation projectors, but the best counter to Tau is eliminating those railguns and waiting for them to come to you, as you can't truly beat the Tau's static defense. Most of the time if the crisis suits want to attack my marines there is not normally a suitable piece of cover. The two plasma gun suit is just as effective as 12 fire warriors, and they die a whole lot easier. Squads of three suits just make me happy. Vindicator shell = BOOM!!! 250 vps. Tau do have a tendency to be evil towards marines.


I have one piece of really important advice FEAR THE STEALTH SUITS! FEAR THEM!!! Their drone pals put out a lot of firepower, their mobile, 4+ cover save makes them difficult to kill, they blow up tanks like crazy, and you have to get close to shoot at them. Their stealth field generator makes them harder to kill than terminators. Shall I go on? The leader guy can get a markerlite to blow up your artillery, and he can increase his ballistic skill with upgrades, as well as take the teleport homer equivalent. GAH!


sorted with the correct application of close combat..

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I'll pretty much chime in with the thread, except I'll say that there is no "best". There are three configs that perform "best" in very different roles:-


MM/HF speeder is pretty much for chasing down enemy heavy armour. This is the best config for taking on Land Raiders or Battlewagons, but the HF gives you flexibility to take on hordes of light infantry. This means it pretty much always has a target. It's cheap at 70 points a go, 210 points for three in one FA slot. If you don't mind the loss of flexibility, you can drop the HF, but imo at that point you're better off with Attack Bikes.


Typhoon/HB is for standing off and opening transports, but like the MM/HF it has the flexibility to shoot at MEQ or hordes as well. I prefer the HB over MM or HF because unlike the MM/HF speeder the Typhoon *does* have the ability to sit back against any of its targets, and I prefer to not give that up. Remember that its Frags are defensive weapons, so against hordes you can move 12" and unload everything.


Storm/Scouts is probably the most controversial. Load up the storm with your choice of MM (risky, expensive), HF (safe, not terribly useful), or HB (keeping it el-cheapo single-purpose), give the scouts a Power Fist and optionally a Combi-melta and Melta-bombs. The storm's *only* job is to get the scouts into assault with a promising target. In many games you can tie up the linchpin of your opponent's gameplan, ending the game before it's even started. They're particularly good against expensive transports with expensive contents (especially if you get first turn), artillery (e.g. Hammerheads), or heavy weapons squads (Devastators, and to a lesser extent Broadsides/Oblits). If there isn't a particularly juicy target, then save them in reserve for a 24" sprint onto an objective. It's a risky choice (at least 150 points, 2KP, and two FOC slots - oh how I wish LSS was a dedicated transport for Scouts...), but it can pay off big.


tl;dr version:-


MM/HF against heavy armour or hordes.

Typhoon/HB against light armour, MEQ, or hordes.

Storm/Scouts against lynchpin units, artillery, heavy weapon squads, or to race onto an objective.

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I'm still of the opinion the unsung hero of the Landspeeder family is the dual HB version. 3 costs 180pts, whilst 2 is 120pts, both affordable and a real boost for the armies firepower. Check the Eldar nasty lists of cheese with their dual weilding Warwalkers to tell just how effective it is.
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I'm still of the opinion the unsung hero of the Landspeeder family is the dual HB version. 3 costs 180pts, whilst 2 is 120pts, both affordable and a real boost for the armies firepower. Check the Eldar nasty lists of cheese with their dual weilding Warwalkers to tell just how effective it is.


I think the only problem with that is that Codex Marines have tons of long(er) range anti-infantry weapons.

Dakka Predators, Thunderfires, Whirlwinds, HB Attack Bikes etc etc, so I'm not sure if there is much of a need for more of that, especially in a meta-game that is mechanized/armor heavy.


EDIT: To me it also comes down to the big difference between S5 vs S6. S6 can penetrate a Rhino and it can glance a Chimera(front), Falcon, Vendetta etc whereas the Heavy Bolter isn't a threat at all.

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I'm still of the opinion the unsung hero of the Landspeeder family is the dual HB version. 3 costs 180pts, whilst 2 is 120pts, both affordable and a real boost for the armies firepower. Check the Eldar nasty lists of cheese with their dual weilding Warwalkers to tell just how effective it is.


I think the only problem with that is that Codex Marines have tons of long(er) range anti-infantry weapons.

Dakka Predators, Thunderfires, Whirlwinds, HB Attack Bikes etc etc, so I'm not sure if there is much of a need for more of that, especially in a meta-game that is mechanized/armor heavy.


EDIT: To me it also comes down to the big difference between S5 vs S6. S6 can penetrate a Rhino and it can glance a Chimera(front), Falcon, Vendetta etc whereas the Heavy Bolter isn't a threat at all.


I agree with this. A bad experience against a mech Sisters force has left me leaving all heavy bolter squads at home. 4/6 heavy bolters in one squad is all well and good for mowing down infantry but meet a mech force and suddenly you're glancing on 6s, not the best of times. This is where the other variants have the edge, they might not be able to provide such a staggering rate of fire as dual heavy bolters, but they are able to cope with a wider variety of targets.

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I dunno, I have plenty of anti-transport weapons in my own Mechanised list. I really lack long range anti-infantry punch, so the additional power of those Landspeeders is invaluable for me. That, combined with the mobility of the unit ensures a place for them in my lists. Sure a Predator is more durable, the Thunderfire has much more power and the Whirlwind has good power and range and comes in cheaper, but not a single one of these vehicles would grant me the ability to contest an objective on the other side of the battlefield with a single move.


And I have seen Heavy Bolters cause alot of problems for Rhinos in the past! (my Rhinos!)


Granted I would prefer S6, but what are you gona do :)

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Multimelta/Heavy Flamer Speeders are great, and you really can't go wrong with them. They move 6"+ a turn and do whatever you need them to do, whether it's infantry or MC/vehicle hunting.


Heavy Bolter/Typhoon Missile Launcher Speeders are awesome long-range killers of vehicles and monstrous creatures that can also be used against heavy infantry with some efficiency. They're a bit expensive, but their range and the ability to move 6" and still fire all their weapons means you can use them as a great firebase unit to support the rest of your army.


Basically, it comes down to choice and what you need in a list.

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Multimelta/Heavy Flamer Speeders are great, and you really can't go wrong with them. They move 6"+ a turn and do whatever you need them to do, whether it's infantry or MC/vehicle hunting.


Heavy Bolter/Typhoon Missile Launcher Speeders are awesome long-range killers of vehicles and monstrous creatures that can also be used against heavy infantry with some efficiency. They're a bit expensive, but their range and the ability to move 6" and still fire all their weapons means you can use them as a great firebase unit to support the rest of your army.


Basically, it comes down to choice and what you need in a list.



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