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Mercury's Blood Angels progress


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Realised that I haven't given you all much in way of a painting update lately. I have been busy painting, just lazy with the camera! My planned 1000-point army for completion by the end of May has changed slightly (read a lot!). You can find my new target list here.


I have finished some Devastators and a heavy bolter marine. I have tried to be clever by ensuring that models which I may want to later appear in either a Tactical or Devastator squad are left helmetless.


Devastator Sergeant and friends:



More Devastators and Tactical heavy bolter:



Detail of plasma cells:



I have also almost completed an Assault squad, and am working on a Captain Tycho conversion (see here), so hopefully I should have some more painting updates soon!


Assault squad now complete:



I had real issues with these last two guys. Not sure why/how it happened, but I'd finished them and then my Purity Seal varnish left them with a white dusting all over! I did my best to recover the models, and though I'm not 100% happy with their appearance they are certainly still suitable for tabletop use:



I was so happy with my finished Tycho conversion, that I gave him a topic of his own (here)!


Currently in progress: Furioso Dreadnought

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Looks really good. I especially like the blue tone you used, which I don't usually as a matter of principle in a BA army even though our devs are supposed to have it. That plasma guy is going to be definitely missing some eyebrows!
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That middle devastator with the red eyes and missile launcher looks pure evil, I like it.


If I were you I would pick up a .25 micron pen from a craft store and write in a bit on the parchments.


Other then that looks good!

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It's a base coat of Mechrite Red, shaded with a wash made up of Scorched Brown, Formula P3 Mixing Medium and water. I then apply a general highlight of Blood Red (requires >1 layer in places), followed by an edge highlight of Blazing Orange. I then hit the whole thing with a Baal Red glaze. Varnishing the model with Vallejo gloss varnish, followed by GW's Purity Seal really seems to pull the colours together.
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These guys are AMAZING! Really liking the strong colours. I agree that the parchment could do with some detail, though i would just use watered down chaos black and a fine detail brush. Another point is that needs sorted is the inside of the plasma cannons barrel-there's a great big black line down the middle of it!
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They look great, do you have any other BA to show? Or are the Devs the first?

Here and here


These guys are AMAZING! Really liking the strong colours. I agree that the parchment could do with some detail, though i would just use watered down chaos black and a fine detail brush. Another point is that needs sorted is the inside of the plasma cannons barrel-there's a great big black line down the middle of it!


I agree about the plasma cannon - funny how you spend ages cleaning and prepping a model on the outside, only to find that an obscured internal feature ends up looking god-awful! I'm not quite sure how to deal with the parchment yet. It probably does need something. I'll need to let my confidence grow a little before I attempt anything - it's been a long time since I've painted so many models in a 28mm scale.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Very nice! The lenses on first Devestator pic really caught my eye for some reason...did you just use a sort of gem-painting technique on those? And I agree on the parchment, needs some text! Black paint is kinda hit or miss in my experience, so seconded on the micron pen.
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