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Lightning Claws without powerfist base

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Okay so I'll get pics up as soon as i can figure out how but basically my dilema is this. I have a Vanguard squad i want a lot of lightning claws on. I took an assault Marine's bolter hand then took some lightning claw looking blades and Glued them on to the area where the bolter used to be, i cut it off.


I can fit three blades on it and it came out really well but is this a lightning claw or a cool power weapon?

I would say that should work fine for a more sleek looking lightning claw, it would be obvious what it was for WYSIWYG purposes. However, I believe the powerfist base is actually a defensive feature. I mean you are lunging in with your hands very close to the blades of your weapon and you could be parrying blows by a power weapon. The powerfist would have a field that would aid in deflecting such blows, but common power armor gauntlets would be sheared by the enemy's power field.



Hope that helps.

Thanks Brother Kaelgrim that was my take on lightning claws I was wondering if I was crazy or in the right on this one.


@ Grey Mage: Well I want Lightning Claws and my issue being if I need the fist for wysiwyg purposes or not. I would think the fist is as Kaelgrim said for defenseive purposes but I am more worried about getting the re-rolling to wounds anyway. I would think that is because the lightning claws are essentially twin-linked power weapons as each claw has multiple power weapons on it as the entry states.


@ Generally anyone: Is this the right section for this? It is for my converting but my conversions are fluff based so...? Also if a powerfist is Initiative 1 wouldn't the extra weight of power weapons attached to a lightning claw make them slower? Thus clearly it isn't an ACTUAL powerfist base right?

While I'm not too sure of the actual mechanics involved, it seems like it would be quicker to swing your arms in a horizontal manner than to have to slam a fist in one spot. Thats simply how I would see it.


As far as for the actual rules on it, I would post it in official rules and just make sure that its WYSIWYG compliant. I would treat it as so as lightning claws are claws that go zapppy zappy and there isn't necessarily a rule that says the hand holding the zappy zappy has to be as thick as an Ogryn's head.

I did a conversion a while back of a Space marine with lighting claws that were more like the hunter Claw the Alien used in the movie Predator. Lemme see if I can dig up the picture.

I used the helmet blades from a dark Eldar helmet attached to an auspex body for the conversion.




Okay, not the best picture but you get the idea:



@ Generally anyone: Is this the right section for this? It is for my converting but my conversions are fluff based so...? Also if a powerfist is Initiative 1 wouldn't the extra weight of power weapons attached to a lightning claw make them slower? Thus clearly it isn't an ACTUAL powerfist base right?

Yeah, I'd say this is the right place for this question...


I for one would have absolutely no objection to the WYSIWYG-iness of your conversion. To be honest with you, if anything I'd say your version is more accurate to current fluff than the GW lightning claws. The design for the claws has been around (virtually unchanged) since 2nd edition, when LCs functioned kinda like a cross-between a power sword and a power fist (you could parry with them & their str was higher than a sword, but not as high as a fist). Also there never used to be an initiative penalty for power fists, but it's a change that makes sense to me, given how heavy they must be!


Do you have a photo of the conversion? I for one am interested to know how it looks... Might just try the same thing myself ^_^

Hehe, it looks a bit like a weapon carried by a predator.


I'm sorry, but I gotta point this piece out from my post in relation to what you just said.


I did a conversion a while back of a Space marine with lighting claws that were more like the hunter Claw the Alien used in the movie Predator
Do you have a photo of the conversion? I for one am interested to know how it looks... Might just try the same thing myself


I do have pics and two of them currently finished but I working on figureing out how to post them...i am exploreing a few options and will get them up asap

Ok, cool - I'll look forward to seeing them. The easiest way I've found to post pics on here (given that I'm a forum newbie) is to upload them into an album & then copy & paste the url from there. Maybe there's a more straight-forward way of doing this... I'm sure there's probably a guide in the Librarium somewhere... But I'm lazy.
I did a conversion a while back of a Space marine with lighting claws that were more like the hunter Claw the Alien used in the movie Predator. Lemme see if I can dig up the picture.

I used the helmet blades from a dark Eldar helmet attached to an auspex body for the conversion.




Okay, not the best picture but you get the idea:



Man, talk about win. That model is just plain epic, Maverike.

Hehe, it looks a bit like a weapon carried by a predator.


I'm sorry, but I gotta point this piece out from my post in relation to what you just said.


I did a conversion a while back of a Space marine with lighting claws that were more like the hunter Claw the Alien used in the movie Predator


As if I missed that. ;) Sorry

Hehe, it looks a bit like a weapon carried by a predator.


I'm sorry, but I gotta point this piece out from my post in relation to what you just said.


I did a conversion a while back of a Space marine with lighting claws that were more like the hunter Claw the Alien used in the movie Predator


As if I missed that. :) Sorry


No worries Meat. I wasn't quoting it to toss egg on your face, *Hands you a towel*. It just struck me as incredibly funny.

I'm just thinking of doing the same thing with my biker command squad, where there'll be plenty of lightning claws. I agree with the fact you cannot swing at I with something the size of a human torso !

I chose to attach modified combat blades to regular PA gloves, even just two blades per arm. After all, it's twin linked power weapon, not multi-linked ! :D

  • 1 month later...

Okay Here is my Vanguard Squad. All there weapons count as Lightning Claws...even though some REALLY dont look like one...i want with a more artistic veiw of lightning claws...Rerolling to wound so i figured two or three blades.









And that is them! C&C?

Well I find that unusual and really pretty ! I love the double sword, bar the aquila on the middle of the blades, but the idea is really good when you can't think how you'll use all these power swords (like me, who buys a ravenwing box periodically to build my biker army :lol: ).


I finally chose to model meltagun + LC in a single weapon on my biker command squad, in the form of a lance with a counterweight with blades behind the arm. The idea behind it is that the lance is somewhat like telescopic, and when charging the long melta armed shaft retracts, and then the biker use it reverted, much like a kind of bladed mace. It allows me to solve the problem of "hey bikers can have two weapons and then a SS and then a bike handle, need their feet for pedals, and they are definitely not four armed"...

So it's melta + LCs in one hand, the other hand on the bike, the storm shield in front of the bike (a deflector shield should face the enemy, not being to the side on a forearm for example).


Just a fluff question popping in my mind: vanguards for white scars ? Aren't these guys supposed to be born on a bike ? I figured all their FA choices were bikes / assault bikes, to add more bikes to the already bike mounted troops ?

That is true about their tactics but they do follow the codex so they likely have vanguards as well...plus my force has Kor'sarro Khan in it so in figure it should be bike and elite heavy. Vanguards also move as fast as bikes so I see them being employed as well. Bikes do have turbo-boost but a good solid close combater may choose to use a jump pack in order to better get to the enemy. Anyway a full biker list appeals to me but vanguards have always been my favorite unit. lightning Clawed ones to be specific...I am a Night Lord fan you see haha heretical I know.


The wings on the swords are actually the Dark Angels symbol. I did cut an aquilla in half and use each half as like vambraces for that models though.


Also I forgot to point out all their blades are blood spattered. And the Sergeant has the gold beaky head and the heresy shoulder pad drenched in blood as well as his arm...


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