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Ashe Darke's Death Guard

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This has been long overdue but I've finally gotten around to doing it.


Here are some choice pictures of my Death Guard army.












Second Prince. The iconic Nurgle Prince. He was a gift from a friend. He didn't come with a head so I made that one out of green stuff. I went for the scythe as well because I didn't like his sword and I had a spare scythe from a Typhus I got that came without a head. The wings were added to make is WYSIWYG legal. They're ok, more of a prototype for some other wings I did. It's not my best.


T Bag




First Prince. His sword comes out of this wrist like that because I knew it would keep breaking off otherwise. He rarely get used but he is a handy spare.


MC Hammer





My most recent Prince. Probably my favourite, mainly because of his size. I learned a lot from Fatty when doing his wings and as you can see they're a lot better. He has some green stuff armour to make the 3+ armour save a bit more believable.







I bought him for Apoc games although I've never really used him. I didn't like half the crap on his chair so I built my own. He's smaller than the other one as well so he's now easier to hide.






I bought him because in my first list draft he was in it. I've never used him although he was fun to paint.







Now when I ordered Tyhpus the first thing I got was lacking a head and the top plate. They sent me a new one but I still had the body and so I made this sorcerer. The back is made from green stuff and is supposed to look a bit beetle like.











I got the Chaos Renegade Strike Force for Christmas. It had terminators in it although I didn't really want them, so I thought I'd get the FW kit and put them together. The shoulder pads are ork ones and supposed to look a bit pre-heresy. The claws are the loyalist ones with symbols cut off. I then bulked them up and made them look more DG-like with green stuff although it doesn't really show in the pics






Plague Marines




This is First Squad. There's 10 in total but I decided not to take pics of all of them. They're all made using FW kits.







First of 3 Rhinos. Trying to do an even coat of wash on vehicles isn't easy and I found the rust drips covers it up quite nicely.



Heavy Support







I got sick of carrying the metal ones around and so I made my own plastic ones. I've tried to bulk them up as much as possible but it's not easy. I want to make some more and I have the spare bits, I just need the terminators. I'm quite proud of them.


Land Raider





One of two bricks. I love my Raiders. I've even made my own little 'dozer blades' for tournament purposes.


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These are awesome. I really like that you used the original legion scheme instead of vomit green and rust. Green and white is woefully underused.


I especially like your "Oblitonators". Those look just plain great.


Also, Prince Fatty is pretty cool too. I like the head conversion and the use of Typhus' scythe.

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Here's some individual pics of the Obliterators.



















And some vehicles I forgot.










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The hardest part was doing the tubes and getting a piece of plastic to fill in the gap. Because it was shifted forwards it didn't meet where it was supposed to and just underneath the demolisher cannon is a panel I had to cut out and put in. I shifted it forwards as the 'sat back' turret didn't look quite right as most tanks generally don't have such a large gap at the front.


Doing the paint work for the Plague Reaper was actually easier than any of the other tanks. Because it's made of panels it was easier to take my time with it and do it a stage at a time. With tanks like the Raiders and Rhinos there are large panels that have to be done in one go and it's not easy. The rivets are fun to do, you can take your time and not have to rush anything. It's that final stage that really makes the vehicle pop, it's the most rewarding part, although it requires a lot of wash. I tend to find wash dregs are best for this kinda work as it's thicker than a new pot.


I've only ever used it once, it was fun although the main gun didn't last too long. Complete MEQ killer.


More troop pics coming soon.


EDIT: Hah! Too much activity apparently. Back on the 13th. Maybe I shouldn't do such large pictures.

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They have pic size restrictions though. I ran into the same problem today as my own 'bucket's bandwith was exceeded too. Going to upgrade to pro, it's not very expensive... Been using them for like 8 years now, it's fair to give them some money for their trouble eventually. :rolleyes:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice work on the Plague Reaper?! I see you've moved the super-heavy chassis forward I almost had not noticed. Thats some smooth work there.

Must have taken forever to do those rivets!


My thought exactly on the rivets. You didn't change the gun barrel much or at all on the Plague Reaper, why?

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