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We own the night

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I've decided to start up a Night Lord army for the third time, and have produced this little chap. He's my tester model to get the scheme right, and I'm very happy with him so far.











You may have noticed I've gone without the bat-helmets. This is because they look very silly.


The 3 claw-marks on his shoulder indicate he's a member of third squad, while the bloody hand is just there to look cool. I've given him a healthy coating of Boltgun Metal after painting, to give him a more realistic look.

The army will be heavily inspired by the novel 'Soul Hunter' from the Black Library, which I absolutely loved.


Anyway, there we go. Hope you enjoyed it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got another one for you.







This guy originally had tattoos on his head, but I removed them because they didn't feel right. He still has a big old face-cleaver though.




And here we have Third Claw in their entirety.






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These guys look like something you'd find in a back alley, snapping the necks of off duty Ultramarines. Dude you make me want to paint Night Lords! These are awesome..... but that massive mold line is killing me.
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I'm really liking what you are doing. It's the first time I've really liked the lightning bolts on them.


I just got my mail orders to start my Night Lords force. While my plan is for a much less ornate marine, I might just draw up a few lightning bolts now.

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