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'alexanders WIP

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Where were you when you knocked the cup over? Casue even though it might seem like it sometimes, bitz don't just vanish into thin air.

So I'd say get a flashlight and start moving furniture.

Put the flashlight on the ground, that way if there are any things on the ground they will create a shadow. Same whay holes in the ground might apear bigger infront of a car or bike.


Feeling your way over the floor by putting the flat of your hand against the floor and then brushing it back and forth works ( like cleaning a window ).


Good luck!

Where were you when you knocked the cup over? Casue even though it might seem like it sometimes, bitz don't just vanish into thin air.

So I'd say get a flashlight and start moving furniture.

Put the flashlight on the ground, that way if there are any things on the ground they will create a shadow. Same whay holes in the ground might apear bigger infront of a car or bike.


Feeling your way over the floor by putting the flat of your hand against the floor and then brushing it back and forth works ( like cleaning a window ).


Good luck!




I'm sure a black hole appears as soon as I drop something. Swallows my dropped item and then deposits it a week later in an inconvenient place, like where I need to step.

Jerk black holes...

In my garage is were i dropped them. Its a mess out there to since my father moved everything around. They used to disappear into the same places usually, but not anymore. And my mothers cat thinks theyre fun to play with. :) I pretty much lost the whole CCW arm. Im about ready to cry.

I'd say convert something. If you buy an Ironclad you'll get an extra ( use the hammer for the Ironclad, and the chainfist for the Ven ). So all is not lost my friend.

I'd say keep looking, but even if you don't find it some kit-bashing, converting and good imagination ( or a quick order to FW for a new arm ) ought to see you through it :)



Thanks. ^_^

So here are some pics of the dread, I plan on using the deathwind M. launchers to make a M. launcher arm. Nothing is glued yet.






Here are some other vehicles I am working on, some have been a WIP for a very long time.





And here is a base I painted just for fun. The center of the cracks will be were a space marines foot is.




So cheers, let me know what you think.


So, heres what I've been working on:


Inquisitor (Death Watch captain). I have to try and get a psycannon arm before ard boyz!




Grey Hunters (this one is a Death Watch veteran). I have three pictures of him because I like him so much :D . I have to get 40 ready :o





Sniper Scouts, have to make 20!



I finally glued this las turret together for a razorback.



And I need to pick up plasticard to make a housing for this magnetized set.


I'm sure a black hole appears as soon as I drop something. Swallows my dropped item and then deposits it a week later in an inconvenient place, like where I need to step.

Jerk black holes...


I Know how you feel. I dropped a termie shoulder pad and it must have been lost to the warp or something, as it didn't turn up until a week later...after i had ordered a spare.



Loving the pose of the gray hunter Alex. A little gap filling on that armpit and it'll be perfect.

I am so screwed up, all of the army is going to look terrible, because half of it is second hand (rough shape) and its all done in a hurry. I have a whirlwind, razorback, scout pack, long fang pack, grey hunter pack, and sky claw pack assembled. That leaves 1 razorback, 1 long fang pack, 3 grey hunter packs, 4 drop pods, 1 wolf priest,1 callidus assasin, 1 inquisitor and his retinue of 9.

AGGHHHHH!!! :) :cuss :P


Anyways here are the two highlights of the night.



I just got some plasti-card, as well as a Catachan Platoon and Cadian command Squad. Let me tell youu, these kits look promising for conversions :o. And if you had the arms, the catachans would make nice, cheaper alternatives to scouts ;). I got a meeting tonight, so I will have to post pics later, cheers.

PLEASE dont judge me on the following models, they are without a doubt the worst Ive ever done, and I blame it on rushing from lack of time. Please tell me wether they would work as (blank) for Ard Boyz.


-Warriors (servitors w/ heavy bolters)



-Acolytes (in artificer armor)




-Sages and Mystic



-Inquisitor Lord in terminator armor w/ psycannon


I got frustrated modelling, so I tried some painting on my "assassin" model. The red is beautiful in person, but I screwed up the whole thing when I painted on the black :D , uh just one of those days. I had the armor Adeptus Battle-Grey before, and it looked way better, so I will change it back to that.


I think the acolytes would be better if they had power armour arms as well as bodies.

Giving the mystic a staff would make him look more like one. The cadian pieces might be better for the sages.

Keep up the good work.




The Mystic does have a staff :jaw: , can you see it? I have to use the catachan arms for the acolytes as they have laspistols and cc arms. I am figitng with the retinue actually right now, so things will be changed, including switching to 2 mystics and 1 stage instead of the way it is now, a second mystic is much better than having a second sage. I will try using cadians for all of it, make it more uniform, with the exception of the acolytes.


Thanks for the comment!

I love the Inquisitor Lord in terminator armor w/ psycannon, I had the same idea just the othe night, was getting the bits together then real life got in te way and I forgot. Good to see it done. Will have to do it later on in my amy for something, maybe a Termie S-priest. Now that I think would look pretty cool.


Good stuff so far.

Thanks E :) . So heres what I have worked on today.


In school I lasered some 1 or 1.5mm plasticard (I cant remember) to make this turret housing.




Some spare time on the dread. I really liked making the desert/sandstone base, I think thats how I will base the rest maybe.




A little work on the Inquisitor, like gap filing on the side of his chest plate. I also laser'd the blade of his spear. I thought this banner from the cadian command box could easily be adapted for the deathwatch or =][=. The current hand and pole are temporary, in fact after 'Ard Boyz, everything but the chest, head and banner are going to be scrapped or "modified".



I found my dreads CC arm! I'm so happy! Since I've found it, I may use him as Bjorn in 'Ard Boyz so I have him assembled, I wild post pics later. If you would like to help me with my list, its in the Space Wolves List Reviews. :cuss



So heres the dread, all lightly glued together (so I can take him apart and paint him later).




And heres my wolf priest for my COI pledge, this is update #1.






So thats it, please feel free to comment. Cheers


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