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Grey Knight Dreadnought Brother Tybalt

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Instead of bogging down any browser i figured it would be easier to do it this way, but wanted to post some pics of venerated Brother Dreadnought Tybalt, as some people have asked me about him since i described him in another topic. This takes you to the first pic and then you can scroll through the others. Thanks guys, and any comments are appreciated

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Most impressive.



Really nice conversion on the Ven Dreadnought parts. The arches look spot on for a Grey Knight. I really like the power plant stacks.


Very Imperial gothic feel.

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Well, the kits are: FW Dreadnought Chassis, Venerable Dreadnought Arms, and the legs and stacks come from the Throne Of Judgement. The hardest thing is that the FW chassis doesnt come with the power plant, and the ToJ's doesnt fit flush with it, so it took some plasticard work with the help of my friend Bloodied_Fist. Then, the Ven Arms didnt wanna fit either, the holes were too big, so enter Green Stuff. When i get home im gonna me magnetizing them. Then i closed the fist enough to actually hold the DNFW i made from scratch, but im thinking i may have to take it off at the wrist and replace it with one of those new actual fists from the new Ironclad kit.
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