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Acharus of the Ghostwatch, 1st Company Grand Master


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Hi All,


I joined this fine forum a bit to late to give you any WiP shots of this character, so a fully painted version is all i can offer, and as such, i lay my work at your mercy.


My "counts as Belial" for my Dark Angel successor chapter the Angels of the Watch, this is Grand Master Acharus of the Ghostwatch, 1st Company AOTW.





This is the first mini i've ever put up for scrutiny so be nice you hounds!

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A SW head used on one of The Unforgiven!


I'm only poking fun, don't worry, the conversion and painting work is excellent, I especially like the pose of the model. Even the new plastic Termi's aren't this dynamic and it's nice to see a Termi striding forth to deliver the Emperor's Justice... or silence someone who know's too much :devil:


Out of interest do you have any plans for Lysander's shield? I always thought it would look good on a Dread, not so much on a Mortis pattern, but none the less.

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SW head? thats just Lysanders head with the ridiculous mohawk trimmed off :devil:


I loved the pose of the model, its much more dynamic than the plastic ones, looks like he means business :D I do plan to use the shield, currently converting it for the thunderhammer + storm shield variant of the character, also working on a Lightning claw version as well, gotta love a special character with 3 weapons setups at no extra points cost :D

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SW head? thats just Lysanders head with the ridiculous mohawk trimmed off :devil:


That'll teach me to look twice before posting, the expression and white bionics along the right side of his head made it appear much like the SW head with a top-knot descending along the side of the face, it may not be in the new kit as I bought my SW years and years ago now.


Are you planning to change the haft of Lysander's TH to remove/obscure the large fist?


As I didn't comment on it earlier, the white rather than bone white of the Termi armour works very well with the red cape and details, it still says "Deathwing" but distinguishes them as a successor chapter.

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@Hubernator - thats just the bog standard cape that is prebuilt onto the Lysander model so it can't be detached or anything sadly.


@Cyri - Come to think of it, it does look like that old SW head a bit :devil: Not sure about removing the fist yet, It's not at all Dark Angel but it looks bloody awesome, maybe try to convert it a bit make it look more suitable. I'll probably end up just using a plastic one and converting it a bit. As for my colour scheme, the lighter colour looks more natural than the bone of the traditional Unforgiven chapters i think, and the red contrasts with it in just the right way, which is actually better on the model than it was in my head :D it was going to be grey, but how boring would that be :D

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