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Iron Gauntlet 2010 - Third Challenge

Brother Argent

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Iron Gauntlet 2010 - Challenge the Third


The veteran's one eye continues to glare at you steely. " Real fancy," he snorts derisively as you show him the livery of your Chapter, " But tell me, whelp, has your Chapter any heroes? Or are they all as... unimpressive as you?"


Okay folks, its that time again. As the First Challenge closes today I'll role out the next one. This time is character creating time. The challenge goes as follows:


To complete this challenge you are required to complete TWO new or Counts-As Characters for your Chapter. These Characters can be anything you want, from a dreadnought to a techmarine, a Chapter Master to a scout sergeant. All that matters is that the characters are DIY. Three rankings as usual and they are as follows:


Bronze HQ Skull - Complete one item from the list below

Silver HQ Skull - Complete two items from the list below

Gold HQ Skull - Complete three items from the list below



- 500 - 1000 words Fluff for Character

- Complete to Three colour standard a model of the Character

- Rules and Stats for Character (not acceptable for Counts-As Characters)

- A picture/drawing of the Character


Note you only have to do three of the above list to complete the Challenge


The Third Challenge ends on the 7th of July, so thats two months people


To Accept this challenge simply post the following vow:


I ,Insert name here, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor or a giant pink bunny, uh, Chaos Gods, curse me if I fail.


Keep in mind people that the development of actual rules belongs in the HOMEGROWN RULES sub-forum here on the B&C


Okay people, hit me with any questions you have or get vowing...


Those whom have taken the third challenge:


- Axlbush - Scythes of Dorn

- Maleagant - Archangels

- Slick Jimmy - Deathclaws

- Argon - Oblivion Knights

- Dark Apostle Thirst - Lords of Shadow + Wraithes of Darkness

- Madolf Shadowmane - Hounds of the Hunt

- Silver Phoenix - Sons of Bennu

- Strike Captain Lysimachus - Iron Gods

- Reyner - Ghost Dragons

- Mordray -

- Captain Nightengel - Knights of Shadowfury

- Hobo Willie - Celestial Swords

- Plague Angel - Angels Incarnadine

- 11th Company Dark Master

- PerryT - Wolverines

- Kadris - Storm Scars

- Hasaroth - Reckoners.

I ,Axlbush of the Scythes of Dorn, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.


...like I failed the First. Oh well, onwards and upwards!

I, Maleagant of the Archangels Chapter, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and to help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.
I ,Slick Jimmy, of the Deathclaw Chapter, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor or a giant pink bunny, uh, Chaos Gods, curse me if I fail.

I , Argon of the Oblivion Knights, having recently been turned into Chaos Spawn accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide THREE characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010 AD. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May I suffer the wrath of Chaos if I fail.


So, three questions:


1. Do we post the characters here or in the Homegrown Rules forum?


2. Do I have to draw the picture or can we get somebody else to do it?


3. Does each character have to have the same three things? I'm doing two homebrew and one counts-as, but none of them have a model yet.

I ,War Chief Madwolf Shadowmane of the Hounds of the Hunt, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.


Started the fluff on the first of my two characters. The thread can be found here.

So, three questions:


1. Do we post the characters here or in the Homegrown Rules forum?


2. Do I have to draw the picture or can we get somebody else to do it?


3. Does each character have to have the same three things? I'm doing two homebrew and one counts-as, but none of them have a model yet.


1. Post the Characters with finished rules here, if you develop them. There will be no discussion of rules here, only a quick poost of them. Develop them in Homegrown rules but post them here with your character when done. Simply so the Liber doesn't get bogged down with discussions meant somewhere else.


2. Well whilst it would be cool if you did it I suppose I can accept someone elses art. HOwever give them credit for it. Of course you only have to do three of the list to get a golden skull so you dont NEED to do artwork anyway


3. Nope. One can be fluff rules and picture, whilst the other can be model, picture and fluff or whatever. If you do a counts-as character the rules bit doesn't apply, as their already written for you.


Oh and because I should


I ,Silver Phoenix of the Sons of Bennu, accept my third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor or a giant pink bunny, uh, Chaos Gods, curse me if I fail.

So, three questions:


1. Do we post the characters here or in the Homegrown Rules forum?


2. Do I have to draw the picture or can we get somebody else to do it?


3. Does each character have to have the same three things? I'm doing two homebrew and one counts-as, but none of them have a model yet.


1. Post the Characters with finished rules here, if you develop them. There will be no discussion of rules here, only a quick poost of them. Develop them in Homegrown rules but post them here with your character when done. Simply so the Liber doesn't get bogged down with discussions meant somewhere else.


2. Well whilst it would be cool if you did it I suppose I can accept someone elses art. HOwever give them credit for it. Of course you only have to do three of the list to get a golden skull so you dont NEED to do artwork anyway


3. Nope. One can be fluff rules and picture, whilst the other can be model, picture and fluff or whatever. If you do a counts-as character the rules bit doesn't apply, as their already written for you.


Got it.


I'd do the drawings, but I can't draw power armour worth anything :lol:.

I, Lysimachus of the Iron Gods, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor or a giant pink bunny, uh, Chaos Gods, curse me if I fail.
I ,Reyner of the Ghost Dragons, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.
Guest Mordray
I ,Mordray, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow liberites as always.
I ,Silver Phoenix of the Sons of Bennu, accept my third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor or a giant pink bunny, uh, Chaos Gods, curse me if I fail.


I see what you did there!

I, Captain Nightengel, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter Knights of Shadowfury, before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor have pity upon me if I fail.


Humm Im going to enjoy working on this challenge over the summer. FINALLY DONE WITH MY THIRD YEAR OF COLLEGE!


Quick question, can these characters be part of the 500-1850 pts we are painting for the Second Challenge?

I, Hobo Willie, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of the Celestial Swords before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of the Celestial Swords Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.
I, Plague Angel of the Angels Incarnadine, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of the Angels Incarnadine here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor, Father Sanguinius, and Grandfather Nurgle curse me if I fail.
Post the Characters with finished rules here, if you develop them. There will be no discussion of rules here, only a quick poost of them. Develop them in Homegrown rules but post them here with your character when done. Simply so the Liber doesn't get bogged down with discussions meant somewhere else.

Can we post links to threads we start in the Homegrown Rules forum?

Pre-painted would work I suppose. Its more about creating a character that is shown in both his rules, fluff artwork and model, (I know I said both there) then about painting or drawing. Its about expressing character of the character in whatever format he/she taes.
I ,11th Company Dark Master, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor or a giant pink bunny, uh, Chaos Gods, curse me if I fail.


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