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Iron Gauntlet 2010 - Third Challenge

Brother Argent

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I, Perry T, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of the Wolverines before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of the Wolverines here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.
I ,Kadris, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter, Storm Scars, here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.
I, Hasoroth, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide one character of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter, the Reckoners, here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.
I ,Master Gabriel Macleod (Angels of the Storm), accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor or a giant pink bunny, uh, Chaos Gods, curse me if I fail.
I, Grey Hunter Ydalir, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of my Chapter before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor or a giant pink bunny, uh, Chaos Gods, curse me if I fail.
  • 4 weeks later...

I ,Ferrus Manus, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of the Arctic Lions before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of my Chapter here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.


Yes, I know I'm a bit late....

  • 3 weeks later...

One week to go on this Challenge! How's everyone getting on?


Oops, come to think of it, not posted my finished characters here yet, would be an 'epic fail' to the Challenge to have done them and just not posted them in the right place! :)




Talek Varn, Lord of the Iron Gods 275pts




Talek Varn is the undisputed master of the Solios Nebula. He has proved himself to be an egotistical brute, a megalomaniac with a vicious streak a light year across. How such a flawed individual ever rose to become an Astartes is unknown, as no Chapter has ever stepped forward to accept responsibility for their fallen son. However, he is at the same time a ferocious and skilled warrior, a cunning tactician and a charismatic leader; ruling his little empire with a mixture of respect and fear.


Talek Varn





Power fist with built-in Storm Bolter


Armour of Kings: Varn’s Tactical Dreadnought Armour is an incredibly ancient relic, a treasure of unknown origin, and it is claimed to render the mighty Lord almost immune to any attack. It is even said by some that the suit contains a powerful aegis field generator that can protect both Varn and those around him from the trickery of the warp.

(TDA, Belt of Russ, Wolf Tail Talisman, Eternal Warrior)


Butcher’s Blade: (Frost Axe)


Special Rules:


And They Shall Know No Fear

Independent Character


Master of Battle:

Talek Varn is a consummate warrior, equally skilled and deadly with Bolt, Fist or Blade. (Acute Senses, Counter-attack, Wolf Tooth Necklace. Further, Varn may allocate his close combat attacks as he sees fit between his Power Fist and the Butcher’s Blade.)


However, it is not only his physical prowess that makes him so capable a commander. Regardless of his origins, it is clear that Varn is a master tactician, and has successfully led Astartes forces in countless theatres of war, using whatever strategems are necessary to achieve victory.

(The High King)


Inspired Madness

”You are Gods on a field of mortal

men, spill their blood for me and receive

glory unending! Now charge or

I’ll gut you all myself…”

attributed to Talek Varn
The Lord of the Iron Gods is an inspirational figure, motivating his followers with a wild combination of threats and promises, simultaneously persuading and intimidating his troops to carry out his cruel commands.

(Living Legend)


Tyrant of the Solios Nebula:

Like most megalomaniacs, Talek Varn is utterly convinced of the rightness of his every action. This self belief makes it almost impossible for an enemy to force Varn to fall back, and his confidence is infectious to those of his followers fighting beside him.

(Stubborn, Saga of Majesty)

and the second one:


Brother Degier 110pts




In Brother Degier's former Chapter, few things were as hated as the uncanny powers of the psyker and the witch. Degier's self-imposed exile led him across dozens of worlds, vilified by frightened Imperial citizens and pursued by fanatical witch hunters. Talek Varn found Degier in a slum tavern deep in one of the Hives of Armis, attempting to overcome his enhanced constitution with massive amounts of the local rotgut. The Iron Gods leader spoke to the troubled psyker and helped him find peace within himself and with his strange new abilities, and gave him new equipment, a new home, and a new purpose in life. Though Degier has since had little or no formal training in his new role as Varn’s personal sorcerer, his inexperience is more than compensated for by his raw, unadulterated power.


Brother Degier




1 (Unique)


Unit type/Wargear/Special Rules:

Brother Degier counts-as a Rune Priest (see C:SW) equipped with a Chooser of the Slain (his servo skull)


Psychic Powers:

Degier has had little instruction in the use of his new abilities and is therefore limited to one psychic power, Living Lightning. However, while inexperienced, he is very powerful and therefore the Type profile of this power is changed from Assault D6 to Assault 3+D3.


Further due to his lack of training, Degier is less able to detect the changes in the warp created by the presence of another psyker. Therefore his ability to nullify an enemy psychic power is reduced from a 4+ to a 5+ on a D6.

So, I am a rediculously terrible painter, and my modeling skills are mediocre at best. I do so enjoy the fluff and the world of 40k, hence the reason I even attempt to play with such ugly models :P However, I was wondering if I could submit two characters without appropriate models? With fluff, rules, and possibly a hand drawn picture? I honestly don't care if I win, I just love creating new characters. If its outside the rules of the contest, I completely understand =) Just thought I'd ask haha.

The answers you seek are in the Challenge in the first post. These challenges go from three awards, bronze, silver and gold. For this challenge you have to do one item from the list for two characters, silver is two from the list and gold is three from the list. The listed items were:


- 500-1000 words fluff

- Rules and stats ( doesn't apply to counts as models)

- Model (doesn't matter how badly painted)

- Artwork of the character (again doesn't matter how bad)


Challenge finishes in FOUR days now people and so far I've got one person whom has achieved a Silver award (SCL). Maybe gold, I haven't done a word count on his fluff yet but I don't think it would be 500 words.


I know I'm nearly done, just finishing the seconmd challenge (five marines left) before I do the characters models. If you have posted rules or fluff etc in the other thread please post them here, as this is where you submit your entry to the challenge.


As a side note I'm finally going to start tallying up the results from the first challenge (as well as the ones for the next two challenges) over the next week. Things have been held back by my signature creator disappearing and waiting on word back from th Librarium/waiting for articles to be reviewed. Thanks for everyones patience.

I, Shinzaren, accept your third Challenge and vow before my Brothers and Sisters of the B&C to provide TWO characters of the Shadow Keepers before the 7th of July 2010. I vow to present these legends of the Shadow Keepers here in this thread and will help my fellow Challengers in their efforts. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.



11th Company Captain Irriaz Shezz'ah


Irriaz Shezz'ah is the current Captain of the 11th Company of the Shadow Keepers, who's job it is to lead the Scouts of the the Chapter into Battle. This is perhaps the most honored and respected of the Captain positions, as each assault is lead by Scouts, and it is these lightly armored skirmishers over which he has dominion. As well as leading them into battle, he is the first authority figure of the Chapter, molding the new recruits into true brothers. Fighting for the chapter for nearly 250 years before being elevated from the 1st company to his current Captaincy, Irriaz has been fighting the enemies of the Imperium his entire life.


Raised on the ever dark world of Sinead, Irriaz was a glorious pit fighter by his 10th birthday, regular winning fame and fortune over the fighters of his world's tribes. A master of the dual knife fighting that was the practice of his people, Irriaz stood knee deep in the blood of his challengers when he was selected by the Chaplains. They allowed him to keep his twin stone blades, mementos he carries with him still. Proving himself first as a master tracker and scout, and then as a full marine, a sergeant, and finally as a Captain, Irriaz has always lead from the front, leading every command he's had in lightning raids and shadow assaults. Following the style of his ancestors, Irriaz wades into combat wielding twin power blades, forged in the curved knife style of his home. He wears the carapace armor of his scouts, though his is masterfully designed by the Master of the Forge himself, offering a level of protection on par with power armor.


Small and thin by Astartes standards, Irriaz has a whiplike physique and way of fighting. In the dark grey of his armor, the last sight many opponents see is the flash of his twin blade before blackness engulfs them. Nearly always victorious in the once-a-decade duels of the Shadow Keepers, his record of victories is second to only Nikolai Hessa himself, first Chapter Master of the Shadow Keepers. His constant barrage of attacks with his slightly smaller left hand blade keep his enemies off balance and defensive until the larger right hand blade thunders in for a killing stroke. Though he has fought all manner of adversary, Irriaz prefers to do battle against the long lived Autarchs of the Eldar, pitting his skills against theirs in bloody melee. More than one Eldar raid has fallen apart on the death throes of their Autarch, who's blood stains the knives of Irriaz.


Out of combat, Irriaz is a jocular and humorous leader, apt to to be found in the dining hall with his men, rather than at the command table. he mixes with the scouts as often as he can, in this way he learns their feelings and thoughts on the Chapter, and what their worries and doubts are. The most sociable of the command structure by far, Irriaz often engages in contests of eating and drinking, pitting his small body against far large marines, and yet somehow winning. In battle however, all this falls from him, and he becomes a silent and deadly killer, with little or no patience for mistakes or slip ups.


Character Chart 165pts.

WS:7, BS:3, S:4, T:4, W:2, I:5, A:4 LD:10, SV:3+


USR: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Scouts, Stealth, Preferred Enemy: Eldar.


Special Rules:

Master Knife Fighter: Irriaz has fought in the double bladed style of his people for nearly three centuries, mastering it to the highest level. In melee, Irriaz's save becomes 2+, and he gains a 5+ invulnerable save, his deadly quick reflexes allow him to dodge blows that would slay him instantly. There are no possible ways for Irriaz to gain this bonus against ranged attacks; even his reflexes cannot dodge attacks he cannot see coming.


Leader of Scouts: Irriaz leads his initiates better than any before him, teaching them to master their duties of stealth and infiltration. As such, two squads of scouts per army may all be equipped with camouflage cloaks at no extra cost.



Bolt Pistol, Cloak of Shadows, Sinead Duel Blades, Teleport Homer

Sinead Duel Blades: An exquisitely crafted set of long bladed fighting knives, sheathed in disruptive power fields. Sinead Duel Blades count as Master Crafted Lightning Claws.


Cloak of Shadows: This custom made scout armor features wards, and sigils to guard against enemy fire, giving Irriaz a 3+ armor save in carapace armor.


Chapter Master Nikolai Stratos, Lord of the Shadow Keepers


Nikolai Stratos leads the Shadow Keepers in all matters, his authority over his dark brethren absolute. Nikolai has been Master for nearly 150 years, leading always from the front. He does, in all things, lead from the front, inspiring by example the men under his command. A skilled fighter, and masterful tactician, under Stratos’ leadership, the Shadow Keepers have been victorious as never before. With his blade and bolter he cleanses the Xenos and the Heretic from the stars. His legend is written in blood, and all who battle the Keepers know his name.


Born on the burning hell of Gennis, Nikolai knew only endless war during his youth, the clans competing endlessly for the meager supply of water the few wells could produce. The second son of a tribal leader, Stratos led his tribe’s warriors in raids for food and water, wealth and women, conquering and claiming them for his father. Even as a youth, his ability to lead and flair for tactics brought prosperity to his tribe, and so it was that when the Night Demons came to take away the strongest, young Stratos was born away into the darkness, never to be seen again. Inducted into the Shadow Keepers, Stratos quickly rose through the ranks, proving again and again his ability to lead men and fight the greatest of foes. Serving with distinction as sergeant and then Captain of the 10th company, he was the natural selection when Chapter Master Nikolai Barro fell in battle against the Avatar of the Eldar. As Chapter Master he took the ceremonial name Nikolai, and was gifted with the Armor of Night, the Fist of Glories, and the Mask of Endless Night, the ceremonial arms and armor of the Master of the Keepers.


His first act as Chapter Master was to bring to justice the Eldar who struck down his predecessor, striking their Avatar down in hand to hand combat, laying waste to their army in a single glorious night of battle. Following this victory, Nikolai began a decade long purge of the Jacarta system, breaking meager foothold in the system once and for all.


As a fighter, Nikolai’s only rival is Irriaz Shezz’ah, Captain of the 11th Company. He knows no other equal. With the power fist, Fist of Glories, Nikolai has crushed the skulls of Warlords, Eldar, Orks, and Chaos Lords, his mighty blows destroying all who stand in his path. By Plasma Pistol and power fist, he has swept clean planets. As master of the chapter, Nikolai is responsible both for the deployments and actions of his Captains and commanders, and it is a mark of his trust and respect for them, that he allows them extraordinary amounts of freedom. No other Captain can claim such independence from their Master, and they pay back his trust by securing victory upon victory, carrying the honor of the chapter across the stars. In battle, Nikolai’s tactical expertise is even more prevalent; under his command, the Space Marine of his companies fight as a single united unit, each one a well oiled piece of a greater machine.


Character Chart: 225pts

WS:6, BS:5, S:4, T:4, W:3, I:5, A:4, LD:10, SV:3+


Special Rules:


USR: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Orbital Bombardment

Master of Strategy: For years, Stratos’ tactics have lead the Shadow Keepers to victories uncounted. If Nikolai Stratos is in your Army, any unit may exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Stubborn, Counter Attack, Tank-Hunters, or Infiltrate Special Rules. Each squad may pick a different rule, and must keep it throughout the game.



Plasma Pistol, Armor of Night, Fist of Glories, Mask of Endless Night.


Armor of Night: Ancient Power armor laced with runes of protection and warding, the Armor of Night grants Stratos a 4+ invulnerable save, in addition to his normal 3+ save.

Fist of Glories: Master Crafter Power Fist

Mask of Endless Night: This ancient and honored helmet is the traditional “crown” of the Shadow Keepers. It has been runed by the finest of the Librarium to ward off psychic attacks. Whenever Stratos is targeted by a Psychic Attack, each player must roll a dice. If Stratos’ player’s dice is equal to or higher than his opponents, the attack is cancelled, and Stratos suffers no effects.

Clan Chief Bareknife, the Black Wolf, Herald of the Hunt

225 Points

Clan Chief Bareknife, the Black Wolf, Herald of the Hunt

Chief Bareknife has carved a turbulent saga for himself. He has been a Hound for 250 years. As a Bowlancer of the Second Clan, Chief Bareknife was chosen to succeed Chief Redthrone who was sent to the Emperor combating WAARGH Grenteef.

His family was blessed as his older brother was taken by the Hounds ten years before Bareknife accepted as an aspirant. His vision quest was marked by the Black Wolf, strongest and most war-like of the seven mentor wolves. His vision quest ended with the Black Wolf being consumed by a tide of green. This is thought to be an ill omen for the Second Clan.

Clan Chief Bareknife is most famous for a decisive strike against a congealing WAARGH two systems from Eametanene. His Stalker Pack had spent weeks tracking the War Boss ‘Eadunter. Bareknife slew over one hundred twenty xenos taking these scalps for his honor before meeting War Boss ‘Eadunter in single combat. He crippled the enormous Ork before shattering the War Boss’s spine. He took the two foot topknot from the body and added it to his personal Bowlance. This trophy is borne to war to this day as a testament to his honor.

Chief Bareknife bears the title Black Wolf, which indicates his leadership of the Second Clan of the Hounds of the Hunt. The Second Clan is the clan most often tasked with fulfilling requests for aid from other Imperial forces. He also has the honorific of Herald of the Hunt which is similar to the title Master of the Marches in other Chapters.

As the Herald of the Hunt, he has had the most experience fighting alongside other Chapters. He has many blood brothers amongst the Ultramarines, White Scars and the Space Wolves. He has seen Holy Terra from the command bridge of his Clan’s Strike Cruiser, the ancient Fatalstrike.

When on the surface of the Mother he resides in the Lodge of the Black Wolf with the Bowlance Pack that bears his honor. As a Clan Chief he is a member of the High Hunt, the ruling council of the Hounds of the Hunt.

When he goes to war he bears the ancient Clan axe, Preycrusher, which belonged to the original Black Wolf. He also carries his Medicine Shield. It bears his personal heraldry and was forged by his own hands. The shield bears his faith and has saved him from several violent deaths.

He is prideful and sometimes careless when dealing with his peers. He tends to alienate his allies when not accompanied by his brother, Ghostmaker Shadow. He boasts loudly that he is destined to become War Chief. Thankfully most of his fellow Clan Chiefs ignore him. Chief Ardentclaw has beat him soundly on one occasion after Chief Bareknife told him he was unfit to lead the First Clan. It is unlikely that the boasts of Chief Bareknife will ever become manifest. First his vision quest did not indicate that he would rise that high in the Hounds and the Tetrad of the Arrows lack faith in his leadership in the absence of his brother.

The Black Wolf
Chief Bareknife 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+

Artificer armor, Bolt pistol, Frag and Krak grenades, Bareknife Medicine shield, Clan axe Preycrusher

Bareknife Medicine shield- The iron ring of the Medicine shield incorporates an energy field. The belief and effort applied in the crafting of the Medicine shield by its owner affords a measure of psychic protection. Grants a 4+ invulnerable save. (Iron Halo)

Clan axe Preycrusher- This ornate clan axe functions as a one-handed Relic Blade. Also may be used as a short ranged weapon with the following profile

Range- 6" Strength- 6 AP- 4 Type- Assault 1

Once thrown the weapon can no longer be used during that game.

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Acute Senses, Master of the Hunt, Honor Guard

Honor Guard- May take a Pack of Bowlancers. If a Bowlancer Pack is taken it must contain a Clan Standard

Ghostmaker Shadow

210 points

Ghostmaker Shadow, Huntmaster of the Black Wolf

Outside the Sanctuary of the Stars, two hundred sixty years ago on the eve of the Festival of Remembrance two boys stand side by side at dust. The boys have recently arrived at the sacred grounds to watch the trials. A decade of time separates the boys but they share a bond forged on the harsh plains of the Mother.

“Jorge, you must obey Mother and Father. And take care on your hunts. I can’t shadow you anymore. Tomorrow I will take part in the Sun Dance and take my place among the spirit warriors hunting for the Great Thunderbird,” says the older of the two boys.

“Good, I will hang beside you tomorrow, and when have I needed you to save me on a hunt?” exclaimed Jorge, the younger of the two.

“No, No. It is forbidden. You cannot undertake the Trials until a Were has reached at least nine summers. You haven’t even seen your fourth summer yet. The Clansman will flay your hide if you make the request. Promise me you won’t disgrace our tribe?”

“Brother I will be the youngest ever to make the sacrifice.”

“Jorge, promise me or I will thrash you and leave you bound on the sleeping furs!”

“I can’t promise to ignore my honor.” Says Jorge as he pounds his fist to his chest in salute.

“Have it your way, brother”, says the older as he leaps onto Jorge and pummels him about the head and shoulders.

As he is beginning to slump into unconsciousness, “I yield brother, please don’t tie me. I will obey you in this.”

Many decades later the older of the two boys kneels before an altar of wood carved into the image of a Giant Thunderbird. He contemplates rites to begin in a few hours. His younger brother has completed his medicine shield and will be elevated to the title of Black Wolf. He has been the Huntmaster of the Black Wolf for five decades. He is a Chaplain of the Hounds of the Hunt, a Ghostmaker. He is now called Ghostmaker Shadow. His brother is to become Clan Chief Bareknife.

After all these decades he has shadowed and protected his brother. This task has consumed him so long that he was raised to a position where he is tasked with protecting all of his brother Hounds.

He was being groomed to take the mantle of Chief Ghostmaker, until his protectiveness of his brother became apparent. The Council of the High Hunt told him that he cannot fully serve the Hounds while he favors his brother. Shadow refuses to turn from his guardianship while his brother lives and is unlikely to survive his brother’s death.

As the Huntmaster of the Black Wolf, he is responsible for the ritual hunt when the Second Clan makes planet fall. This rite has caused friction between the brothers. Bareknife, in his pride, feels he should be able to perform the hunt in his brother’s stead. Bareknife has attempted to begin a Hunt before Shadow on at least three occasions. Each time Shadow has caught him and beat him soundly. Ghostmaker Shadow is careful in this as not to undermine the authority of his brother.

Ghostmaker Shadow bears the Warhelm of Howling Rage, a master-crafted helm. This wargear was crafted for the first Huntmaster of the Black Wolf. Despite his protectiveness of his brother, he has achieved great renown as a warrior and is responsible for many trophies on display in the Lodge of the Black Wolf.

Ghostmaker Shadow
Ghostmaker Shadow 5 4 4 5 2 4 2 10 2+

Artificer armor, Master-crafted storm bolter w/ hellfire rounds, Crozius, Rosarius, Howling Rage Warhelm

Howling Rage Warhelm- adds +1 toughness. Once per game, the controlling player may activate this piece of wargear. All friendly units within 12" gain Furious Charge for one turn.

Special Rules:
And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Acute Senses, Liturgies of Battle, Honor of the Chapter, Feel No Pain, Honor Guard, Avenge Thy Brother

Avenge Thy Brother- If Clan Chief Bareknife is in the army then you must take Ghostmaker Shadow. If Chief Bareknife becomes a casualty then Ghostmaker Shadow receives the SW special rule, A Glorious Death and must move only towards the location of Chief Bareknife's body.

We have Cryane He leads the Third Summoning, and is well known among the Wraiths for his unexpected flank attacks. His rules are thus -


Stats - Chaos Lord's stats


Wargear - Power armour, power weapon, Mark of Tzeentch, plasma pistol


Special rules


Independent Character, 5++ (increased to a 4++ by Mark of Tzeentch), Flank Attack


Flank Attack - The controlling player may designate one Chaos Space Marine squad as Wraiths. They, and Crayne, are automaticly kept in reserve, and have the Outflank special rule.


Sorceror this time...


The Unchosen


Stats - standard Sorceror stats


Wargear - Force Weapon, Blessed Armour, Bolt pistol


Blessed armour - The Unchosen has laid many spells on his armour to protect himself and earn his title as Chosen. Instead of a 3+ armour save, the Unchosen has a 2+ armour save.


Special Rules - Independent Character, 5+ Invulnerable, Fearless, Unchosen


Unchosen - The Unchosen is one of the few Wraiths that hungers for glory to be known outside of the Wraiths, and is cast out for this. The Unchosen may not join any friendly squad, must move 6 inches to the nearest enemy in the movement phase (and if he Runs), but gains an additional attack and wound.


Psychic powers - Warptime, Gift of Chaos


That's it for the Wraiths, and points cost for these two would be appreciated. I also can and will make models for these two, but cannot post pictures of them. I will let you know when the models are finished.


Going to do the rules for the two Lords of Shadow next.

Challenge finishes in FOUR days now people and so far I've got one person whom has achieved a Silver award (SCL). Maybe gold, I haven't done a word count on his fluff yet but I don't think it would be 500 words.


Thanks SP, you've reminded me of something I did when the third Challenge started and forgot about! Just over 1,000 words according to Microsoft Word:




The tavern was little more than a shack, constructed of a frame of steel pipes and rusted pieces of corrugated tin. Inside it was dark, lit only by a handful of crude oil lamps, their light further obscured by the smoke of countless iho sticks. A man sat alone at one of the poorly made tables, the other patrons leaving a wide space around him despite the close confines of the bar. He was big, far taller and broader than any other man there, and was knocking back the strongest local rotgut like it was sweet spring water. The giant was shaven headed with a brutish looking face and several of the regulars whispered to each other that given his size and constitution he must have Ogryn blood.


Degier’s augmented hearing easily picked up the muted conversations around him but he did not care what the men thought. ‘Half Ogryn’ was as good a cover as any he had used in the last two years. He threw back another shot, hoping against hope that this one would have somehow miraculously gained the potency needed to overcome his enhanced metabolism. He sighed. It hadn’t. He waved for the bartender to bring a second bottle and the awestruck man approached and silently placed it on the table. Degier glared at him until he left. He hated the scum dwellers, and every other pitiful inhabitant of the dilapidated Hive that rose for several miles above them. This whole backwater world meant less than nothing to the Imperium of Man, and yet… and yet… every man, woman and child here had more place in this galaxy than Degier himself. He poured another glass, thinking back to a different life, one of purpose, pride and brotherhood. He remembered Brother Luc’s bellowing laugh, Brother Thero’s sharp wit and Brother-Sergeant Tyrianne’s wise old eyes watching over them all.


Degier grimaced, drinking down the fiery liquid. He also remembered Luc and Thero emptying their last clips at the enemy and Tyrianne’s final, desperate swings with his power sword. All of his squad brothers should have outlived him, yet he had been the one to survive. Better to have died, the thought crossed his mind again as it had so many times, than to live as what he had become. He was about to pour another measure when some instinct, some sixth sense made him pause and ready the compact auto-pistol he carried in a holster under his long cloak. Over the last two years, he had come to trust these strange instincts.


A moment later, two men entered the bar and Degier stiffened. Though their clothing and the smoky half light did much to conceal their height and bulk to a casual observer, to one familiar with their kind, as Degier was, they were unmistakeable. Astartes. Knowing that they too would immediately identify him, and wishing that he had allowed the denizens of the bar to come closer around him, Degier looked around for an escape route. The first Astartes sat down leisurely by the exit, casually putting his feet up on another chair but watching the patrons of the bar with utmost care. The warrior had a goatee of silvery hair and darkly tanned skin.


The other hid his face under a hood but, after confidently scanning the room for a moment, walked quickly to where Degier sat. Without asking he sat at the table, throwing his hood back. Degier frowned, his mind racing. Surely these two did not hale from the same Chapter, for the second Astartes had pallid white skin and his hair and eyes were both jet black? Calmly the second warrior drew out from under his cloak a long thin knife, its blade blackened so as not to catch the light, and deftly began to clean under his fingernails with the tip.


Degier watched him for a moment and was suddenly, irrevocably sure he was dealing with a very dangerous man, a killer of sociopathic proportions. He frowned. Whatever the newcomer’s abilities, he was not as dangerous as the man he had interrupted. Degier was about to challenge the intruder when the pale killer spoke, his voice soft and sure.


“My employer has a proposition for you, Brother. If you wish to hear it, meet us at landing pad Beta-7 within two hours.” He looked around them at the ramshackle tavern and smiled, though it never reached his black, dead eyes. “Maybe you’re tired of wallowing in your own pity.”


Degier bristled, and could feel the burning rage, the hateful power, flaring behind his eyes. With an exhalation of pure effort, he forced it down. The Astartes had already risen. He walked back out of the tavern without a second glance and the other warrior moved quickly to follow him, leaving Degier to sit in amazed silence. He remained there for the best part of an hour, not touching glass or bottle, trying to make a decision. The dark warrior had used the term ‘employer’ and this, combined with the startling difference in appearance of the two Astartes, left Degier with only one conclusion. Mercenaries. The very thought of the Emperor’s chosen fighting for personal gain left a bad taste in his mouth. He held back a sudden snort of grim laughter, reminding himself that he was in no position to judge the failings of others.


More and more, though, his mind returned to the way the two Marines had looked as they had left the bar, walking with a sense of surety and purpose, and each confident of the support of his partner. Brotherhood and purpose. These were the things that defined an Astartes, things that had too long been missing from his life. Finally Degier stood, picking up the glass of rotgut as he did. The giant made to knock back the fiery shot, then paused as the glass touched his lips. With a rueful grimace, he slowly placed the drink back down on the table, untouched, then walked quickly from the darkened bar.


* * * * *

Wrote this up quickly for Cryane.


Cryane watched, his Summoning waiting. The 8th Summoning knew patience well, for their master was an excellent teacher. Cryane watched for the opening that would deliver his astartes into the very heart of the Imperial forces – and he saw it.

Quickly he gestured – and just as quickly he was gone, into the shadows. His Summoning followed, each squad coordinating with each other to deliver the maximum effect. But Cryane was outside of that, and yet was the catalyst for their movements. And so when Cryane moved to the Imperial Commander, the Summoning retreated once more into the shadows. Cryane had shown them the way before.

He saw the Imperial turn his head – but Cryane was gone. He came back, knowing that the Imperial commander was suddenly distracted. Quickly, he moved, and was forced to sink back into the shadows once more as the target felt his presence again. But Cryane was closer, and when the Commander went back to business once more, it was only seconds before Cryane ended that task.

His duty was not yet complete, however. He slipped into the shadows, and targeted the communications officer. Then the master of ordnance. Cryane moved with skill borne out of experience, and there was never any doubt to the outcome – and Cryane was disappointed. He quickly marshaled his thoughts. He was here to help the Rift Lords destroy a strongpoint in an Imperial defence, nothing more. But still he felt… empty.

As he continued killing, he thought… What if he was more challenged? Surely it wouldn’t be bad to try and take a little pleasure out of this endless war?

The thought tempted him. Why not? No answer came to mind, and Cryane started noticing the beauty of the combat he was in. Every detail seemed to stand out to him… The way the blood spurted from that guardsman’s wound… the smell of burning fuel… the adamantium grip of his sword… There was so much to be found in this little combat, this tiny slice of all the infinite war that could entertain him for so long… Why had he not thought of this before? Why was this a new revelation?

Suddenly his head cleared. No! This is what had caused the great destruction of the Wraiths before. He would not fall to the sways of this daemon that tempted him.

His mind now free of destructive thoughts, Cryane saw that he and his Summoning had done far more damage than they needed to. He passed the signal to end the engagement, and his Summoning retreated with him to the Shadows.


Cryane finished telling the Spectre of Death what had occurred on the battlefield. Cryane waited for the Spectre to admonish him, but none came. When it became clear that the Spectre would say nothing, Cryane left, to be troubled by his thoughts once more.

The Spectre saw him leave, and smiled. His ally had done well, and planted a seed of doubt into the master of the 8th Summoning. The Wraiths would rebuild, and be tempted by his master again, for his glorious god of change did so love his playthings. And eventually, they would be destroyed. But for now, they were toys.

Tzeentch so loved his toys.

This is for the Unchosen. On a side note, have made the miniatures for both the Unchosen and Cryane, but still need to paint them.


The Unchosen leapt through the shadows onto the battlefield, his force sword blazing. He slashed at the first victim he saw, and the glories began.

Twist, parry turn, block stab – and the sergeant of the loyalist dogs fell to the ground. He swept his force sword through the neck of the squad member next to him, and slaughtered the survivors quickly. His veins pulsed with the energy of simply being alive, and dark power came easily to the sorcerer as he blasted a victim into oblivion. Then he saw the captain of the dogs shouting orders to react to the Wraiths sudden appearance, and the Unchosen knew he had found his next glory.

In an instant he was beside the captain, and gestured to him. The captain merely sent his command squad forward, and so angered the Unchosen. The command squad was gone before they even had a chance, and the Unchosen, now calm, once again beckoned to the captain.

The captain drew his power sword. The Unchosen knew, simply by the way the sword was drawn, that this would not be a slaughter like those before. Both combatants slid into their combat stances, and the true test began.

Their swords flashed, one like silver, on like fire. Both managed to wound the other, but neither slowed nor weakened – to do so would mean death. And so the masters of swordplay continued, blocking, parrying, stabbing, slashing. Their warriors fought around them, but few stopped to watch. Those that did were amazed at the swordplay, and the equality of such warriors.

But although the captain had fought many, the Unchosen had killed much, much more. And so finally a deathblow came – straight through the captain’s hearts. The Unchosen reveled in the glory of so worthy an opponent, and laughed at the sheer pleasure of the kill.

The Unchosen’s laughing ceased abruptly as a wave of psychic power slammed into his back. The Unchosen was gone, but was quickly back again with a snarl. The librarian had power, however, and the Unchosen was thrown back by another blast of energy.

The Unchosen disappeared once more – and once again reappeared to find another shocking blow of eldritch origins waiting for him. The Unchosen tried to get up, but was only rewarded with a staff being slammed into his back.

The Unchosen suddenly twisted, grabbing the staff and throwing the librarian dog into a wall. The librarian stopped himself, midair, and used his power to bring the Unchosen to him.

The Unchosen felt a great pressure on him, and it steadily increased, crushing him. He fought back with his dark gifts, but they only lessened the murderous grip on him and even that was only temporary.

Suddenly the pressure lifted when the librarian’s head exploded, pierced by a bolt. The master of the 8th Summoning, Cryane, slowly lowered his bolt pistol as the Unchosen got up.

The only reward Cryane received for saving the Unchosen was a snarl, and the creature stepped back into the shadows.

CAPTAIN ARATON....170 Points
Araton 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+


Araton crouched in the shadows, waiting for the guards to get closer. He could see they had no idea he was near. Their ignorance would cost them dearly. He stood up, revealing himself to them and quickly fired off two shots from his bolter. The rounds hit, mass-reactive tips making the two men explode in a shower of blood and viscera. The last man was silenced with a quick slash of his curved power sword before he could even fire off a single shot. Araton sneered. These humans were pathetic. They almost didn’t deserve to die by his hand. Dismissing his thoughts, he carried on. The target was close. He advanced through the dark tunnels, his enhanced vision and helmet auto-senses giving him a distinct advantage over his enemies. The years he had spent mastering the arts of stealth and infiltration didn’t hurt either.

Araton’s enhanced hearing picked up a faint gurgle as one of his marines dispatched yet another guard with his knife. He advanced further down the labrynth of tunnels until another guard came into view. Araton decided to have some fun with this one. He stepped out and showed himself to the pathetic human.

Sargeant Nanle nearly collapsed in fright from the shock he’d recived. The traitor Marine had almost literally appeared out of nowhere. His nerves collected, he fired his shotgun once, twice, until the magazine had gone dry, but to no effect. Putting no thought into what he was about to do, he screamed “For the Emperor!” and charged the Space Marine.

Araton almost laughed at the weakling as he tried to crush his chest with the butt of his shotgun. The man rained down blow after blow until his energy ran out. “Fool.” boomed Araton’s voice through his vox-speaker, “Let me show you how it’s done.” He smashed the pommel of his powersword into the man’s head, sending him to the ground. He stomped a power-armored boot down on the man’s skull, crushing it like an insect. He moved onwards towards the target.

Governor Bortange sat at his desk, mulling over various dispatches and pieces of bureaucracy. He had no idea that his death was swiftly approaching…..

The target was above him now. Araton affixed a melta-bomb to the ceiling and prepared to move.
The Governor nearly fell out of his chair as part of the floor exploded. He got up and saw the smoke clear to reveal the form of a blasphemous traitor Astartes. He fumbled for his auto pistol, letting off a quick burst at the marine. The few shots that didn’t miss had little effect on the marine’s power armour.

“Are you done, governor?” asked Araton in a voice that lacked any emotion. He advanced on Governor Bortange, ready for the kill. Governor Bortange, meanwhile, took one step back for every step Araton took forwards, till he found himself cornered. Araton raised his sword and said “Death to the False Emperor”. He brought his sword down in a horizonal arc and beheaded the Governor in a single stroke.

In a few hours, the planet would wake up and find it’s beloved governor and it’s top military officers dead. The preparations for the invasion had been finished. This world would burn soon.

  • Power Armour
  • M36 "Mentor" Combi-Plasma
  • Power weapon (scimitar)
  • Melta Bombs
  • Personal Icon

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Independant Character
  • 5+ Invulnerable Save
  • Master of Darkness

M36 "Mentor" Combi-Plasma: This exquisitely well made combi-plasma was given to Araton after his actions during the Kapina Uprising. It is a master-crafted combi-plasma.

Master of Darkness: Araton has mastered the art of stealth and infiltration. He has the Infiltrate and Stealth USRs. In addition, if taken as the army HQ choice any unit not equipped with Terminator Armour or a jump pack may take either Infiltrate or Stealth for +4 points per model.

Zhuron 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 10 3+


While it may seem that Kyton is the leader of the Oblivion Knights, this is not the truth. In reality, while Kyton may be the war leader of the chapter, Zhuron is the true leader of the Knights. Zhuron, formerly Kratios, is a shrewd, calculating man, more than happy to use others to achive his ends. This is especially true even on the battlefield, where he hides behind his blasphemous Marut and Zelekut and uses his sorcerous magicks to help his battle-brothers fight all the better. This is not to say that Zhuron cannot fight, for he is still a Space Marine, and will glady prove his prowess with his force sword in close combat.

  • Plasma Pistol
  • Force weapon (sword)
  • Personal Icon

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • 4+ Invulnerable Save
  • Psyker

Psychic Powers:

  • Enchant Weapons
  • Scream of Rage

Enchant Weapons: Zhuron enchants his brothers bolts with baleful warp energies. Anyone hit by these enchanted bolts has little hope of survival. Only the strongest armor can stand against them.

This power is used during the shooting phase. Choose one unit within 12" of Kratios. This unit gains Inferno Bolts for the duration of the shooting phase. This counts as Zhuron's shooting attack for that shooting phase. Note that the effect only applies to bolters and bolt pistols. Special and heavy weapons are unaffected.

Scream of Rage:Zhuron reaches into the warp and infuses his battle-brothers with a fraction of the fury of the gods.

This power is used during the assault phase. Choose one unit within 12" of Krations. This unit gains the Counter Attack and Furious Charge USRs for the remainder of the assault phase. Zhuron cannot assault if this power is used.

CAPTAIN EVROS....185 Points
Evros 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+


Fluff coming very, very soon.

  • Terminator Armour
  • Combi-Melta
  • Bulawa
  • Personal Icon

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Independant Character
  • 5+ Invulnerable Save
  • Master Bombardier

Bulawa: This mighty mace is not only Evros' symbol of office, but also a potent weapon. It strikes as a thunder hammer in close combat.

Master Bombardier: Evros prefers to pound his enemies into oblivion with heavy weapons, proving his dominance through overwhelming firepower.

As long as Evros is alive, once per turn you may re-roll the scatter die when firing an Ordinance weapon. In addition, one squad of Chaos Space Marines, Chosen , or Havocs may be given the Tank Hunters USR for +5 points per model.

Ryngold 5 4 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+

Ryngold is one of the Doombringers, the elite cadre of veterans trained in the use of Tactical Dreadnaught Armour. He is one of the best warriors in this elite band, cutting down all in his path with Reaper autocannon and glowing power glaive in the name of his lord. Kyton considers him to be one of his most loyal warriors, and will often dispatch him to ensure his will is carried out. The Oblivion Knights have learned to fight all the harder when Ryngold is near, for it means their lord is watching.

Ryngold may be added to any Chaos Terminators squad in your army for the price given.

Wargear (this may or may not change)
  • Terminator Armour
  • Combi-plasma
  • Power weapon (glaive)
  • Personal Icon

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • 5+ Invulnerable Save
  • Lieutenant

Fluff incoming

Lieutenant: Ryngold is one of the best warriors in the elite Doombringers, and is often dispached by Kyton to ensure his will is carried out.

If Ryngold is taken, any squad within 12'' of him is Fearless

Thanks to that gentleman artist Yogi for the artwork.

Lords of Shadows rules up...


Captain Dimitri of the Burning Scythes


Captain Dimitri is the last survivor of the Burning Scythes, successor chapter to the Lords of Shadow. When his chapter was destroyed by the Wraiths of Darkness, the Lords of Shadow absorbed him and Captain Dimitri swore vengeance for his chapter. He crusades to this day, searching for the Wraiths so that he might destroy them.


Stats - standard captain stats


Wargear - artificer armour, Unnatural Luck, Power Sword, Plasma pistol, Digital Weapons


Unnatural Luck - Dimitri has survived hundreds of combats where he should have died and spit in the face of the odds countless times, always living to tell the tale. This confers a 4+ Invulnerable save (as though he had an Iron Halo).


Special Rules - Independent Character, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics,


Points cost - 175



Chief Librarian Vyrair


Stats - Standard Librarian Stats


Wargear - Force Axe, Epistolary, Artificer Armour, Storm Bolter


Special Rules - And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Psyker


Pschic powers - Gate of Infinity, Vortex of Doom, Quickening


Points Cost - 168


Will write fluff for these guys. Dimitri is already made, and Vyrair needs to be painted. Blasted last minute efforts...


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