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Iron Gauntlet 2010 - Third Challenge

Brother Argent

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What happens if we have characters with varying levels of completion? The way things are looking now I'll probably have one with rules, artwork and fluff, one with rules and artwork, one with rules, artwork, and partial fluff, and one with just rules.

Brother-Chaplain Maleagant,

Archangels Master of the Reclusium





Born on the Archangel’s Homeworld of Gaul Secundus, Maleagant was destined for greatness in the eyes of the Blessed Emperor. As a youth, Maleagant was the youngest of four sons of a powerful tribal chief. Though he was accorded some money and prestige as was his station, Maleagant was never expected to rise very far within the tribe due to his birth rank. Perhaps it was his motivation to make a name for himself that drove Maleagant to apply himself whole-heartedly into everything he did.

One fateful day, while leading a small hunting party stalking skellarex (large reptilian predators native to Gaul Secundus), his warband happened upon a crashed Landspeeder Storm and injured scouts from the Archangels Chapter. As Maleagant’s small hunting party rode to investigate the crash, they were ambushed by a swarm of skellarex disturbed by the crash and lured by the smell of Astartes blood.


Though the Astartes scouts had bolt-pistols, most were too injured or dazed to fight effectively. It was Maleagant who charged between the skellarex and the wounded scouts in and effort to draw some of the skellarex away. Though Maleagant was tackled from his mount, he nevertheless single-handidly slew several of the dangerous reptilian beasts.


As the fierce battle raged, Maleagant managed to drag several of his own wounded kinsmen close to the scouts and defended all of them until finally, late in the evening, an Archangels Chapter Thunderhawk arrived to evacuate the injured Astartes.


The wounded scouts, awed by Maleagant’s ferocity and tenacity, recommended to their Chaplain that Maleagant be tested for acceptance into the Chapter. It was shortly thereafter that Maleagant was brought forth to the Fortress-Monastery of the Archangels to begin his initiation and induction into the Chapter.


As a scout, Maleagant’s speed and endurance quickly saw him rise through the ranks of 10th Company scouts where he was often assigned many of the most daring missions. As Maleagant continued his glorious rise through the ranks of the Chapter, often leading devastating jump pack assaults, his predilection for hand-to-hand combat and his puritanical zeal eventually led to his calling as a member of the Reclusium. As a chaplain, under the guidance of Master of the Reclusium Niall, Maleagant truly shone. He was commended for single-handedly reversing the rout of the Imperial forces during the siege of Epsilon-Atlantis and led a strike-force to destroy the Daemon Prince Rhamalastris on Askeland.


Maleagant assumed the mantle of Master of the Reclusium upon the death of Master Niall during fighting on Lujan-9. It was on Lujan-9 that Master Maleagant achieved his greatest honor – the slaying of the Eldar Farseer Eldarias and the annihilation of his entire warhost.


Maleagant did not escape the conflict uninjured however, Eldarias’ singing-spear destroying the right half of his face. After extensive reconstruction, Maleagant resumed his duties as Master of the Reclusium and to this day, eschews more protective equipment as one of his experience and station has access to, in favor of his jump pack and power fist in keeping with his zest for vicious close combat.



Brother Chaplain Maleagant - 145pts

(Counts as Space Marine Chaplain)

Power fist, Jump Pack, Rosarius, Frag & Krak Grenades, Digital Weapons



Power fist, Jump Pack, Rosarius, Frag & Krak Grenades


Crozius of Angels: Maleagant’s Crozius Arcanum is said to be the crozius of the very first Archangels Chaplain, Argento (Master Crafted Crozius)


Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear

Independent Character

Honour of the Chapter

Liturgies of Battle





Revered Brother Jodoc,

Archangels 1st Company Venerable Dreadnought






Hailing from the Hive-Planet Vestris (recently lost to the Warp-Rift Ultima Tormentia created during the Great Awakening of 982999 M.41), Jodoc had a tough life as a ganger in the bowels of Hive City Agros. As a low-born member of a minor tribe, Jodoc really had no chance for a better life outside of the hive-gang. Jodoc’s youth was a constant struggle for survival.

One dark day, while hunting for a meal of vile-rats, Jodoc heard a commotion from the alley-way ahead. Stealthily, Jodoc approached to spy on the transpiring events. In the pale, sickly light of the under-hive, two “up-towners” had ventured down to the under-hive on a dare. Several scavvies were assaulting the noble couple. Having been stabbed, robbed and left for dead, the scavvies made their way towards Jodoc, unaware of him hiding in the darkness. Now it was the scavvies turn to be victims – such was life in the under-hive. In an instant, Jodoc ferociously slew the scavvies.


Taking any weapons, valuables and food he could from the scavvies, Jodoc approached the bodies of the “up-towners” lying ahead in the alley. As Jodoc approached, he found that the young gentleman was still barely alive. Though educated poorly, Jodoc was able to understand some of the regal man’s whispering. If he was to alert the Arbites, he would be rewarded. The man then expired in Jodoc’s arms.


Rifling through the dead nobleman’s pockets, Jodoc found some kind of event ticket that the scavvies had overlooked. Though unable to read the Gothic printing, Jodoc was entranced by the majestic image of a power sword on the ticket – far superior to his own rusty shiv.


Though bloodstained, the nobleman’s clothes were just too fine to pass up and so Jodoc assumed the man’s personal effects and, tempting fate, ventured up towards the upper-hive.


Even though he was dressed as a nobleman, there was no disguising the look, and smell, of a hive-ganger. Jodoc was immediately seized by Arbites and questioned. Lucky for Jodoc, the Arbites in the lower hive-levels spoke Belgae, Jodoc’s tribal language and so were able to understand him. He told his tale of slaying the scavvies and after verifying that his story checked out, they let Jodoc go – minus the noble’s attire of course. But what the Arbites never found was the ticket Jodoc has hidden in his boot.


After quickly leaving the Arbites precinct, Jodoc showed his ticket to a street vendor who pointed him to the tournament arena. Jodoc assuming it was just a viewing ticket was shocked to learn that it was in actuality an entrance ticket to fight in the tournament. But by then, he was already in the bowels of the arena and was not allowed out.


Jodoc was given a sword, far superior to his shiv and let loose upon the tournament grounds. He was easily able to best every opponent and complete every obstacle. Jodoc was rewarded with his acceptance into the Archangels Fortress-Monastery to begin his new life as an Astartes.


In the millennia since, Brother Jodoc has fought on countless worlds, and destroyed thousands of xenos in the name of the Emperor. It was in one such battle, that Jodoc himself was eventually laid low, thus confining him evermore in his blessed Dreadnought sarcophagus.





Revered Brother Jodoc - 205

(Counts as Venerable Dreadnought)



Dreadnought CCW, Twin-linked Las Cannons, Stormbolter, Smoke Launchers, Searchlight


Special Rules:


Revered & Honored*

(*May be chosen as either Elite or HQ choice)

Vehicle Type:


Dedicated Transport:

May select a drop pod

@Argos - As you have done four characters when the requirement was two I'll give you case special consideration, just as I did Strike Commander Lysimachus in the first Challenge.


@Everyone: Today is the LAST day of both the Second and Third Challenges and I see only a few people have finished theiur challenges. Because of the differences in time zones people will be afforded a bit of grace as far as meeting the deadline. Of course how much grace will dpend on how nice I'm feeling.

Dimitri stalked the halls of the Strike Cruiser Ultimate Repentance. He was eager for them to arrive in system, to wage war once more on those who had destroyed the Burning Scythes. His dead brothers called to him to enact revenge in their name, and he wished he had the Wraiths of Darkness before him so that they could be destroyed.

Soft footsteps were heard behind him. Dimitri turned, seeing a brother standing before him.

“You will die before your mission is accomplished, you know that.”


Dimitri showed no emotion, but anger was already rising in him.


He calmly replied “That does not make my duty any less clear.”


“But why don’t you try to rebuild the chapter first? Your brothers would support you, and the geneseed at Mars is available should the High Lords will it.”


“Because that is not my duty.”


That is not what you want, brother. Know the difference. For their sakes.”


Dimitri’s anger came quicker and hotter than it had before, but still he remained as though he was calm.


“And who are you to decide what the best course of action is?”


“It is not just me. It is clear to anyone who can see clearly.”


In an instant the battle brother was off the floor, held by his neck. Dimitri tightened his grip so that even an Astartes could not breathe. Alarms began to sound, but Dimitri cared not.


“I am the last of the Burning Scythes. To do anything other than avenge them would be dishonor upon them, and they did not deserve to die. That should be clear.”


Dimitri began hearing noises of people approaching, but again, he felt nothing but hatred for nothing for the astartes before him.


“You will not insult me or my brothers unless you wish to die. Remember that.”


Hands began to pull at Dimitri’s shoulders, and Dimitri finally let go. The battle brother dropped to the floor, disorientated but intact. A voice behind Dimitri spoke.


“Dimitri, we need to end this before it begins.”


Dimitri turned to the Chaplain, disgust in his eyes.


“For one whose duty is to honor the dead, you seem to side readily with those who do not.”


“Dimitri, he only wanted to help. You know you must be punished for attacking a brother.


Dimitri laughed, a harsh sound with very little humor in it.


“A practice set up to ensure that there are no heretics within our ranks. And who should hate heretics more than I? Who does hate heretics more than I? Not even you, my Chaplain, know the dephs of the hate I feel.”


The Chaplain considered this. His ponderings grew, and finally he approached Dimitri. Dimitri looked up just in time to see the crozious Arcanum smash across his face.


The Chaplain inspected Dimitri. He was well knocked out. He gestured towards a group of serfs.


“Take him to his cell. Make sure he can’t get out.”


The previously attacked brother nodded in agreement. Dimitri would have to be restrained, as he had before.


There would be no peace for the last of the Burning Scythes.



500 words to go...

Vyrair’s mind wandered the vast treks of the Immaterium, looking for the soul that he sought. In time, he found it, and contacted the Librarian aboard the Ultimate Repentance. He sighed when he heard the report.


“Is Dimitri never calm?”


“It seems so, Epistolary. His soul burns brightly, the only reason it does not now is because the Chaplain was forced to incapacitate him.”


“Lexicanum, see if you can suppress his emotions when he awakens, unless it is on the eve of battle. Warp beasts are attracted to those of high emotion, particularly anger.”


The Lexicanum was silent for a moment. Then he slowly transmitted,


“I am not sure if I can. His anger… his thirst for vengeance, it is very strong. One with your powers and experience might be able to, but even then –“


“I know how far his emotions reach, and I know your abilities. I know the task is within your grasp, my pupil. You have much potential.”


Although the young Lexicanum tried to suppress it, Vyrair still felt the warm glow of pride within the aspiring Librarian. Vyrair smiled to himself, enjoying the simple pleasure of seeing a talented student come closer to fulfilling his ambitions.


A sudden disturbance in the Lexicanum’s awareness alerted Vyrair there was a disturbance aboard the Ultimate Repentance. The Lexicanum hurriedly said,


“There are intruders on the ship. I must be ready to repel them.”


Vyrair noticed a subtle flicker in the Warp as he withdrew. Expanding his mind, he felt another flicker and investigated it. He instantly realized it was the passage of something through the Warp, and he quickly took action.


Feeling another flicker, the Epistolary intercepted it and cast the journeying astartes into the Warp. More flickers came, faster this time, and the Epistolary could only intercept a few at a time.


Suddenly another Warp presence, that of a sorcerer, brushed against Vyrair’s mind and instantly assaulted it. The two astartes fought a lightning war, attacking and defending at the speed of thought. Waves rolled across the Warp at the conflict as each warrior forgot their own bodies, too intent on destroying their foe.


With a mighty push, the sorcerer was rocketed back into his own body, his psychic powers shut off. It was only temporary, but still crippling in the middle of a battle.


Vyrair assisted where he could, but very little could be achieved besides what had already been done. Suddenly the attackers withdrew, taking their dead and dying with them. Vyrair slowly retreated back to his body, and left to tell the Chapter Master what had happened.


The Chapter Master shook his head. Although he had earned his forgiveness with the Emperor, he was burdened still with the troubles and duties of command. Dimitri was a conundrum that none of the previous Chapter Masters had dealt with before, and thus the Chapter Master had very little advice to take.


“By all rights, I should have him punished, but he simply wants to honor his brothers. Now we have the possibility of him becoming rogue in his hatred for those that already are.”


Vyrair thought of this, and slowly replied,


“Then a suicide mission might solve your problem? There seems little else to do but finally put his soul at rest.”


“He’s too stubborn to die. To my shame, I have tried.”


“Then rebuild the Burning Scythes with or without his consent?”


“Our brother chapters would never stand for such an offense to a lost brother’s cause.”


“Then I have nothing more to offer you.”


“I know, Vyrair. I know.”


Done, with seconds to spare.

Captain Pelonis Mabrin 230pts

Master of the Skies, High Prince of the Eighth House


Captain Pelonis’ start in the Chapter was an in-auspicious one. A native born Jesusan Pelonis was selected to join the Chapter’s perspective recruits by the Handmaidens along with hundreds of other prospectives. Although he excelled at the tasks set before him during his time at Angels Fall he was, for the most part, overlooked for sponsorship by the Houses. Soon Pelonis was the only recruit left from those he joined with still not sponsored by a House. When offered a position as a sergeant in the Tenth House Pelonis vehemently declined. Stating that his place was amongst the ranks of the full battle brothers.

After being denied sponsorship again Pelonis approached the Chaplain of the Tenth House, asking for council on why he was being overlooked. The wizened Chaplain counselled patience. He said that many of the houses saw him as too brash and impetuous. The young marine denied the Chaplains judgement and swore that he was brash only when he needed to be. The Chaplain, feeling pity for the young recruit, spoke in secret to the Captain of the Eight House and asked him give the young Pelonis a chance. The Captain, Olgren, reluctantly agreed.

Pelonis’ first battle with his new company was a glowing success. Pelonis was a natural with the assault pack. Flying effortlessly through the skies his squad smashed enemy after enemy. Pelonis was immediately offered sponsorship with the Eight and has never looked back. At home in the skies Pelonis Mabrin soon became one of the Eighth’s most sought after warriors. Within a short time he rose to sergeant of his wing, then First Sergeant of the Company. Pelonis finally became Captain after Olgren’s death years later. Although he never truly lost his brashness through experience the young Pelonis tempered his eagerness with experience and caution. Becoming a commander whom, if needed, would risk all in dangerous gambits to win a battle. However this recklessness has, so far, usually gone Pelonis’ favour. Although several older members of the Chapter mutter that it is only a matter of time before the young captain fails.

During the necron invasion of Jesusua in the early parts of 955.M41 the Captain of the 3rd House, Ardro Kull, was ambushed and trapped in an area known as Black Pass. His company cut off and surrounded Ardro Kull looked to be doomed. Pelonis, learning of his brother’s fate, led his company to their aid. Launching from Thunderhawks onto the battlefield they were able to rescue nearly half the 3rd Company from certain doom. Pelonis himself flew to the aid of Captain Ardro whom, although badly wounded, was rescued by the Captain’s actions. Pelonis would continue to help in the defence of Jesusua until eventually the necrons were destroyed or driven off. When he had sufficiently recovered Ardro presented Pelonis with two masterwork blades for his actions, thus cementing the relationship between the two houses.

Pelonis Mabrin



Power armour, Frag and Krak grenades, Bolt pistol, Blades of Analeath, Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Digital Weapons.

The Blades of Analeth: Once a relic of the Third House these blades were given to Pelonis by Captain Ardro after Pelonis saved his life and a large amount of his Company at the Battle of Black Pass. These blades count as a pair of Master Crafted Lightening Claws

Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character

Heroic Intervention: Pelonis Mabrin and his command squad (if equipped with jump packs) may use the Heroic intervention rule.

Master of the Skies: Pelonis is master of the Eight Company and proudly leads his house to battle when needed. If Pelonis is selected as your general you may take Assault Squads as Troop Choices, however Tactical Squads become an Elite Choice. Also if a Command Squad is selected for Pelonis they may take Assault packs at 10 Points a model.

Chapter Champion Arkel Aldrest Honour Guard Unit + 35pts

The Eternal Warrior


Arkel was born on the prison world of Tyrants Gate as the son of a murderer. He was tattooed with the barcode identifying him as a prisoner and was promptly forgotten. When the Sons of Bennu came to the planet to drive off the Orkish invaders they took many recruits from the planets children whom showed courage and promise during the defence of the planet. One such youth was Arkel. Arkel had been helping fight of the orks with little more then the chains on his hands and feat. Kolgrim, the Captain whom had been leading the assault, was impressed with the young prisoner’s spirit and when it came time to leave ensured he was amoungst those chosen.

Arkel saw this elevation as a chance for redemption. He studied hard and dutifully whilst at Angels Fall. Whilst other recruits tried to woe the houses for sponsorship Arkel simply applied himself to his studies. Quiet and stern he was never close with most of the recruits. The only thing that earned him friends was his keen sense of justice and desire to do good. Soon he became the champion of the recruits whom were wronged. More skilled them most of his fellow recuits he became a person you called upon when in need.

All the while he was devoting himself to his training Arkel was being watched by Kolgrim. Already impressed with the young boy’s courage on Tyrants Gate Kolgrim was further impressed by the initiates prowess with a blade now. Arkel devoted himself solely to the blade. Although he was passably skilled with the bolter and other weapons of the Astartes it was with a blade in his hands he became unstoppable. Kolgrim offered him sponsorship in the Ninth House. Although Arkel though his talents would be better used elsewhere he agreed, feeling he owed the now wizened Kolgrim for saving his life back on Tyrants Gate.

Arkel worked hard in his new role with the Devestators of the Ninth House, trying his best to fill his new role. He was always there should his brothers need him and if a foe though to assault his brothers in close combat, Arkel would quickly teach them the error of their ways. He continued to train almost obsessively whilst not deployed and hoped for the day he might be called upon to serve in the First House.

During the siege of Dragonspire on Arvalorn, homeworld of the Iron Dragons, Arkel’s squad was operating alongside their brothers inside the Dragonspire. During the final push Arkel’s squad was with the Chapter’s Champion, Priost, and several squads from the third house when they were attacked inside the Iron Dragons Armoury. The enemy summoned daemons against them and during the conflict Priost fell. Arkel fought to the dying Champion’s, taking out most of the traitor’s forces along the way. When he reached the Champion’s side Priost passed his sword to Arkel, making the marine swear to bear it and uphold the honour of the Chapter. Arkel did so and, despite his great protestations, was named Chapter Champion after the battle.

Arkel acted in the role of Chapter Champion for many years, winning his Chapter much honour. Where ever Arkel fought his brothers fought all the harder, Arkel becoming the living embodiment of his Chapters honour and fighting spirit. However during the Attican Crusade Arkel’s position was overrun by the Dark Eldar that the Sons fought and Arkel himself disappeared. His position was left vacant as no sigh of the Champion was found, not even the Chapter’s honour blade, which Arkel wouldn’t let out of his grasp unless he was dead.

Ten years after he disappeared Arkel was found again during an attack on a Dark Eldar base near the borders of Segmentum Obscuras. Arkel had been, for the past ten years, forced to fight in the slave area of his cruel masters. Every day he would be brought forth and made to fight against other captives. Then, when their bloodlust was temporarily sated, he would be locked away for the night. Although he was somewhat physically battered the deepest scar from his ordeal was a psychological one. Although he had fought it with every shred of his being the dark curse of the Shadow had crept into the Champions mind. Where Arkel had once been stoic and reserved, now he was brooding and prone to fits of dark rage. Although he offered to stand down from his position the Chapter Master wouldn’t have it. Arkel continues to serve his Chapter but some now say he takes to combat with perhaps a little over eagerness. Some even say the once mighty Champion now seeks death and release, not glory, when he goes in to battle against his Chapter many enemies.

Arkel Aldrest



Artificer armour, Frag and Krak grenades, Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Relic Blade

Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Independent Character, Honour or Death

Chapter Champion: If Arkel is taken he must be taken to replace the Chapter Champion of an honour guard unit.

The Touch of the Shadow: Arkel has felt the touch of the Black Rage whilst imprisoned by the dark eldar. Although the darkness hasn’t taken complete hold of his he is prone to times of furious anger. Arkel has the Furious Charge Special Rule.

Aha! I see now!


I'm also assuming I have completed the challenge? 4 peices of fluff, 500+ words each, 4 models, and 4 unit rules, all completed.


I would post pictures, but I've tried before and failed. Miserably.

Okay the third challenge is now closed. The fourth and fifth challenges might take a few days to get down due to some real life issues. Just found out I have to go into surgery and all that. Nothing serious thankfully but still, dont like the idea of going under the knife.


Anyhow, the last two challenges, the battle report one and the story one, should be up within the next wek or so.


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