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Sanguinary Guard

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GREAT job on the SGuard.


If i could be so bold as to suggest one more highlight stage on the Sanguinor, at lest on the the torso and legs. :P


I realise you have gone for a more conservative and realistic affect with your highlights (wich looks truly amazing). :D


This technique is really good for the SGuard but IMHO the Sanguinor needs further highlights, especially because of the open pose.

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Thanks for all the replies guys.


Glad you all like the way the army's coming along.


The Sanguinor may get another highlight or 2.


Well i've got the first guy from the second squad finished.




This squad will all have Death Masks.





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Finished another 2 tonight




Which means the 2nd squad is complete




This means there's only 8 minis to go for the rest of the army ;)



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The second squad is just as impressive as the first. The clean and defined look they have really looks great. Their glaives add a good balance to the color scheme; the darker, understated color and subtle electrical pattern keeps my eye from getting lost in the gold and white. I think it brings out your shading nicely. And, going back a few models, I have to say that your style translates well to the red/white scheme of the sang priest, too. It's a jaw-dropping model.


I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your army.

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Nah, steal away mate


Well i've had a productive last few days and there are only 4 mini's left to do :lol:


First up, the 2nd priest



And Dante (much nicer to paint than the Sanguinor!)



and the first 2 of the third and final squad



So there are only 3 more Sanguinary guard and 1 priest left to do and i need to have them done by Sunday!


I think the pics came out a little better this time aswell.


let me know what you think.



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Brother Shinigami, the gold recipe was posted on the first page!


The gold was done this way


Basecoat- Tin bitz

1st layer- shining gold leaving tinbitz in the recess's

1st wash- gryphonne sepia

2nd wash- devlan mud

1st highlight- burnished gold

2nd highlight- 1/1 burnished gold/mithril silver


throughout the whole process the gold was kept well watered down to help achieve a smoother coat.


The models are beautiful. I like the simple Dante conversion, the sanguinary priests... Well I love all of it!


- Turel.

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Thanks guys


Yep, see above for the gold recipe :P


The red is done this way over a white undercoat.


Mechrite red base

Thraka green wash

blood red leaving green in the reccess'

1st highlight- blazing orange

2nd highlight- 1/1 blazing orange/skull white


fairly basic.





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Well, i'm almost there.


last 3 marines



and the last whole squad together



Only one more Sanguinary priest left to do :P


whole army shot tomorrow night.



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well the army's finished


here's the last priest



and the whole lot together



let me know what you think.



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nice, sloid, work here, mate...


i always enjoy seeing your work, as it's so cool to see an army in all its glory...

it goes to show that a set of minis don't have to be taken all the way up to competition quality to look great...

there is something powerful in a simple, clean, paint scheme when you look at 20 guys all lined up together...


you've got me itching to paint an army;)...

keep up the good work...




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Just beautiful. I love a consistent looking army like this. You should do a display board or something for them.


it goes to show that a set of minis don't have to be taken all the way up to competition quality to look great...


What the heck does competition quality look like, if it isn't this? o.O


- Turel.

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Ah yes of course. For some reason Golden Daemon didn't enter my head at all, it's all this sunlight we've been having!


... Unless James let's us know that he did indeed spend 15 hours per model, in which case you'll be eating your words :D


- Turel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

PERFECT!! this is just how i imagined them to look ,

i have some of these in a box on my desk , i hope you dont mind if i try your paint scheme..?


how did you go about painting the skin ? please tell


whats next on your painting table i wanna see more!!

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