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Inquisition and Space Marines

Darius Macab

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i play quite a shooty C:SM list that usually fights chaos marines and tyranids and i am thinking about including some members of the Inquisition (probably in the form of GK and assassins)


so here is my list:




Space Marine Chapter Master

Lightning Claws



Honor Guard 5 strong

Chapter Banner

Chapter Champion has Relic Blade







3x combi meltas

2x combi plasmas




plasma cannon





Tactical squad 10 strong

Missile Launcher

Melta Gun




Tactical squad 10 strong

missile launcher

Plasma Gun




Scout squad 5 strong


Heavy Bolter

Sarge has combat blade



Fast attack


Land Speeder Storm



Land Speeder Typhoon



Heavy support






heavy bolter sponsons



Total 1500


so what do people think are the best inquisition forces to include in a SM army, also which do you think would go best with my army, i was thinking DH: inquisitor with terminator armor and a GKT retinue and an assassin of some type.


any thoughts would be appreciated



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I am looking around for something to bolster my DA list. I have some thoughts and questions too

I have some pesky chaos players using a lot of psykers and sorcerers.

I was thinking take an inquisitor with henchmen at least two would be mystics, that allows you take a Vindicare assassin able to pick off key models within a squad and shoot into troops locked in combat.

As a sweetener to the deal with at least 2 henchmen as mystics, they can take or allocate a round of free shooting immediately on any opponents deepstrike squad or on any demon deepstrike (mystics range to sense demons is 4 D6) , leave the inquisitor near a devastator squad (within 12 inches) to allocate the shooting to them. I see you don't have too much long ranged type devastator shooters though.


Other option is take an Eversor close combat assassin and run him along the back of your opponents troops locked in combat, I think he might be fully capable of breaking any squad of 5-8 normal power armoured troop choices.


I don't know these are thoughts at the moment and I would take correction, other wise just take a GKGM and a squad of GK.

I really only considered the assassin to combat a pysk heavy opponent

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As a sweetener to the deal with at least 2 henchmen as mystics, they can take or allocate a round of free shooting immediately on any opponents deepstrike of any demon (mystics range to sense demons is 4 D6) , leave the inquisitor near a devastator squad to allocate the shooting to them. I see you don't have too much long ranged type devastator shooters though.

Mystics work against anything that deep strikes within 4d6, not just Daemons. This makes an Inquisitor and a couple mystics very useful against just about any list that relies on deep striking. Since the mystics can allocate their free shots against deep strikers to any unit with a model within 12 inches, you generally want to keep them in a Rhino so they have some protection and can keep up with the rest of your forces.


A GK hero or Inquisitor with a psychic hood is also a valuable addition; unlike hoods in the Marine codex, DH hoods have unlimited range.


The GKGM's force weapon makes him great for dealing with any tough multi-wound models; base four attacks at initiative five with a strength six force weapon that ignores eternal warrior is hard to beat. He's particularly great for taking down monstrous creatures in assault.


ISTs can be a good way to get cheap troops equipped with a pair of special weapons.


Since the Callidus assassin has not been mentioned yet, I'll bring her up. A Word in Your Ear is a very useful ability, as is her ability to pop up anywhere on the map and unleash an AP 1 template weapon, then follow it up with a close combat weapon that ignores armor and invulnerable saves.

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Ordinary Grey Knights for close-combat punch? You're paying a monstrous ton of points to get guys who die just like Marines with only a mild edge over regular Marines in close combat. This really doesn't strike me as a great use of points.


An Inquisitor Lord with a Psychic Hood ain't bad. And I like Inquisitorial Storm Troopers in Rhinos with Meltaguns as dirt-cheap melta-delivery units. But Grey Knights as a close-combat punch? I'm not seeing it.

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Grey Knight terminators are my favorite unit in the game (not just because the models look awesome) but they are very powerful. Try them out!


If you want an Assassain in your SM force, you'll have to ally in an Inquisitor Lord (get the hood and the mystics) and definitely get the Callidus, she is quite useful.

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Ordinary Grey Knights for close-combat punch? You're paying a monstrous ton of points to get guys who die just like Marines with only a mild edge over regular Marines in close combat. This really doesn't strike me as a great use of points.

WS 5 and strength 6 is more than a mild edge, especially since the justicar's weapon also ignores armor. That said, PAGK are not the best choice for pure cc punch; where they really shine is their ability to pour a lot of assault-weapon fire into the enemy, and then follow it up with a charge.


If you want Grey Knights with pure close combat punch, then GK Terminators are the way to go.

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WS 5 and strength 6 is more than a mild edge, especially since the justicar's weapon also ignores armor. That said, PAGK are not the best choice for pure cc punch; where they really shine is their ability to pour a lot of assault-weapon fire into the enemy, and then follow it up with a charge.


yes see thats why i wanted it, i play a gunline army like i said a so a unit that can do 20 assault weapon shots (or 18 and an incinerator) and still be good in the assault is invaluable.



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Using PAGK for their gunfire is good... they are good in CC... be careful to not get reckless with the charge. They can take some fools out and then be left twisting in the wind to get shot up. They do die just as easily as normal marines. Taking the charge is usually a better bet, as you get to decided where that assault takes place.


I would prefer GKTs or FAGKs when allying up. But to each his own. I would never take the Inquisitor unless I was trying for Psycannon spam. Assassins are just not worth it.

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Overall, adding in allies is often an expensive way to dilute the rest of your army.


Certainly the inq and assasin route looks tempting, but tally up the cost before you go buying them, and see what you will loose from the marines you already field. then decide which is actually going to be most useful. Assasins while scoring high on the coolness factor, as so expensive, you'd be better off adding telion to your scout squad and changing them to snipers.


GKs, and GKGM are especailly hardcore, and worth a look, but the power armoured guys (while being able to field twice as many for the points of GKT) do have a few draw backs. They die like marines, as already mentioned, and cost a lot more. You want them for CC added punch, and they are good in CC, but you are generally better off waiting to get assualted rather than assualting with them. they don't get any grenades and can't even by upgraded to take them! Even imperial guards men get grenades nowadays!!!!!


So many assualts involve cover, so this seriously reduces their effectiveness when assaulting, and while you can get around this by letting them charge you, and with high Ini you will probably hit first, you are giving them extra dice to throw at you.


And if I remember rightly..... they can't take transports either.


The main reason I would be hesitant tho, is that the new GK dex is likely to be out this year, and we have very little to go on as to what will be included. Allies may not even be an option, so is it worth spashing out on stuff that you might get to use for less than a year?


For CC punch, well you're already packing an honour guard with you CM, and they should be dishing out plenty of hurt already. Antipsyker? A regular marine one is pretty cheap, and can do most of what an INQ can do (I wasn't over whelmed with the inq powers tbh), but will also benefit from T4, and being a marine (ATSKNF and chapter tactics).


Storm troopers, now they are nice, and cheap for adding extra bodies and special weapons (also still getting targeters is awesome, make sure they fire first), so might well be worth looking in to, or going for a cheapish INQ with mystics, and fill up his retinues with storm troopers (can take 3 if I remember rightly, and their plasma guns are still stupidly cheap), to get those shots on the DSer and unlimited range psychic hood.


GK and inq tend to end up being very expensive by the time you finish with them, and from an old dex too, I would think carefully before taking any.

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@ Semper can I suggest sisters? Plenty of anti psyker weapon wounding in 2+ as well as rending flamers and a 5+ save against psykick attacks. Not to mention PA a bolter and BS4 for 1pt less than 2 orks. Whats not to like? :huh:
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If you want an Assassain in your SM force, you'll have to ally in an Inquisitor Lord (get the hood and the mystics) and definitely get the Callidus, she is quite useful.


This is important! You can't legally take a normal inquisitor and an assassin, that's two elites and you can only have one, also remember a inquisitor lord MUST have a retinue.


I'm a fan of WH inquisitor Lord with a liber hersius (leadership test to choose side but not first turn), pa, and a hood. I give him a decent retinue that's never hte same and then take a callidus assassin. I find it to be a worthy addition to my force.

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Inquisitor Lord with Mystics to scramble all deep striking units, PA/Carapace-ed Acolytes as meatbags. Don't forget to put in a few Inquisitorial Storm Trooper squads with Melta/Flamer in Rhinos and charge them with your wall of Rhinos.


But remember, when in doubt, Grey Knight Terminators can't go wrong :D


While I was never a fan of LSS + Scouts, I have seen a few players use them to good effect, but then, why the Heavy Bolter? The heavy weapon suggests that the squad has a static role, while the LSS is a contradiction. Better drop the Heavy Bolter to upgrade the LSS to have a Heavy Flamer for the auto-hit.

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