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Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex


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Right, so I recently got myself my first resin mini. Mr. Rex. A very nice model indeed and one I'd recommend to all.

But that isn't the only first on this project. This is also the first time I tried non-metallic metals. As you will see in the pics, it didn't turn out great but I think it is a half decent attempt and allows the gold embellishments to shine out although it is a bit hard to see on the picture.

So on with the pictures.


The inquisitors front. The yellowish bit on his left leg isn't part of the NMM gold but is a glow from the little lantern on his waist.


The shield side. I am particularly pleased with how the shield turned out.


The sword side. I tried a slightly reflective surface on his sword, it works at a distance and doesn’t look to shabby up close, if you look closely, you can see the detailing on the inside of the shield but I think there is a better view in the front on picture.

C & C is welcome, but I can't promise I'll change anything. Perhaps the eyes or the right wrist, we'll see.

And before I go I have a quick question about golden daemon. With games day 2010 coming up (UK) I have a question concerning the golden daemon young bloods category. Because I am 14 this year (and thus my last chance to enter it) I am thinking of putting rex up for it. But here’s the problem, the rules say "This category includes Terminators but other models supplied with 40mm and larger bases should be entered in another category"but does rex count as a terminator?

His armour is very much like terminator armour but compared to my GK brother captain he has a few mm of height over him, and in the rules he is equipped with Artificer Armour. On top of this, it also says "Your entry should consist of any single human-sized Citadel miniature either Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Mordheim, Necromunda, Blood Bowl or The Lord of the Rings, mounted on an appropriately sized gaming base.".

So really my question is, can I enter rex in the young bloods category or do I have to go elsewhere?

PS: and sorry about the large pictures before they resize.

PPS: before anyone asks, should I enter at GD I would not expect to win anything with it being my first time round, but I think it would be worth a try.

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