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Ard Boyz Tactica by Scenario


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Scenario 1:


Mission: Seize Ground w/ 5 Objectives


Deployment: Winner of the Deployment roll off selects a long table edge. Draws a diagonal line from one corner on his edge to the opposite corner on the opponent's edge.

Deployment zone is 12" from that diagonal line.



Massacre = hold 4 or 5 more objectives than your opponent

Major = hold 2 or 3 more objectives than your opponent

Minor = hold 1 more objective

Draw = hold same amount of objectives



+1 for killing more Scoring Units than your opponent

+1 for killing more HQ than your opponent kills

+1 for killing opponent's highest point value unit

+1 for having more scoring units in enemy deployment than they have in yours




Scenario 2:


Mission: Victory Points and Table Quarters


Deployment: Spearhead



Massacre = 1126 to 2500 more VPs than opponent

Major = 751 to 1125 more VPs

Minor = 376 to 750

Draw = 375 or fewer VPs difference



+1 for each Table Quarter held by a scoring unit (or more scoring units than your opponent)




Scenario 3:


Mission: Modified Annihilation - 3KPs for units that can move more than 6" (so, vehicles, bikes, jump packs, etc). 2KPs per HQ, 3KPs if HQ can move over 6" in any single phase (running, fleeing don't count)


Deployment: Pitched Battle



Massacre = 7+ more kill points than your opponent

Major= earn 4 to 6 more KPs than your opponent

Minor = earn 2 to 3 more KPs than your opponent

Draw = earn same amount of KPs as your opponent



+1 if you've killed 3000 VPs over the course of the 3 rounds

+1 for having twice the KPs of your opponent in this scenario

+1 for having a scoring unit in your opponent's deployment zone

+1 for having more units within 6" of the center of the table than your opponent.

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My knee jerk reaction tells me that GW is really wanting Drop Pod lists to succeed at 'Ard Boyz.



Anyway, Scenario 1 is pretty basic. Concentrate on holding objectives. Also, look at your army and figure out how best to clear an enemy unit off of objectives -- Tank Shock, Psychic Powers, forcing Leadership checks, etc. Throughout the game, take note of the extra battle points and find which is the easiest to get. The deployment will put things a little further away to begin with. Not much more than Spearhead, actually. I would suggest laying out the spacing on a standard table and measure firing ranges from the deep corner, the middle of your deployment zone, and the point closest to the center of the table. Learn the spacing so you can deploy your forces optimally.



Scenario 2 is also pretty basic. Marines, in general, have units that are vulnerable to VP missions. Land Raiders are the biggest liability for VPs. A 50pt MM Bike can shred one with an average amount of luck. Screen your expensive units with your less expensive units.



Scenario 3 is a game changer, however. Mechanized lists will see their total KPs almost double. Some Blood Angel lists can sport 40+ KPs without really trying. Earth lists will have a tremendous advantage in this scenario, but not too many people run Earth lists nowadays.



All in all, drop pod lists just might have an advantage in every scenario:


S1: Drop directly on the objective. Taking care to place the objectives where units that are covering can support each other will be vital. Also, it's quite easy to put a scoring unit in your enemy's deployment zone.


S2: Table quarters are easily enough contested or controlled by Drop Pod'd Tacs or scoring Sternguard...or even infiltrating scouts. Getting the melta squads in on turn 1 to pop some transports and cause damage is a great way to form that "Kill Gap" needed to keep racking up the VPs.


S3: Drop pods don't fit into the category for 3KPs, so you get your troops where you want them with no disadvantage (other than the normal ones). Also, you can castle up in the center of the table for that battle point.




I'm glad i'm running Pedro and 3x Sternguard. And, you guessed it. They're in drop pods.

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