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Little bit of fun with numbers


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I have always been curious what was the count on Liber what founding chapter and founding people used and how was it linked with certain codex releases. I will be doing this in two month intervals until I finish it and will be after that updating the charts every two months.


Edit@ New charts added. There will be 1 chart for each year and there will be one total chart. In the end that will be 10 or 12 charts (mods please tell me if that is to much bandwith)
























Have fun






P.S. I am really curious how the IF vs UM race will develop and who will take the 3rd place :blink:

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  Espada Azul said:
I'm just surprised that people in Liber are opting for Dorn's gene seed rather than Guilliman's.

I can't say the same the thing and we all know the culprit... *looking at the Codex: Ultramarines*



I'm more suprised by the numbers of 26th founding.

I'm more taken aback by the fact that the previously-overlooked Khan has more sons trotting about than Dark Angels, Iron Hands and Salamanders.

The large number of IF successors doesn't surprise me so much. People can be inspired by the Imperial Fists, Black Templars or Crimson Fists and still draw from the same geneseed.


Might move all of my chapters to ninth founding, though. :D

Charts updated.


*insert voice of your favourite sports comentator* :woot:


Imperial Fists are still going strong with the sons of Guilliman in hot pursuit. Warriors of Baal secure in their third spot. Befiting their slower reflexes the Salamanders are last.

Incidentally the only reason why my DIY isn't part of a specific Founding is because we're not really sure about how many years there are in between Foundings. Someone did posit though that it seems that they're spaced at around a Founding every 300 or so odd years since the end of the Heresy, but it's still board speculation and not fact.
  Captain Juan Juarez said:
Where my glorious 27th Founding!?


Ace, back me up here!




Huh? Oh yeah, the 27th founding. Famed home of the Beige Templars, the Emperor's Gardeners and the Brawling Eagles, to name but a few. :D


22nd founding is pretty popular, too. Odd choice, that.

I'm also backing the Raven Guard to get 3rd place in the gene-seed race. Go sons of Corax! :)

  ChaplainMathreyn said:
What surprised me was, with so many non-Codex chapters, that so many are using UM genes...


I dont really find this suprising at all what with the fluff stating UM is the most stable and used the most often. even from UM gene-stock there are divergences though...look at the mortifactors...

As I am slowly chewing my way through 2009 (half way through) here are some more results to keep you interested.


The Imperial Fists are slowly breaking away from the Ultramarines. Raven Guard has overtaken the Blood Angels and Salamanders are no loner last (Space Wolves do not count).


In addition to that I have stumbled upon 5 Lost Leggions.



This is really makes me wonder what is it about IF that makes them so apealing compared to others.






The Imperial Fists heavy numbers are easy to explain. First, a large number of them will be Black Templar or Crimson Fist successors, making three chapters racing for Dorn (a fourth if you include Soul Drinkers). No other primarch can boast as many big chapters populated by GW. The BT easily beat all of the first Founders bar Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves in propaganda :D. Second, it is stable so it doesn't cause any bad affects onto your chapter (good for most chapters). This is made more extreme by three, some people don't want to use Ultramarines because they dislike the Ultramarines or think it is too common. Strangely, this should mean people avoid Dorn :D
What surprised me was, with so many non-Codex chapters, that so many are using UM genes...


Mars gonna run out of stock of Ultramarines gene seed not far from now,

if we really live in warhammer 40k universe. :D


My view is this, no mutations and "almost perfect" space marines,

easier to build fluffs on like mine.

  Hrvat said:
Raven Guard has overtaken the Blood Angels and Salamanders are no loner last (Space Wolves do not count).

Let's go Raven Guard! :lol:


Bah, Unknown geneseed shouldn't be third. They can't all be from the same legion, can they? :wub:

  Grand Master Tyrak said:
Judging by the chart it seems my Blades of Duty have the 16th Founding all to themselves. :D


Surely there must be others, no?


I guess not. My Oblivion Knights might be moving in with you though :D .



Second, it is stable so it doesn't cause any bad affects onto your chapter (good for most chapters).


Well, it makes you lose the Betcher's Gland, so you can't spit acid. Other than that, it's all good.

Poor Sallies, I was hoping for more successors of one of the awesomest legions this side of the medusa cascade. Blood Angels seem to come and go if my memory of the liber is correct. I can't see the graphs as I'm on my phone at the moment but this is some good and fairly suprising info, well done!


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