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Scout Bikers

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Good afternoon all. Just wanted to throw this one out there.


Played against my mate (1750pts green hoard army - 154 models!) for which I was proud to have fought him down to a draw - he's an extremely good player.


One of his dangerous tactics was to utilise 3 x Defkoptas (60pts a pop) and their scout rule to perform an alpha strike against my devastators and thunderfire cannon. Would have been game over if he'd got first turn but even as it happened I still had to mainly ignore the hoard for a turn as I dealt with this threat - effectivly buying him a turn of movement and running for 180pts - nice one IMO!


I liked his aggressive style and the threat it poses even if you do not secure first turn and was wondering if anyone had tried something similar with Scout Bikers?


The way I work it is 3 x scout bikers + powerfist, M-Bombs and cluster mines (just because they're funny :) ) comes in at 110pts and has the ability to - I think the preferred phrase is "reach out and touch someone".


I can't think it would work well against choppy hoards but could be used to neutralise dangerous shooty units that like staying out of reach such as other devs, reapers, tau shooty suits, heavy weapon teams, tanks, etc etc.


I'm sure someone must have thought to do this before, how did you get on with it?

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I'm not sure what your plan for these is...why a powerfist?


How did the Ork player use his Scout move to alpha strike your Devs and T-fire?


The Scout Bikers can be used to hit something early, but they rely 100% on getting the first turn. You Scout move to just outside 12", move 12" on turn one, and shoot/assault. If the opponent seizes the initiative, wave byebye to those Scout Bikers.


A lot of theoretical lists I've seen use a unit of five Scout Bikers for this. Two AGLs, two unupgraded, and a sergeant with meltabombs or a combimelta. They're used to either tarpit a shooty unit like Lootaz/Devs, or to take out a key tank on Turn One.

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Its less theoretical with me, i use them and have done for some time with a degree of success.. sure if your opponent steals initiative then your done for, but then thats 1/6 chance.

if you dont get first turn, outflank and come on turn 2 or 3 to similar effect.


3 with Pf is not enough, you need at least 5 IMO to protect that fist


ork coptas are jetbikes so IIRc they have a 24" scout move right? i guess thats how he gets alpha strikes

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Well yeh, the idea is to turbo boost for the scout move (24"), if you don't get first turn (decided before set up - apart from stealing of initiative) then just hide them behind something hence the small unit size.


Powerfist for the instant death of crisis suits etc and ensure best chance of causing a wound and therfore winning combat. I wanted to keep the unit small to minimise the point investment in it as it is a fairly situational unit / tactic but understand where your coming from - cheers for advice <_< .

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