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A Morbid Blood Angel Blog


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And how was I unaware of this all this time? I've been a fan of Nurgle-fied Blood Angels since I started Warhammer —it's where my name comes from!— and I must say yours are the best realization of that concept I've seen. That tank just blew me away.


Honestly plague I thought you new about this otherwise I would have shot you a PM, you'll notice I post on the BA forum aswell.

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  • 2 months later...
I am completely awed by your Carrion Lord. If the John Blanche look was what you were going for, you achieved it 100%! From the shape, to the armor proportions, to the ornamentation right down to the color pallet. It's like he literally stepped out of one of Blanche's sepia-red paintings.
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I come bearing the gifts of papa nurgle. So as it was requested I update this thread, heres the current progress on the plague/nurgle marines, squad on is being painted while squad 2 is still undergoing sculpting.


Thoughts: squad markings are a bitch.....then I figured that if I was sculpting on details why not sculpt squad markings to link the units together, as such we have the spine squad and the ....barnacle squad?

spine was sculpted before barnacle and due to the more imposing nature of their posing and the fact barnacle was mostly left over bits, means that I had to push my sculpting further to make barnacle impressive on the table....I think its working so far


you know what lets make it a selection at the moment.























So thoughts anyone?


edit: oh heres a dread update:






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I'm really digging the dude with the giant mushroom growing off his back. Lookin forward to seeing that painted. And it took me a second look to realize the dread's gun was coming out of a giant face. Awesome work. What exactly will that nid gun count as in the game? Or will it be generic enough to count as any firearm you say it is in a certain list?
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  • 1 month later...
What happened to those nurgle tutorials bro? I've learned quite a bit now anyway but I'd still be happy to see how you do things! Do you remove the belly plate before you add the bloated stomach look? That's what I've been doing that I learned from Svartmetal's tut. Anyway say hello at papa nurgle, it's Rotten Face incase you forgot.
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Sorry mate, uni means I only get a few hours a week for 40k and exams remove even that unfortunately. That combined with a camera that a mate took swimming....well give me some time and I'll get them to you.
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Heres what I've been working on so far.


The idea behind the termies is the lord kills and re-animates his greatest enemies and rival's and then uses their corpses to protect him in a perverse sense of irony. Game wise their twin LC's and a Hf CF set up.







Blight grenades:










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Awesome! For two reasons: Blood Angels being the best chapter and non-green Nurgle followers! You have put an interesting twist on things and will make sure to continue watching this thread. Your lord seems to be a rip off of Lucius the Eternal but still is cool.


Not sure if you answered this but why Nurgle? I could see Khorne.

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He does?



He's a big hulking deamonically possessed rotting angel, didn't pick up on a Lucius vibe myself


As for nurgle well

A: it's different and would teach me how to sculpt

B: I could see a BA army getting lost in the warp and turning to nurgle to "cure" the curse and rage

C: dornian heresy

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He does?



He's a big hulking deamonically possessed rotting angel, didn't pick up on a Lucius vibe myself


As for nurgle well

A: it's different and would teach me how to sculpt

B: I could see a BA army getting lost in the warp and turning to nurgle to "cure" the curse and rage

C: dornian heresy


Cool I didn't expect such a reasonable answer.


I meant the Lucius vibe from the fact that the ones who die become him or his bodyguard.

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  • 2 months later...

Well guys I know its been a while But I've been working on this army still. I've made a lot of progress and I expect it to be completed within a month, all 2500 (approx) points. 2 of the squads are now painted, the greenstuff is finished on the second dread and painting is underway on both of them and the 'blits are also being painted. Pictures of these will follow over the next few days however tonight I feel like sharing my current pride with you.


These terminators have been done with the skulls on the right shoulder acting as the squad marking. they will be a retinue for my lord and as such share some elements with him such as the shoulder pads and the concept behind the faces on the shin's. I wanted these to be animated corpses, my idea is that my lord enslaves the corpses of his greatest foes and rivals to serve as his bodyguard in a perverse example of irony.


Points of note:


The torn Esophagus on one of the terminators and the trucker hat like drinking tube on the heavy flamer (not to forget the skull I.V. that supplies brain juice of victims to the toxin sac on the back.


Game wise I've been running them as twin LC's (plus HF/PF) and I've found that they really are a wreck face unit. I've had much success using them as counter charge and positioning them to take initial charges through cover allowing them to smash the opponents main push at my lines, between them and Abaddon they really do vaporize whatever come near.


Final notes: I have just bits ordered a number of the small skeletal wings from the spawn kit and will be adding them to truly emphasize the "plague angel" aspect of this army.
















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  • 2 weeks later...

I...am...in shock and awe of how magnificent these models are turning out. Your GS-fu simply puts

mine to shame. I've achieved making a two-headed Plague Champion, another with a brain swollen

with meningitis in place of an exhaust dispenser. A couple with decayed skin flaps draped over both of

their exhaust dispensers. Others include entrails, slime, stitched wounds and other Nurgle gifts. My only

Rhino(so far) has some extensive GS work as well...but all of it pretty much pales in comparison to your

masterpieces of morbidity...


Continue your incredible work, man, and you'll soon have inspired Nurgle himself!

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  • 8 months later...

Hey guys,


Heres a bit of an update on the painting progress of the terminators.


I've been trying to paint the "fleshy" bits in pinkish tones and with the new GW paints that should be much easier so I hope to get these guys finished in the next month or so.


as a side note does anyone have any suggestions for hoe to paint the "barnacle/fungus" growths? I'm thinking a very dark green would be pretty cool with a vibrant green on the inside parts.


I apologize for the less than spectacular photos I am still getting used to my new camera.









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