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Roleplayer's Blood Angels


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Hey all, you may remember me from such threads as Roleplayer Blood Ravens.


Well, I am starting a Blood Angels army on the side, and have gone for a 2000 pt Sanguinary Guard Force.


List goes like this at 2000 pts generally.




Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host.


3 X Sanguinary Priests with Jump Packs.


5 X Sanguinary Guard with assorted weapon load out.


1 X 5 man Vanguard Veteran Squad. (Sgt has Lighting Claws)


Vets are in there so the Examplar's blessing is not wasted (Guard dont have sgts). The blessing will turn that sgt into essentially a 3rd HQ. And the ability to attack from deepstrike should keep the opponent on edge



When the Storm Raven model comes out, I will buy one and paint it to the force and replace the Exemplar with it for some games and see how it goes. But the list is designed to be viable anywhere from 1000-2500 points. I will buy some BaaLs for the more competative events maybe, too. Everything will be fully magnatized to weapon loadouts can change based upon the points of the game being played!




Anyway, on to the models assembled so far.


Lord Dante, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels.


Still need to drill his infernus pistol.




And my first Sanguinary Priest.





Sanguinary priest #2, fully magnatized







Blood Angels Vanguard Veteran Sgt.




Blackpack is magnatized so he can be fielded in a rhino if I ever want him to be.

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Hi mate, really like the conversions, good job! The helmets for the SPs are awesome - where are they from? I can't quite make out the detail on the mask, is it the BA chapter symbol, a Dark Angel symbol or something else?
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Nice start but you cut up the original sacarius model :jaw: Dont you know how much that thing was worth ( even for a smurf...)


Since I dont collect Ultramarines, and had no intention of selling it, what it's worth isn't really relevant to me :jaw:


Just a model to be converted like any other.

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First Guard done.

Bad lighting yadda yadda


will take photos outside tomorrow.







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Love it, great job on the paint! What was your recipe? Personally I was thinking about doing a Chainmail base coat with progressive washes of Gryphonne Sepia... not totally sure though as I really like the vibrance of your gold! Also loving the small details too, the wings are great and I really like the jewels... I was thinking of using warlock purple for the jewel blood drops, but seeing this I think I prefer the look of yours!
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Today's work.


Laid down the white with highlights for my sanguinary priests body. Need to shade it and try one more highlight to really make the white highlights white.



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Angels live, they never die

Apart from us, behind the sky

They're fading souls who've turned to ice

So ashen white in paradise


Sanguinary Priest Sahaquiel, He who harvests the Seed, the Crimson wing.

Attached to the Sanguinary Guard, Blood Angels Chapter, 999.M41












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Priest is looking great, still want to know where the helmet is from though! How many layers and how long did it take to paint such a crisp white over the black basecoat? Must have taken ages!!!


Dark Angels ravenwing box. :P


And thanks, took a while!

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I was curious - checked ebay ... here is an auction for those heads:



(not my auction) ... nice detail on the helmet ...


And I love the final priest here - I was scared based on the WIP that it would look too much like a star wars storm trooper, but the detail on the chest makes it pure blood angels ...


I am still torn but leaning toward going gold w/ my priests in a similar list - thought being they were in dante's honour guard at one point and have since been assigned to the "spiritual needs" of the sanguinary guard ... so it's an all gold army :)


Were you happy w/ Astaroth's backpack on Dante? I have astorath on order but when I put Sanguinor's on him, then angle felt a little weird w/ his head tilt ...

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Thanks for the nice comments!


Glad the blue gives the effect the jump pack is ideling, which is the look i wanted. The landing dudes will have a much stronger glow on their jump packs.



And i was happy with dante on astoraths pack.


I like the ideas hes looking down as he swings his axe, I think the pose is very dynamic.


Just a pity hes so small next to the sanguinary guard.

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  • 4 months later...

Brother Ramiel, Brother Arael and Brother Iruel join their squad, ready for Adepticon 2011.






And these ones, taken in my new photo studio, can you tell the difference? :(





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I looked at this in case it was about deathwatch too, sorry!


I was wondering what Dante would look like with the Sanguinor's jump-pack. I'm sure the flying gold character on the front of the codex was intended to be him (he is on his own, not part of a five man squad of sanguinary guard, for one thing). Your Dante with one of the new winged jump-packs seems to work pretty well, more fuel for my view that Sanguinor and Astortath were late additions to the Codex, using models originally intended for Dante and Mephiston.


These figures are looking good.

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