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New to painting


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Well, I'm just getting into the painting aspect of W40k and I would love some critiques and comments on my first two minis that I'm actually semi proud of.


The first is actually from the Inquisitor game, so hes a 54mm mini.








The second is my first Space Marine. He has no specific chapter just a color scheme I liked. He still needs some detail work, mainly with his helmet. He wasn't supposed to be so glossy, but I accidentally over did it when I sprayed him with a matte finish.






Like I said please let me know what you think, where I did good, where I went wrong.


Thanks in advance,



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Very good, especially if this is your first foray into miniature painting. the techpriest is great, only thing I'd do is add a little detail to the lenses of his mask, a darker red, speck of white for the shine and gloss them. perhaps a sepia wash on the skull and clean the small bits of red off the chain, but i'm liking that grey iron feel it has going for itself.


As for the marine a blue wash to bring out the details on his armour, sepia wash for the bone and perhaps do something with the lenses blue lenses and blue armour tends to look a little lacklustre.


But then that's just me, I'm sure you'll receive plenty of other suggestions that you'll prefer and could give your own style to your art. good luck with future projects, we look forward to them with rapt interest. ^^

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You're off to a good start I think ;) I agree with what True Thorn has said about using washes to add definition and depth to the details of your models. I think you could also benefit from watering down your paints a little as well, it'll give you a smoother finish. (my painting improved very quickly when I finally followed this bit of advice, I'd steadfastly not watered down my paint for years!)


Overall though you're definately on the right track, and before I forget to mention it, the metallics on Delphan Grauss look really good, kinda weathered and used, just like they should on a tech priest :)


keep up the good work



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Thank you very much for the praise and comments. Last time I painted was over 10 years ago and it was only a few minis and they were terrible. My dad has been painting minis and models since he was a kid so he's given me quite a bit of pointers.


I have washed the SM but the gloss really ruined that effect in the pictures. I'm not nearly as happy with him and I am the tech priest. And I haven't yet started watering my paints down, as soon as I get a little paint palette I'll have a go at it. Also for the skulls on both of them you can't see it but I painted them white then used the ogren flesh wash waited a second then lightly dabbed it with a papertowel. After two of three times of this the raised portions have a very light wash while the recessed parts were darker. I was actually very happy with how they turned out, just wish I had a better camera to show them off.

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