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Marks on Bikes


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So I ran across a group of 3 chaos bikers. Since I've got the models, I figured toss 'em into my army and bring 'er closer to 1500. I haven't had a chance to play a game with them yet, and it's probably for the best all told.


Initially I was gonna give him a Mark of Nurgle, a pair of Metla guns and up the Aspiring Champion with a power fist and Melta bombs and then use the squad as a tank hunter unit. I figure the T6 would make the unit hard to stop by anything that isn't carried on a tank (Ya know discounting psychic powers and such), plus I have the option to Turbo-boost to cover distance and get an invulnerable save in the process. My thinking was that this would make the unit able to redeploy to deal with tanks that don't happen to be where I want them to be.


Now I was talking to a couple guys at the local hobby shop and the general consensus was to replace the Metlas with Flamers, and swap the Icon of Nurgle for one of Khorne and use the unit for an infantry screen and thinning agent.


Both ideas have merit, but I'm wondering if I can get second opinions on each.

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Nurgle. Normally I despite Nurgle and all it stands for, but in this case, it's a tactical decision. T6 models require copious amounts of bolter fire or heavy weapons to kill. Your opponent is likely to recognize the threat and will probably direct anti-tank guns against the squad, which means fewer anti-tanks shooting at tanks/terminators/oblits/etc.
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just one correction...you get a 3+ COVER save for turbo boosting, NOT an invulnerable save. It's important when you come up against things like Psycannons, or Flamestorm Cannons, or any other save-ignoring weapon.


What T do Nurgle marines normally count as for the purposes of Instant Death? Because if it's 4, Nurgle gets you no defense whatsoever against S8 weapons, like Krak Missiles. One hit, and your Nurgle Biker with T4(6) evaporates with no save (unless you turbo boosted).

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Most bikers only have one wound anyway though. The fact you're harder to wound is useful enough in itself.


Also, if you're turbo-boosting, watch out for Sternguard who can use their cover-ignoring ammo.

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Most bikers only have one wound anyway though. The fact you're harder to wound is useful enough in itself.


Also, if you're turbo-boosting, watch out for Sternguard who can use their cover-ignoring ammo.

All Chaos Bikers have one wound, so instant death is a non issue. High strength/AP weapons do still hurt though; Krak Missiles still wound on a 2+ against bikers with a mark of Nurgle.


Sternguard's cover-ignoring ammo won't be an issue, since the bikers would still have their armor save. Hellfire ammunition is a much bigger issue; bolters that always wound on a 2+ are not fun for a unit that invested so many points into getting its toughness up.

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Most bikers only have one wound anyway though. The fact you're harder to wound is useful enough in itself.


Also, if you're turbo-boosting, watch out for Sternguard who can use their cover-ignoring ammo.

All Chaos Bikers have one wound, so instant death is a non issue. High strength/AP weapons do still hurt though; Krak Missiles still wound on a 2+ against bikers with a mark of Nurgle.


Sternguard's cover-ignoring ammo won't be an issue, since the bikers would still have their armor save. Hellfire ammunition is a much bigger issue; bolters that always wound on a 2+ are not fun for a unit that invested so many points into getting its toughness up.


Ah, gotcha. My main concern when facing anything Nurgle is getting past that FNP save.

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Most bikers only have one wound anyway though. The fact you're harder to wound is useful enough in itself.


Also, if you're turbo-boosting, watch out for Sternguard who can use their cover-ignoring ammo.

All Chaos Bikers have one wound, so instant death is a non issue. High strength/AP weapons do still hurt though; Krak Missiles still wound on a 2+ against bikers with a mark of Nurgle.


Sternguard's cover-ignoring ammo won't be an issue, since the bikers would still have their armor save. Hellfire ammunition is a much bigger issue; bolters that always wound on a 2+ are not fun for a unit that invested so many points into getting its toughness up.


Ah, gotcha. My main concern when facing anything Nurgle is getting past that FNP save.

Icon of Nurgle doesn't provide FNP, just the basic Plague Marines have that.


For a 3 man bike squad, I'd generally say leave them unmarked or go Chaos Glory. They are too small to give an expensive mark like nurgle.

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I've recently used some bikers in my Deathguard army, complete with MoN. In the first game I used them in - against Ultramarines - they just couldn't be stopped at all. I took two squads of 7 bikers, with 2 meltas in each squad - and at the end of the game I still had all the meltas and had only lost 3 bolter bikers from one squad, and nobody from the other. In the second game - against Tyranids - I only took the one squad, and they got caught up in close combat with a Tyranofex and just died. He was strong enough that the T6 wasn't a problem, and tough enough that the bikers just couldn't bring him down...
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yeah, I mean that's one of the things about 40k. it's like Paper, Rock Scissors. Everything can be beaten by something. Sure, some units and heroes are harder to bring down and it depends on from what army perspective you look at it from. I mean 4th edition, a 400 point Demon Prince could be brought down by 200 points of Gaurdsmen with flash lights simply by virtue of the fact that you're not going to make 399 saves.


I think for the moment I'm gonna go with James1 suggestion and run 'em either un-marked or give 'em Chaos Glory. Later on, if I do bump 'em up to a 10 man squad I'll spend the points on an Icon of Nurgle for 'em. Use 'em for Tank busting.


Though I am thinking about going deamon heavy (Conversion wise, not rules wise) and running a unit of bikes with Mark of Khorne, but modeling 'em ridding Juggernauts. You can check out the prototype for the idea over here if you're interested.

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