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Multiple Independent Characters & Terminators


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I've been through the rules regarding the Independent Characters when joining units and I didn't see any restriction on how many characters can join an individual unit.

The reason I've been looking at this is because I'm looking at having a 10-man Terminator squad & 2 TDA characters in an 1500pt army.

My plan is in non-kill point games is to combat squad the Terminators with a character leading each squad then for kill point games keep the squad whole with both characters attached thus denying a kill point (also making it harder to get the 3 kill points on offer with such a large heavily armoured squad).

Is this legal?


Also whilst mucking around with this idea I realised that it costs the same in points for 2 squads of 5 terminators or 1 squad of 10; the only difference is that you either get a power sword sergeant or not respectively.

What's the opinion on this matter?

It might help form your opinions to know that these will "Tactical" Terminators with either Cyclone Missile Launchers or Assault Cannons (I still haven't decided - I'm thinking the CML for the larger threat radius although I think the AC has better synergy with rest of the squad's weapons) and the characters will be 2 identically armed Librarians with Storm Bolters.

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Sounds legit to me. I would pretty much always take 1 squad over 2 smaller ones, for the flexibility in kill point games. A power weapon would be more viable if they could pick up the axtra attack, but can't, so I would happily exchange the power sword on the sarge for a powerfist (this isn't doable), but wouldnt take an additional power sword for another squad if that makes sense.


It will be a bit of conversion work, but I'd try to add a storm sheild to the librarians, and maybe note even bother with the storm bolter. The extra inv save will be well worth it.


My preference is CML over assault cannon, and that is what I take at the moment (I only have 5 of my terminators painted atm), but do ahve an assualt cannon as well, which I will try out, but suspect i will want 2 cyclones.......... I think ACs are a little over priced for their purformance if they are not twin linked. Plus greatter threat range. On that note tho, you really want to be getting all your terminators in to the 24 inch range, otherwise you really are wasting the storm bolters which really add up, especially in a 10 man squad.


I've found that termies, even with CML should still be focusing primarily on troops, unless you really have to take down a tank or transport. They have a high output of fire, so you want to get it all in to be really effective......

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That is a really good point actaully. due to the neanses of combat squading, 1 squad wouldnt be able to split, put 5 on the table, and DS the others.


So you will need to think carefully on that if you want them to come in seperately like that.


regalur DS is fine, u can split em then, but of course, you'll either get em both or neither, so worth thinking thru. of course if you have the power sword arm spare and a few magnets.......... u can try em both out. same points, etc....... so is a nice true swop out.

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ive tryied this before: !0 tact termies w/ cyclone and assault cannon and 2 chainfists, Lysander, and a TDA Libby w/ SS. The the squad combats squads so the libby takes both heavy weapons and gates them around the table while Lysander takes the rest in an LRC. in kill pnt games they work great as one big deathstar type unit
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Now that sounds like an awesome unit!!!!!!!!!


How do you find the AC compares to the CML? I've not used my AC much as seems a bit underwhelming for it's cost, especially compared to a CML.


How do you find yours works, and any good/bad targets you can mention?????


Also, is Lysander really worth his points? He does obviously have a nice statline and special rules, but is he really worth the same cost as 5 thunder hammer assualt terminators???????? His main benefit as I see it (unless you REALLY want stubborn) is when mixed with (as you do) regular terminators, to take any low AP hits and add the bolter drill, but how useful is this say compared to 5 CC termies?

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with the unit set up no other independent character could be better. He increases the effectiveness of the storm bolters, he takes those AP 2 shots off the other termies (and with his stats and EW they dont do much), his stubbord makes sure the unit hardly ever has a sudden panic attack, and he is a close combat monster. If something big gets close to threaten the unit in cc he can detach and handle himself, Ive had him kill wraithlords in one turn without taking any wounds all by himself on multiple occasions, so to answer your question, YES he is worth the points. When comparing him to hammernators you need to think of the synergy he offers the rest of the army and the holes he fills in a unit of tactical termies.


As for the Assault cannon, I would take the cyclone over it, i just have it modeled on one mini I had in 4th ed. and havent the heart to take it off a painted mini. It is still a good weapon but seems like a glorified heavy bolter in 5th. the cyclone and storm bolter still puts out 4 shots together, can wound more or take out bigger targets, plus more bolter rerolls with Lysander


hope that answers your questions

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Indeed it does, many thanks!!!!!!


I have Lysander all ready to rock in my Imperial Fists list, but have not been able to get myself to drop the 5 CC termies that would be a good swop out for him.


He does certainly bring some advantages with him, so will deffo give him a test.


Cheers for the response.

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