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Angelic chapter name help

Jarl Bloodwolf

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Im creating an IA for a chapter based off of angels as in wings and holy armor and all. I am unsure what to name the chapter though so I have come up with some ideas and would like some feed back on them.


I'll give you a breif over view of the chapter. Members of the Astartes Praeses, hate chaos and daemons, marble white armor with gold details (the chapter is inspired by the Hellguard from Darksiders), will look like a mix between BT, BA and GK, homeworld is Archangel, not sure who their gene seed comes from yet but I'm thinking non DA/BA.


So which name would work best? Im also open to name suggestions.


Angel Guard


Nephilim Guard

Hell Guard

White Guard

Angels Sacrosant

Sons of Light

Angels of War

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I like Hell Guard and White Guard the best myself.


Angel Guard doesn't work due to being the name of one of the winning DIY Chapters from GW's official Chapter Master competition a few years back. Also Archangels is redundant with that being the name of your homeworld too (plus I think that one is a pretty common DIY Chapter name).



I am kinda' partial to Archangels because that is the name I chose - originally following on the same themes...Archangels names and the like. Now I just play them as either Dark Angel successors or vanilla marines.


I do like White Gaurd and Angels Sacrosant as well.


I know that Archangel is a world in 40K fluff...I think there was a huge battle against orks there...I'm not sure..but I know there is already an "official" planet called that...you may wanna research it a little more and find out what GW says about it.





Here's my two cents, for what it's worth.


Angels, good guys, white armor, hate daemons, Planet ArchAngels - What do Angels do? They protect. What do they protect? They protect Souls. Souls that would worship the Emperor. Based on that basis, I offer the following:


Soul Guard

Soul Templars

Holy Avengers - yup, a D&D reference

Daemon Bane

Soul Keepers


Hope it helps.

First of all I want to thank everyone for there responses and suggestions.


I actually did research Archangel as a planet in 40k but I couldent find anything. Does anyone know were i can get information on it? If its to far out history wise or in the wrong position to be a homeworld for an Astartes Praeses chapter I have a back up name for their homeworld. I just didn't know that it was already a cannon world.


And so far it seems like White Guard are in the lead. I'll wait a bit longer and see if I get any more opinions

Arent Archangels kind of generic though? I mean it was just an idea but I have done some searching and there are alot of IA Archangel chapters. Plus arent the BA 1st company known as the Archangels? (and is it Archangels or Arch Angels?) I mean It's a cool name but I want something a little more original, I didnt know the name was that popular.

I dd some digging and found where I saw the planet Archangel mentioned:

Dark Angels Codex pg. 75 under The Angels of Absolution

"The Ravenwing and Angels of Absolution's 2nd Company worked together to deadly effect at Archangel VII, for example, where a small band of Fallen Dark Angels and thier followers were found to be ensconced at the icy death world's northern pole, in a region utterly inimical to life."


There's no date listed for the engagement, so what you could say is that your chapter was created after that conflict to fill the void of protection in that region and your homeworld could be Archangel VII or any of the other planets in the Archangel system for that matter.


Hope this helps!



For those of you saying you see Archangels Chapters everywhere...I keep seeing my site pop up around the web...and I know of about 4 or 5 others who play archangels - one other on this site. But I wouldn't say is a super-popular name.


Give me links so I can see how they play them please!!! I always love seeing fellow Archangels players models and fluff! =)


I've just been playing 40k since it was first published in 1987 (yes I'm that old!) and I've been playing Archangels almost from the get go. My very first chapter was called the Blue Angels after the navy flight team...and then after talking with friends I changed it to Archangels.


Anyhow, just my 2 cents!

My vote goes to White Guard or Soul Guard. Damnit Ace stop copying me.


I got there first. You're copying me. :lol:


I'm not saying the use of Archangels as a name would be a bad thing. But you do see more Archangels chapters than Soul Guard or White Guard, so if Jarl wants a name not associated with existing DIYs, then they'd be good choices. :P

Well with the help of all who have posted I think I have decided on the White Guard. Now all I have to do is decide what kind of white I want :lol: I dont want them to be white like the White Scars I want it to be more of a glossy metallic white. But I digress, thank you all for your suggestions and "votes".


I officially dub my chapter THE WHITE GUARD!!!!


And for all you Archangels out their sorry I didnt really join your group BUT I think we could be brother chapters as we are pretty much the same. We should turn this into a angel discussion in general as I to would love to see how others have modeled and how they play there lists

Eh, I would have voted fro Angels Sacrosanct. It fits with all the "Angels such-and-such" successors of the Dark Angels (and I think, some Blood Angels successors).

The white and gold is reminiscent of the Emperor's style, a bit. Perhaps they have some kind of closer spiritual connection with him?

Well as my chapter is apart of the Astartes Praeses who guard the Eye of Terror their homeworld is located relitivly close so the population has to be strong in their faith in the Emperor to resist corruption and this has transfered into the chapter itself.


Haha It's always nice when you finally decide on a name for your chapter. Its like they dont really exist unless you name them


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