Brother-Captain Sharp Posted May 20, 2010 Share Posted May 20, 2010 So here's my new dread. He's for my successor's Ravenwing (the Blade of Persecution). I figured hey, he's got to be able to keep up with bikes right? Those stubby legs just won't do. He'll get some more love covering up gaps and joins and whatnot, but he's mainly finished. I love converting AoBR dreads. It's so fun to go from bland and boring to dynamic and deadly! I also finished converting an Interrogator-Chaplain (Damien from my short story in the Rock). My challenge was to make a special character using no bitz from other special characters, and this is what came of it. I think I like him even better than my Belial (I feel like I'm cheating on Belial) :). He's essentially finished except for some slight details. Comments and criticism encouraged. Cheers! More updates soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted June 20, 2010 Author Share Posted June 20, 2010 I've gotten some more work done on the Angels of Retribution. Maybe there will be something worth of commenting in this update. I built another Dreadnought, this time a Venerable. With some paint: I also undertook a project over this last weekend: Well, I undertook a project. I had an old BT Land Raider Crusader that was absolutely worthless to me. It had been left in a car for a whole day in the middle of July, and had gotten completely warped. The ramps were literally warped into crescents, and none of the weapons would fit into their holes, as they were warped enough to no longer be circular. The sponsons were missing, except for the shields. The Multimelta was gone too. It was being given away free, so nothing lost. Well, after a bit of work, here it is, my Land Raider Ares. I was able to get some of the pieces back into shape, and cover up the other areas that are still pretty warped. All that's left is some gap filling in the front and the dozer blade. Seeing as how it started as an empty hulk with no weapons and a ramp section so warped it couldn't open, I'm happy with it. Of course, you can still see the warping if you look for it. As always, commentsand criticisms welcome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted June 21, 2010 Author Share Posted June 21, 2010 Painting is on hold, as I am in a converting/assembling mood and I try not to squander motivation while I have it. Tonight, I built a squad of Terminators and a squad of PA marines. Note: the barrels with be drilled, I just don't have the bit right now! First, the terminators: Detail shots of the green stuff: First ever full body robe I've attempted. I think it's passable. I'm waiting for the current stuff to cure before I do the back. This terminator was a part of a diorama I did using the Chronus blister. He still needs a little more detailing, but I'm happy with him for the most part. Pretty straight forward model. Decided to get some SS love into the squad. The terminators with modified helmets will get holes drilled into their sides when I get the aforementioned small drill bit. The purity seals were an experiment, and I think I can get them down with a little practice. They aren't hard to do. The one on the storm shield looks a little weird because it's kinda wrapped around the edge, but it looks okay in real life. And here is the tactical squad, nothing fancy: The brown bases I picked up for $.015 each for the marines from my Dark Angels Upgrade sprue kits and their the exact same size as a regular base. They don't have the sloped sides, but hey, they were $3 for 20. :D Also, the marines holding a bolter or melta do not have their arms glued on, just resting on the shoulders for ease of painting, so there might be some gaps that will get fixed. Comments and criticism welcome as always. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cold Fire Posted June 21, 2010 Share Posted June 21, 2010 Those are some nice minis. Was it hard to attach the sentinel legs to the Dread? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted June 21, 2010 Author Share Posted June 21, 2010 Those are some nice minis. Thank you. Was it hard to attach the sentinel legs to the Dread? Nope. I just cut off the foot assembly from the struts down and glued the sentinel piece onto the leg. The piece that attachs to the legs is the end of the leg piece used in the arm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Tharand Posted June 21, 2010 Share Posted June 21, 2010 I really think your chaplain is very foreboding and dangerous looking. Also both your robe and purity seal work on the terminators is very nice. I know its really hard to get those things positioned and looking normal. My only critic is that Belial isn't very dynamic in his positioning. It might look cool too see him swinging the sword or something. Just my personal preference though. I can't wait to see some of these models with paint! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted June 22, 2010 Author Share Posted June 22, 2010 I really think your chaplain is very foreboding and dangerous looking. Also both your robe and purity seal work on the terminators is very nice. I know its really hard to get those things positioned and looking normal. My only critic is that Belial isn't very dynamic in his positioning. It might look cool too see him swinging the sword or something. Just my personal preference though. I can't wait to see some of these models with paint! That isn't Belial, just a terminator sergeant. Because this is a successor, I don't think I'll have a Belial figure. I did make one for my Deathwing, but he involved a little bit more. Painting update later tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elohimalpha Posted October 6, 2010 Share Posted October 6, 2010 Sorry for the thread necro, but your Interrogator-Chaplain is amazing. What did you use for his left arm? Is he painted? Great stuff all-around! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tiny sam Posted October 6, 2010 Share Posted October 6, 2010 OK the two handed Crozius Arcanum is awsome! where do you find that huge sword on the dread? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted December 9, 2010 Author Share Posted December 9, 2010 Well, after a sabbatical and everything being put on hold, I'm back. In amongst all the projects that never got finished are my Angels of Retribution. However, I've done some work on 'em and I thought it'd be nice to share and get some good feedback, as well as answer some posts that I never saw. Sorry. Sorry for the thread necro, but your Interrogator-Chaplain is amazing. What did you use for his left arm? Is he painted? Great stuff all-around! The left arm is the sword carrying arm from the Dark Angels Upgrade Sprue. I chopped the sword off to keep the hilt and then chopped the hand off at the wrist and repositioned it so fit the angle of the haft. Pretty simple work, though the shoulder pad had to be glued into place with a big gap between the it and the body, which I filled with greenstuff. As I just got back into the hobby, he isn't past basecoats. However, he is on my painting table and will be started in earnest soon. Thanks for the compliment, btw. OK the two handed Crozius Arcanum is awsome! where do you find that huge sword on the dread? The sword is actually off of a souvenir knight I got from Britain when I traveled there as a kid. The knight already had a polearm and a shield to carry, so I nabbed the sword! ;) And now for some new stuff! After looking at my tactical marines, I wondered what actual Veterans would look like, seeing as how they are all robed. My answer was more bling! Not too much in the way of real converting, but it was a fun bitz bash. Also, I've started to paint my Terminators. Here's them with the base coats done for the armor. The color scheme is growing on me as I paint it. They're actually a little farther ahead than that, but I don't have my camera right now, so I'll get some new pictures either later tonight or tomorrow. Also, I was given an early Christmas gift, the new Forgeworld Librarian! He's a gorgeous model, and will be used for my special character librarian, Elias. The model is so full of great detail, the model is posed amazingly well, and the armor design is awesome. I would definitely recommend it. I've started painting him as well (I have project ADHD), and it's been a relief to approach a simpler color after all the black and bone. ;) Finally, I've converted up my special character biker, Zedekiah. I really tried to make him stand out from all the other bikes I have for the army. It was difficult at first to think of ideas as I had no previous experience in converting bikes, but the project picked up steam, and think I did okay. Some more detailing might go on the back of his bike around the banner, but he's probably done unless you guys think he really needs something back there. I'll try to get some more photos of my recent work up as it happens. I'd rather not let this blog die again. Thanks for looking. Comments and criticism most appreciated! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted December 9, 2010 Author Share Posted December 9, 2010 Oops, double post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tiny sam Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 These are some of the best looking Dark angel like model i've seen! Good job! the Green stuff on the bike is very impressing and inspiring ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master of fact Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 These are amazing minis. I have just started my darkangels and you have give me much needed inspiration. How did you do the sword on the dreadnought as it is really cool. Keep up the great work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
augustmanifesto Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 where did you get the chain and how did you attach it to the model? also how are you ensuring it wont move? I'm looking at doing chain so I thought i'd ask Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted December 10, 2010 Author Share Posted December 10, 2010 where did you get the chain and how did you attach it to the model? also how are you ensuring it wont move? I'm looking at doing chain so I thought i'd ask The chain is jewelry chain. It is attached with just super glue. It's tight enough that it won't move. These are amazing minis. I have just started my darkangels and you have give me much needed inspiration. How did you do the sword on the dreadnought as it is really cool. Keep up the great work. Thanks, first of all! The sword of the Dreadnought is from a souvenir that I got from a trip to England. These are some of the best looking Dark angel like model i've seen! Good job! the Green stuff on the bike is very impressing and inspiring ! Whoa, thanks. :unsure: ________________________________________________________ Well, I worked a late night tonight, so I wasn't able to get anything new done. However, I thought it would be a good chance to post up a "finished" mini (my minis are never really finished). This is one of the terminators of the squad I worked on earlier. I thought it'd be good to get a picture up showing what my color scheme looks like when more than just the basecoats are done. It's certainly not my best work, but it gets the idea across. The laurels on the fists still need to be done I realized when I took him out to photograph. A base will be coming soonish. As always, comments and criticism welcome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Halrian Posted December 10, 2010 Share Posted December 10, 2010 Great mini's only thing I didn't like was the chaplains weapon head seemed a bit over sized Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted December 11, 2010 Author Share Posted December 11, 2010 Great mini's only thing I didn't like was the chaplains weapon head seemed a bit over sized Yeah, it's a little excessive. But hey, that's the fun of it! :) Thanks for the comment. Edit: Realized the update should probably be in the Hall of Honor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted December 14, 2010 Author Share Posted December 14, 2010 And here's another model that I've been working on. I'm liking him so far. The arm and weapon details (pretty much everything grey) are still all pretty WIP and haven't gotten much further than basecoats. I was kinda waffling on whether to post him or not when he's still got a lot to do, but I'm gonna try updates more regularly. even when the mini still has some serious flaws. Seeing as how he's not gonna be finished for a bit, suggestions are more than welcome. The sword will be painted in the same type of pattern as the claws. As will his power bayonet! -_- Comments and criticism are welcome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted December 16, 2010 Author Share Posted December 16, 2010 Well, I did some power weapons tonight. First of all, a power sword that I painted with the lightning claws I posted earlier (my first ever power sword not painted silver, actually): Secondly, I did the same style on Titus' sword, a little bit changed: Which style do you guys prefer? Middle line, or no middle line? Lastly, I worked on Damion's crozius. This one I was gonna paint in the same style, but after throwing some ideas around with a friend, I came up with this: The idea is that the Rock the angel stands on is the power conduit for the head of the weapon. What do you guys think? Comments and criticism welcome. as always! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dorns Padawan Posted December 16, 2010 Share Posted December 16, 2010 This thread is awesome!!!! Your vets look amazing and I like your GS skills! Your dread certainly looks badass & also thr LR looks pretty funky with the dozer in front. Thread watched!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retrograde Posted December 16, 2010 Share Posted December 16, 2010 That crozius is beautiful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GooseDaMoose Posted December 16, 2010 Share Posted December 16, 2010 It definitely works. Very very cool model! Though some of the lightning on the crozius looks like it's coming out of the sword the angel is holding rather than the rock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
det Posted December 16, 2010 Share Posted December 16, 2010 well done man!! Very very very nice minie! Not too fond of the split paint scheme though, but the details and conversions are ace, as is the painting! Power crozius for the win: it came out pretty well IMHO! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Captain Sharp Posted December 17, 2010 Author Share Posted December 17, 2010 This thread is awesome!!!! Your vets look amazing and I like your GS skills! Your dread certainly looks badass & also thr LR looks pretty funky with the dozer in front. Thread watched!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks! The Land Raider with the dozer blade is an Ares pattern, an Apocalypse variant. I hope that my work continues to impress. ;) That crozius is beautiful Thank you! :) It definitely works. Very very cool model! Though some of the lightning on the crozius looks like it's coming out of the sword the angel is holding rather than the rock. Yeah, I figured it wouldn't hurt to have the main fork of lightning travel up the sword and have other spars branch off of it. well done man!!Very very very nice minie! Not too fond of the split paint scheme though, but the details and conversions are ace, as is the painting! Power crozius for the win: it came out pretty well IMHO! Yeah, I didn't love the color scheme either when I first chose it (I couldn't tell you why I stuck with it). However, after painting a lot of it, it's definitely grown on me. I guess you love what you slave over. ;) And I definitely prefer the conversion side of things, so it's good to hear you like them. :) And here's some new work on Damion. My project ADHD is in full swing now. I've been taking out 5+ models every time I sit down to paint, and it's pretty much a game of minnie-miney-moe to pick one to paint (literally did that last night before I started Damion). I worked on the greens and the black highlighting, continuing the grey highlighting I started on the terminators earlier. As you can see, the back of the crozius is just in the first stages. I like how the greens turned out. The jury's still out on how I feel about the grey. Doing the grey highlighting over the earlier blue highlighting I had done before resulted in an interesting effect when I did the terminators. I might think about trying to recreate it. We'll see how I feel in the morning when my head doesn't feel like it's stoved in. As a note, the grey highlights are much brighter in the picture than in real life. I wanted to run a basing idea past you guys for Damion (I know, I'm weird thinking about basing before he's even close to finished). My idea was to have a few dead somethings on his base (likely a Guardsmen or Eldar) and have Damion walking on one of the corpses. Cliche, I know. However, what I wanted to do was place Damion's foot where the head of one of the bodies would be. Seeing as how a Space Marine in TDA aint a light thing, I was thinking I could do some greenstuff and gore effects to have it look like the head had been crushed by his foot. Weird, cool, or not interesting? Also, I'm working 70 hours the week of Christmas, so probably not a lot of updates till after the holidays. :/ I'll try to make up for it afterwards. Comments and criticism welcome as always! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shortsonfire79 Posted December 17, 2010 Share Posted December 17, 2010 I originally thought the Crozius was boss. Then I thought, "What if the backside is just blank...lame" And then I see you did add another piece to the back! Boss! ;) I'm not good with basing and gore, so I'll pass on that. Sorry. Considering your Ares started out as a Hulk, you did do a wonderful job with that. The entire tank looks like its at an angle. If you could, I would plasticard up the front plate, so it doesn't have the gaps at least. Your biker Zedekaih looks great. Great sculpting on the feathers on the front wheel. The back could use some stuff, but bike bags would probably do it. Or maybe a teleport homer, that'd be cool. Very nice Angels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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