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The Angels of Retribution

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Thanks for the comments, Shortsonfire. Sorry it took me so long to get back. I'm glad you like the crozius. It's one of my favorite pieces, for sure. I'll also look at getting a homer onto the bike somehow. :tu:


And there was some progress tonight:



Not very exciting, I know. But hey, progress is progress. :D

Thanks, Shortsonfire! I appreciate the comments. :mellow:


Some detailing and highlighting (the highlights on black need to be cleaned up):


And here's the update that I was too tired to make last night. Again, it's not a huge amount, but I'm trying to hold myself to once daily updates. (This one counts because I haven't painted yet! :) ). I'll probably have a larger update later tonight.








For my first work with a Rhino and mud effects, I'm pretty happy with it. I'm not going to more weathering on it, at least for now, so all it needs to be done are some freehand symbols. Unless of course there's something I missed. :)


Also I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for symbols I could freehand and where. I'd like to get some freehand on, but I don't want to cover up the quartering lines now that I've got them where I want them. :) Any ideas would help, and I'll probably leave off the Rhino for a bit while I think and return to another model.


Comments, criticism and ideas all welcome.


Edit: I don't know why the front of the Rhino looks so grey... :P It doesn't look like that in real life. Probably just a reflection thing.

And now for that update that I promised. Two terminators that I've kinda been putting off, just because they didn't really grab me painting wise like the others did. My own fault really, seeing as how I built them. :D Anyways, I made some good progress, so here they are. There were a lot of older mistakes that I had made when I first started painting the squad before I really got everything figured out, so working on them felt like a big deal, seeing as how I had to repaint a lot of areas and consign some to "I'll do better next time", so the update might not be so exciting. It feels like a good step for me, though. :woot:












Of the two, I am much more happy with the hooded guy. The split helm guy... well he's just okay. Some basing and detailing left (specifically purity seals and some metallics) and I think they'll be done.


Comments and criticism welcome, as always! ;)

Very cool painted models, well done :P .

Thanks! ;)


Holding myself to my goal of an update a night, here's some progress on the Rhino freehanding. It's all quite rough at the moment as I am really out of practice, but eh, what can you do. Some more cleaning up on the freehand (especially on the top, as I had to pause it for now as I work in the morning) and some stuff on the doors, and I think we're done.




BTW, I think the main decal is gonna be my chapter symbol. What do you think? Also, C&C on the Rhino overall is more than welcome! ^_^

hail Brother-Captain Sharp ~grins~ well what can i say? lovely models filled with very original touches...lots of character and above all soul...keep the work coming...keep pushing on...ill be checking back regularly to see your progress...~awards you a Purity Seal~ outstanding!!! ~high fives you~


wish you the best in 2011 and i hope you achieve a great deal both hobby related and personal...may The Light of The Emperor continue shine upon you...






For The Lion...For The Emperor...We go into dark places and shine his light...We illuminate...We purge...We stand firm...We never retreat...if we do it is a tactical withdrawl...we never surrender...if we do it is only to deliver an Exterminatus to the very heart if the enemy...




Thanks, Kanan! :cuss I'm glad you like them.


And working on my next vehicle, quartering started though it's still messy because I still need to actually get past just basecoats:





This Land Raider Crusader is part of my LPC vow. My goal is to have it done in 5 days or less.


Cheers! ;)

And continuing my progress on the LRC and my LPC vow, the bone is complete on the Raider:





Tomorrow is the black, and then on to the weapons and detailing.


Cheers! Comments and criticism welcome, as always.

Another small update:





As a note, I've decided I hate highlighting black. Black can go die in a fire, and whoever decided the Angels of Retribution should have black on half their armor should be taken outside and given an enthusiastic talking to! :)



Let there be merriment! Let there be rejoicing! For today, the Dark Angels did get an update of their codex! Huzzah!


In celebration, I have returned to painting after 2 nights off. Slowly, but surely, the LRC is getting done.






Thanks for the comments, Sneggy and EB. Does the AC cover up the area you were talking about, Sneggy? I think I fixed it anyways before the AC went there, but if you still see it, feel free to point it out again.


Comments and criticism welcome, as always!


Happy Update Day!

Thanks! :lol: The quartering is done by hand. It just takes a lot of patience.


And here's some more slow progress. I've started on the detailing and metallics.





Comments and criticism welcome, as always. I'm thinking this will be done in two days, hopefully.

Thanks, Moshutta. :o


Well, I had inventory today and early tomorrow, so that cut into my painting time, but I did get some done. I've started on the frag assault launchers, drilled the barrels, and painted most of the grey details (some still need to be finished, but the angel is finished). Also, I'm really getting annoyed with my purity seals breaking off. They'll have to be replaced. Grrr.





Hazard stripes are a pain! :P In fact, that's where most of my painting time went. Comments and criticism welcome, as always.

Love the quartered scheme, looks great. You've got lenses down too. You gonna do hazard stripes on the other side as well? Only tiny crit is that the model looks a little busy with the red casings and the green details, I liked it more before those bits were painted :( Keep it up man loving this thread.
Love the quartered scheme, looks great. You've got lenses down too. You gonna do hazard stripes on the other side as well? Only tiny crit is that the model looks a little busy with the red casings and the green details, I liked it more before those bits were painted :) Keep it up man loving this thread.

Yeah, been getting that a bit. I'll probably switch out the color for the front details (eagle and shield thingy) to red to lessen the effect of the green. Definitely not a good thing if you liked it before those were painted (though they were never finished). Thanks for the compliments. :) Yeah, I'm getting hazard stripes onto the other side, they're just a pain and they take a long time. I ran out of time last night, and tonight I didn't want to to get into it. So I painted most of a Multi-melta and gunner.





I tried to get a good difference between the red of the casings and the red of the Mechanicum. Undecided about it, though the darker red looks a little better URL (not an excuse, only an explanation) ;) Thoughts?


Comments and criticism welcome, as always.

I did do a little bit more painting last night, but it was incredibly small progress, so I decided to skip the update. Tonight, however, I think I have some real progress to show off. Specifically, the LRC is completed except for free-handing and weathering! :wink: We're at the homestretch. One or two more nights, and it's done!


Without further ado, here we go:








Cheers, guys! Comments and criticism welcome, as always.

Well built, well painted :)


I think the reds and greens on the icons on the sides are a touch garish, I'd pick one colour or the other I think, the two together always look a bit Christmas-sy. You could always have a red side and green side if you're married to the combo I guess.


I'd also shade the red & green to add some more depth, they look a touch flat at the moment, though that may be a photo issue more than anything. Alternatively give them a little extra TLC in the weathering process and that'll sort that out as well.


Either way, minor criticisms of an excellent model so far, looking forward to the finished result :P

Thanks, SCC. ^_^ The model is finished and can be viewed in my thread in the Hall of Honor: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=216842


Green and red are both significant colors in the Dark Angels and their successors. So I wanted to keep them both. As I did not put them right next to each other except in a few cases, I thought it wasn't too Christmasy. However, everyone has their own style, so your mileage may vary (which it obviously does :P ). Thank you for the comment, though.


And here's some work I was able to squeeze in tonight:





So it's back to Elias. The purple force weapon was an experiment, and I don't actually have any purple, so I mixed some up. I like the rough concept. Also the dark area of the tabard is in extreme shadow when it doesn't have direct light at it. That's why it isn't brightened up any.


Comments and criticism welcome, as always!

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, SCC. The Sevrin Loth model is a total joy to paint. It's the first FW model I've worked with, and while I had a few problems with flash and mold lines that were pretty bad, it was a pretty easy assembly too.


Well, it's been quite a while since I got an update up. Between moving, losing all access to a computer (thank god for smart phones), and getting out of my painting groove, it's taken me a while to get to a point where I feel like an update is warranted. Work has restarted on Elias, and he's getting damn close to finished.


Please excuse the pictures, while I did the best I could the lack of a real camera (these are phone pictures) and a lightbox means this update is more to just show what I've done.






The lighting and camera washed out a lot of the depth, so I'll make sure to get access to a computer so I can get a picture up with my camera and lightbox. Also the keys relly got washed out next to the cord so I'll either repaint them silver or repaint the cord grey.



Comments and criticism welcome, as always. Feels good to be updating again. :)

Great job on Sevrin there Sharp <_<


The purple works well on the power axe, if I hadn't swapped mine for a staff I'd seriously be thinking about going down that route now. The blue looks good, the details are sharp too (no pun intended), looking forward to seeing the completed model :woot:

  • 1 month later...

Firstly, Elias is completed and in this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...216842&st=0

I have also completed a Vindicator which is in that thread as well.


Returning to this thread after a good bit of neglect, I've worked some on the 5 man veteran squad for my vow, and the robes are done. The armor has also had a little bit of progress with me working on the bone. Sorry for the bad photos. I am away from home at the moment.




The green could definitely have been painted better. The last highlight I gave it was too much, but I don't really have the time to fix it properly, nor the patience. Ah, such is the pain of being behind on a deadline.


Comments and criticism welcome.


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