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New chapter ideas

Sir Caverstein

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HEIL there people

Well it's been a long time since my last post but now I'm back

Well after playing some games and even taking poart in 2 tournaments I have got new chapter ideas

2 to be precise

1 Le grand army

loosely based in the Napoleonic time

Huge amount of heavy weapons

Colours french blue, red and white

Medals loads of medals and hats loads of hats(tricorns and bicorns)

will use codex SW or SM

2 Knights conquistadores

Based in the reconquista and conquista period of my spiritual motherland Spain

Colours: yellow(dark one) red(dark or mid one) and green(in some details)

some warhammer fantasy empire details

Will use codes SW,BA and BT

Which do you chose both fit me so I leave the chose to you amicus aedes

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Which do you chose both fit me so I leave the chose to you amicus aedes


Well, in terms of writing an IA you could do one and then the other. :P

Both chapters sound like they have some potential, in all honesty. So really, the choice comes down to which one you have the most ideas for or would most enjoy writing.


1 Le grand army

loosely based in the Napoleonic time

Huge amount of heavy weapons

Colours french blue, red and white

Medals loads of medals and hats loads of hats(tricorns and bicorns)

will use codex SW or SM


Space marines with tricorns/bicorns would look both hilarious and awesome. :ph34r:

Vive le Emperor...


I would like to be the rain on Ace's parade here and say, no... I could not imagine Space Marines in tricorn hats... At. All... I get the image of a huge, Arnold Schwarzenegger type character with a tiny tricorn hat balanced on the flat of his head...

Le Grande Army got a damn good thrashing by the red-coated 'scum of the earth'. Why not base it on Wellingtons Army instead? They won, wear red and are considerably harder! <_<

Well there are several reasons

1. I like blue much more than red

2. Argentinians have quite a history with england(and i'm not talking about the Malvina/Falkland or whatever conflict) that has never been completely peaceful

3. Royalist forces during our independence war used red uniforms to so argentinians are not fond to that colour

4. Wellingtons army may have been better but Napoleon's had much more style :o

5. Napoleon's army fought much more campaingns I think they were harder but what do you want mother Russia is untamable nor Napoleon nor the wermacth could do anything against her. After and expedition in Russia you would also end up very shaken that comes as my reponse to the argument of wellington's army being harder

Le Grande Army got a damn good thrashing by the red-coated 'scum of the earth'. Why not base it on Wellingtons Army instead? They won, wear red and are considerably harder! :(

Well there are several reasons

1. I like blue much more than red

2. Argentinians have quite a history with england(and i'm not talking about the Malvina/Falkland or whatever conflict) that has never been completely peaceful

3. Royalist forces during our independence war used red uniforms to so argentinians are not fond to that colour

4. Wellingtons army may have been better but Napoleon's had much more style :)

5. Napoleon's army fought much more campaingns I think they were harder but what do you want mother Russia is untamable nor Napoleon nor the wermacth could do anything against her. After and expedition in Russia you would also end up very shaken that comes as my reponse to the argument of wellington's army being harder


Let's not make this a 'whose historical army was harder' debate, eh?

What aspects of a Napoleonic army would you want to copy into your space marine chapter?


I would like to be the rain on Ace's parade here and say, no... I could not imagine Space Marines in tricorn hats... At. All... I get the image of a huge, Arnold Schwarzenegger type character with a tiny tricorn hat balanced on the flat of his head...

Hilarious and awesome, Like I said. :wub:

Le Grande Army got a damn good thrashing by the red-coated 'scum of the earth'. Why not base it on Wellingtons Army instead? They won, wear red and are considerably harder! :(

Well there are several reasons

1. I like blue much more than red

2. Argentinians have quite a history with england(and i'm not talking about the Malvina/Falkland or whatever conflict) that has never been completely peaceful

3. Royalist forces during our independence war used red uniforms to so argentinians are not fond to that colour

4. Wellingtons army may have been better but Napoleon's had much more style :)

5. Napoleon's army fought much more campaingns I think they were harder but what do you want mother Russia is untamable nor Napoleon nor the wermacth could do anything against her. After and expedition in Russia you would also end up very shaken that comes as my reponse to the argument of wellington's army being harder


Let's not make this a 'whose historical army was harder' debate, eh?

What aspects of a Napoleonic army would you want to copy into your space marine chapter?


True though I lovbe history as much as literature and phisics this is not the time or place

Well the medals colours, UNIFORMS(adapted to a paint scheme in the plates), old and young guard(they will be awsome), Cavalry(cuirassiers especially) and much of their tactics in actual battles(like le boulet du canon or the max artillery tactic that I'm gona use in my next game)

First up - real-world tactics from the age when the killiest thing on the battlefield was a man on a horse (or so they thought) doesnt tend to translate into 40k so well. Its a bit hard when the other guy can see your troops moving round the hill that would have made them invisible in a 'real' situation after all. But if thats what you want to try, go for it.


Medal colours - translates fairly well to purity seals (the SM equivalent). So I'd suggest having your troops with more and more purity seals depending on how far they are into their career progression (none= scout, 1= Dev, etc). dont do too many different colours (or at least make sure that individual squads all have the same ones as they're more likely to have earned them in the same action - think campaign medals).


Old and young guard - go fishing for some fantasy heads (white wolfs knights might work?) for your oldies, and maybe the planer scout/bareheaded marine heads for your younger guys (could maybe do normal scots with fully enclosed helmets - think there're a few tutorials about that sort of thing around).


Cavalry - nice and easy, bikers or assault marines. But its up to you to find a unit mix that works on the battlefield.

Well lets try to make a mix of both themes



The Grand Army of the Emperor

Fughting in the yet misterious Segmentum tempestus especially in the yet to conquer area known as the Ulterior Border the grand army is one of the Imperiums strangest organizations ever.

The Grand army was born during the Bourbon crusade. The planet of Bourbon 6 had a rebellion and an imperial army was sent to repres it. Since there were no regiments of troops available the duty fell into a space marine chapter the Fusiliers.

Being a recently created chapter this mission was perfect for them since they neede a new world to use as a base.

The bourbon campaing lasted a month and was a good example of the effectivity of the fusiliers in combat. After all they descended from the ultramarines.

Afterwards the Fusiliers were awarded with said world.

For a lot of time the things went perfectly for the fusiliers until the orks came

Leed by warbozz Welfertron a huge ork wag invaded bourbon 5. To make matter worst full 6 companies of the fusiliers were bussy fighthing eldar at the other part of the ulterior border.

The orks looking for a good fight quikly attacked the Fusiliers fortress monastery.

The following siege lasted full 6 months and was more and more desperate with every day that passed. Soon amunition and food started be rare. Incredibly this time instead of marines saving humans it was the humans of bourbon the ones that saved the marines.

An enormous PDF force had been assembled from local militias during the Fusiliers last stand. The battle of Badon hill probed a real alliance and shared victory betewn human and marine. The grand army was born.


Afterwards chapter master Valentinian returned toi the chapter fortress after a succesfull crusade against the eldar of the Guaraniticus sistem. When he returned he found men and marine rebuilding the fortress after he knew what hapened he thought that such an uneasy acomplisment from the people of Bourbon should not be underestimated and gave medals to a lot of the defenders. Valentinian was a man that believed in merit and recognition as a way to endure discipline. Soon a merit sistem that aplied both to the people of Bopurbon and the marines was created.


From that day on it's not hard top find a company of fusiliers acompanied by an auxiliary regiment of bourbon guardsman. Generally people of bourbon are more than happy to repay their debt to the fusiliers since bourbonians may have saved the fusiliers from the first invasion but fusiliers have saved them from many more.

Home planet

The fusiliers home planet is Bourbon V an industrious world ruled by a parliament rich in resources, manpower and armament manufacture.

An interesting thing about this world it's its goverment sistem. Ii's ruled by a council whose liders are elected and presided by the chapter master or a representative of his autorithy. This doesn't give the chapter too much power since the people actually take part in the election of the next chapter master. So the chapter master is normally a man of the people after all.


Combat doctrine

Fusiliers believe in flexibility and effectivity as the primary virues of a warrior. They do differ from the codex in organization. Their companies are battle companies assembled for a campaing rather than standing companies. This makes the companies always well equiped for a campaing and extremely flexible.

Fusiliers generally believe in guning the enemy down until they are close enough to lead a heroic charge rather than throw themselves into combat. After all there is no glory in a bold and unfruitfull charge at the begining of the battle.

They do have 2 elite units. One is their Cazadores squads. They are a gerruilla like unit that generally deploys as skirmishers and uses special amunition and varies from scout to power armour depending on the situation. The other is the Cuirassiers a dedicated assault unit claded in artificier armour that always leads the heroic charges

This doesn't give the chapter too much power since the people actually take part in the election of the next chapter master. So the chapter master is normally a man of the people after all.


This would be a rather strange system for an Astartes chapter don't you think? The Space Marines are warriors to protect the Imperium, not planetary governors to preside over their peoples affairs. Most chapters simply let their people do as they will, including fighting and dying for petty reasons just to create a stronger recruitment pool. Why in the world would they even begin to allow mortal men with comparatively small-scale concerns affect who is going to be the next chapter master? It simply doesn't make sense to me.

And waht happens when new normal human ruler want to have a new chapter master? Do they wait around for 2-300 yrs before the current one dies, or do they de-select him. The Imerium is very very much not a democracy. The marines themselves woudl choose their leader, becuase only they will know what he's like. What happens if the humans manage to select a candidate who is not the best of the pick? More marines die. I cant see the marines agree to this.


Also, Pretty sure that marines and pdf combos like this are specifically forbidden (to prevent another heresy). Similar to the Guard and the Navy being split up...

And waht happens when new normal human ruler want to have a new chapter master? Do they wait around for 2-300 yrs before the current one dies, or do they de-select him. The Imerium is very very much not a democracy. The marines themselves woudl choose their leader, becuase only they will know what he's like. What happens if the humans manage to select a candidate who is not the best of the pick? More marines die. I cant see the marines agree to this.


Also, Pretty sure that marines and pdf combos like this are specifically forbidden (to prevent another heresy). Similar to the Guard and the Navy being split up...

Well one election every 300 years doesn't change the imperium into a democracy

The Imperium is full of democracies, there are a million systems with varied governments, and democracies although woefully inefficient, only add to the bureaucratic nightmare state of the Imperium. As long as it's not shining utopia democracy it's very fluffy to have republics. All it is is a softer oligarchy instead of a harder aristocracy. The money, the prestige, and the power are right there. The 1980s reaganomics materialistic Wallstreet inspired corruption is pretty much what I imagine the upper hives to be like while the lower hives live in a bizarre blend of Buck Rogers atomic everything and king arthur filth farmers. So don't feel confined. The universe is your canvas if you use logic. On that note, I'd limit the selection of chapter masters to within the organization. So every marine voting on their CM makes more sense then every civilian who doesn't even know who he is (this isn't America, the ignorant can't vote in this case...)


The PDF are however directly linked to the Chapter. Chapter recruitment worlds generally call these guys "Chapter Serfs" because they're effectively part of the organization. The Ultramar however not only has proper PDF and Serfs, they even generate their own IG and Navy forces (though not under Ultramarine rule)


However, I think a shooting heavy army would work well here. Honor Guard as the Old guard, Vanguard as the Young Guard, Tiralleur Sternguard, Line Infantry Tacticals, Light Infantry Scouts, Speeders or bikes as Hussars or Lancers... The list goes on.

The point is not whether a democracy would work within the bounds of the Imperium, it's whether it's practical or efficient for use in such close contact with a military organization, especially one used in such a surgical manner as the Space Marines. Pretty much the only objective for an Astartes chapter in regards to their homeworld is the upkeep of a strong recruitment pool.


What I want to see is a convincing enough reason for such a highly organized and structured military organization like a Space Marine chapter to allow regular mortals (especially relatively uneducated and ignorant mortals considering the state of the Galaxy and the Imperium) to influence any of the inner workings of the chapter.


I want an explanation as to why and how, rather than saying don't do it.


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