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Daemonic marines

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Has anyone combined CSM and daemon bits to make marines on the verge of daemonhood? Im looking for Bloodletter/CSM conversions specificly. The reason I ask is because I'm creating a unit of chaos raptors who are actually a group of the DA Fallen and I want them to look daemonic. Now I've thrown around using some of the Beasts of Chaos heads and such but I think that the Bloodletter marines would look cooler. Especially since the unit will be joined by my winged lord who has the head from the WHFB lord on a juggernaught (the one with the big horns coming out of his head).


Help? Suggestions?

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You'd have to sculpt a neck because the bloodletter torso is like the ork one with a ball joint for the female bloodletter head to sit on. The arms slap onto the torso and wrap around the chest to the back (the shoulder joint) and you'd have to fill that gap and shave it down a bit to fit a marine but I'd think the arms are a bit big for a marine and even the head. Theres nothing really in the middle here on that note other than possessed parts I'd say if you wanted accurate size but your best bet is to try and see. the bloodletter kit comes with extra faces and the rest of the head joint with the tongue and elongated head joint is a separate piece but I'd say the face/horns are a good size in themselves for the marine body. Would probably look a bit off but hey worth a shot if your good at sculpting/modeling. The Daemonettes match guard in size if you wanted female daemon guard lol
The wood elf dryads from the fantasy range also provide great daemonic faces.

Hahaha :blush: Though I'm sure you meant this in all seriousness, I couldn't help but laugh at the implicit insult to the Wood Elves.


the dryad heads are actually very demonic looking (if painted correctly)


there was a guy (dont remember his name) who used them for some kind of "wights" for his alpha legion or night lords army (correct me if im wrong)


and it is a great insult to the wood elfs

The wood elf dryads from the fantasy range also provide great daemonic faces.

Hahaha :lol: Though I'm sure you meant this in all seriousness, I couldn't help but laugh at the implicit insult to the Wood Elves.


the dryad heads are actually very demonic looking (if painted correctly)


there was a guy (dont remember his name) who used them for some kind of "wights" for his alpha legion or night lords army (correct me if im wrong)


and it is a great insult to the wood elfs

Well the Dryads are trying to Look Scary... by posing as Branches...

I have one box of dryads I use as horrors alongside my actual horrors an they are big but the parts might fit the bill for you. If you look up the morbid blood angels thread the gentleman is using a bloodletter head as part of a trophy piece I'm assuming and it's huge on the terminator torso.




check it out

The Bloodletter heads do seem a bit to big for a SM body. I mean if there that big on a terminator body they would be way to big on power armor.


Does anyone have any pics of dryad heads as daemonic heads? Also what if I used the heads from chaos ungors instead of normal gors?


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