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I still can't beat Orks


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Without making suggestions on list changes, I only have a couple suggestions.


First, make sure you link up your combats. If you can charge a huge boyz mob with a furious charging assualt squad, and multi-charge the nobs and the boyz with a second squad, the nobs will suffer the LD penalty from all the boyz you kill. If you link two boyz squads in combat, they'll have to make tons of saves from fearlessness and will start dropping like flies.


Secondly, you don't generally want to use reserves against any CC-reliant army. You want to get as many turns of shooting in as possible before the assault starts. It's even more important in a list with limited shooting like yours.

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I too have had the same greentide problem :angry: and my problem is that my opponet makes his +5 Force bubble save more often than not, thereby rendering my weapons ineffective.


Librarian with Null Zone.

Null Zone doesnt work on cover saves.

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Orks can be a tricky one. I've only really got XP on facing off against 6x12 ork mobz in trucks, with a battlewagon full of nobz, but some of these things are universal when facing the orks.


You have to max out the turns fo firing that you get. So be limited in you reserves, it is good to have some reenforcements to counter their charges, and mobile ones to give you flexibility but turns 1 and 2 (if you got to go first) are vital to stop as many of them getting to you in one go.


If they all arrive together you are in serious trouble, so you need to focus on those that are going to hit and cripple them. This may mean that others, just as likely to hit don't get targeted, but keep spread out (do not let them multi assualt your units) and be prepared to put some guys in harms way to shield the important bits of your line. Lock them in place if possible, and don't be affraid to let rip with flamers and pistol and then charge, rob them of FC and assualt bonuses where possible and you will take less casualties back, but you have to thin out their lines as much as possible and take them on in manageable waves/chunks.


For lootas, maybe try out a pod for the SG (I htink they are 5 up save, but cant remember) and hit them with the no cover save rounds. They will get killed next turn most likely, but they should wipe out the lootas, and detract a mob of boys away from your lines.


Flamers are your friends!!!!! Pack as many as you can. Yes you will need to be close, but that will not be a problem, they WILL be coming to you, and you do most dmaage in rapid fire range anyway, or flamer, pistol and charge range.


For your dreads. Pick up some magnets and magnetise all your dreads, you should then be able to swop out arms with the black reach dreads aswell.


A LSS+HF with sarge with combi flamer should be able to get to the lootas on T1 as well. but trying to use what you have.........


the devs really should be putting out some serious templates on 30 strong mobs, and these will prob do you more damage in the long run than the lootas, if they hit your lines full strength then game over. So i['d use the deves to target mobs of boys with frags and double team them on 1 unit if needed. even the misses will hit a 30 boy mob no worries. So you can put some serious fire power out on them.


You've got a lot of assualt squads with flamer potential, and these can be used to massacre lots of orks, charge in a tie them up mid field, whittle down their numbers before they reach your tacs. start these guys on the table and be aggressive, meet them mid field and delay them as long as possible.


use the rhinos if needed to get in the way and delay squads even more. moving a rhino infront of a mob means they will ahve to go round, or thru that rhino. either way, they are delayed, 30 guys moving around a rhino isn't all that quick, they can assualt, but for you, that is a minor inconvenience, and a very cheap one. They can't consolidate after they take it out (and they prob will) and are stuck............ base to base with a dead rhino (that prob blew up) ready to meet your other flamers coming in behind.


rhinos should work pretty well for you, either keeping your guys away from teh orks for a turn, or, more beneficially i think, blocking lines of assualt, and getting charged, except in KP games, this could well take out lots of orks, as with the large number of attacks, and every one being so bunched up, they are almost certain to destroy the rhino, and make it explode, killing more of them, and, leaving them ready for a template next turn.

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I would suggest working a Dreadnought or 2 into the list. Try a Librarian Dreadnought ( Psychic Powers: Wings and Preferred Enemy maybe) and maybe another Furiouso with twin Blood Claws. The Librarian Dred can keep up with an assault squad while the other Furiouso helps to protect Tacticals on foot. Their front armor should protect them from Lootas for the most part, and charging into squads of boyz simultaneously with an assault squad should gauranteed a win. The dreads will help divert attacks away from Assault squads since they have to consolidate as many models into base contact.
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I was only limiting my advice for a Blood angels player. Codex marines have a hard time with orks cause they generally don't have the close combat boom to go with the shooting boom. In my experience games are won in the assault phase, NOT the shooting phase. For Blood angels, Death company are awesome against orks, and god help the unit that wants to charge a unit of power weapon wielding psychopaths! For Space wolves I find that thunderwolf cavalry work well with a good cast of long fangs to support them. Land Raider crusaders are awesome as well. Orks have almost nothing for ranged anti-heavy tank so they really rely on those power claws, a couple of these will mow down most orks units.
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Had my first game against Orks since 2nd Edition today... I was massacred, in a word.


He brought 3 x 30 boys (with nob 'n' claw)

a truck full of nobs, and a warboss

3 bikernobz

a killa-can


Mission: Bases, deployment... Dawn of war.


so yeah. I started with my two troops in razorbacks on the board, pinned against my edge... he advanced, and popped one with his weirdboy...


then my stuff came on just in time for him to assault and wipe everything out on the charge. (save a tac squad that was out of range, and a razorback i slipped down the flank that the bikers failed to blow on the charge.) I had some outflanking Sternguard (Khan) and Deep striking Speeders but by the time they turned up I had nothing else.


One thing I would say i learned from this though: I managed to get two combat squads around one of the mobs - two flamers - each one hit 10 mobs, and I killed 14 in the one go. The bolt pistols from the other 8 troops done NOTHING. Moral of the story: Templates (Its been said many times, Im just confirming.) To accomodate this I recommend Missile launchers in any form, and flamers (combi-flamers, flamers, heavy flamers - gone are the days of 2ed when you can opt to throw grenades instead of shooting :P )


I followed this game up with one against guard - and two combi-flamers on a unit of troops killed 9, and my typhoons killed a 15 strong unit of troops with one round of firing and with the second round of firing 9 commandos... (won that game!)


If your running marines I would recommend Vulkan - twin linked flamers in a flamer heavy army means with good use of transports and positioning - you can probably kill most of a squad off with a single tactical squad (combi-flamer sgt seems to work much better than points in a power weapon here! Also if 10 manning, and combat squadding you can add ina flamer and a missile launcher for some extra firepower...)


Supporting units is essential. As mentioned above - dual charges mean you can start to force fearless deaths, and having two flamers torching that unit is blissful :P The only thing I did in the damn game (Save Khan running up and lopping the head off the Weirdboy in one shot!)



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Pop the Trukks first, they're going to get you, so make those suckers walk. Focus fire and CC elements and charge. Three Assault squads should take care of a weakened mob of Boyz, and you've got Priests. Use Rhinos to screen the flanks of your Devs, and try to aim them at Nobs (Lascannons ;)) Perhaps you could even get that nine-man-and-a-priest Tac Squad as a sacrifical unit, slowing the tide of brocolli down. And if you catch a squad without it's PK Nob, drive that Raider up his face and rapid-fire Hurricanes to his doom, then assault them. Tasty!
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