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Custom Grey Knight Grandmaster


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Justicar Valius, maybe it is the "blade" part of the NFW arm that is throwing you off.

The arm is a Libby in TDA, and the blade is from warmachine.


You might wonder why I am so certain about said bits. The reason is: it is my model, and I am the customer :D .


Josh has painted a couple of models for me in the past, they are as amazing as this one, but being a GK player this model has to be my favorite. I just hope they don't change the weapon load-out in the new 'dex. If anybody is looking for a painter that can bring your vision to life, I HIGHLY recommend Josh's services. He will get you to consider things about your model you didn't even think of before.

Enough of a plug, but really, you guys should check out more of his work. I have just commisioned a DC Tycho from Josh, and will MOST assuredly have a Inquisitor Lord done with the new 'dex.

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hey B&C...


@MayorDaley: thanks for the glowing reccomendation:)...

this guy is cool, but i'm gonna step=up my game to the next level with the DC Tycho...


@everyone else: all your questions have been answered in the following article...


i've put a full write-up on my blog on how i built and painted the Grey Knight Grandmaster...

there are no step-by-step pics, as i don't have time to stop for each stage when i'm on the clock...


hopefully the list of colors i've used, and the thoughts behind my choices, are helpful...


i had a lot of fun trying out new things on this guy, most of which were successful...

a couple things...not so much...


please have a look and let me know what you think of the article:






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