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Chronus with a Predator


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I started thinking the other day was I was looking at some of the lesser characters in Codex Marines of trying Chronus in an all lascannon Predator. So I've got 3 lascannon shots a turn hitting on a 2+ with one reroll, and unless the vehicle is destroyed it will be shooting every turn thanks to Chronus' tank ignoring shaken and stunned results. With some cover from a good vantage point and 13 front armor this is sounding like a good piece of long range anti-tank at just under the pts cost of a land raider.


So, has anyone tried this setup before? If so, please give examples of how it performed.

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Strictly speaking, no, he's not worth the cost for competitive play given that he's also a potentially free KP. He's also the cost of a kitted land speeder, generally considered a "better" use of the points from strictly an efficiency standpoint.


However, for fun, I could see fielding him at 1750 or so, giving your combi-pred or scarily enough, land raider ability to hit on a 2+, he'd be the perfect commander for Calgar's ride for instance. It is worth noting that he has the effects of extra armor and more so can keep a vehicle firing and/or moving since it's immune to shaken/stunned with him in charge(extra fantastic for Calgar's ride!).


There are only a trio of viable rides for him IMO:

A Godhammer would give you:

2x TL lascannon shots that hit on a rerollable 2+

3x TL HB shots that hit on a rerollable 2+

1x Multi-Melta that hits on a 2+

2x Storm bolter shots that hit on a 2+(why not, you're putting chronus here!)

1x Pimp Ride for Calgar and co.

Total Immunity to shaken/stunned.

Total points cost(minus cargo): 340pts


Slapping him in a crusader is also attractive

12x TL bolter shots within 12", or 6 out to 24" that hit on a rerollable 2+

4x Assault Cannon shots that hit on a 2+

1x Multi-Melta that hits on a 2+

2x Storm bolter shots that hit on a 2+(why not, you're putting chronus here!)

1x Pimp Ride

Total Immunity to shaken/stunned.

Also 340.


The cheap option, a combi-predator would give you:

2x autocannon shots that hit on a 2+

2x lascannon shots that hit on a 2+

2x Storm bolter shots that hit on a 2+(why not, you're putting chronus here!)

Total Immunity to shaken/stunned.

total points cost: 200


Realistically the combi pred would be the most bang for the buck so to speak and used carefully it could inflict a great reaping on your opponents light vehicles/troops. The reason you want to leave the AC on there is not purely cost efficiency(though that's a factor), it's also desired target profile. The TL las will have better killing power only vs AV 13/14 targets(and S7 can still glance AV13), things you should have dedicated(melta) to counter. This is especially true if you're using Chronus, an expensive upgrade already. You're exchanging a perfectly good pair of high strength shots for a single twin linked one... that costs 45 pts. Not a good deal IMO.

The land raiders would be good... but most of the weaponry there is twin-linked and not getting that great of a benefit for it. Of course multi melta that hit on a 2+ are gravy, and really you may as well throw on every bit of dakka you can to take advantage of him. In charge of a raider it's worth mentioning again that he makes it immune to shaken/stunned and thus able to more reliably deliver their cargo, which is of great import when your cargo is a bunch of overpriced assault specialists lead by a points heavy special character.


Why am I not mentioning vindis, whirlwinds or redeemers? Because he does very little to blast weapons, and nothing for templates, so I wouldn't even consider him in that case.


Honestly, the worst thing is that you can't fire a HK missile at his BS, they're specifically stated to be fired at BS4, otherwise they'd be another S8 shot that hits on a 2+, but I imagine that was specifically aimed at Chronus.


EDIT: It would be hilarious to put him at the helm of a dakka pred though, all those HB shots that would be hitting on a 2+ would make it pure silliness.

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I have used Chronus on dakka and combi preditors. I have used him on Godhammer and crusaders too.


He vastly imprvoes the vehicles effectiveness, fear factor, and usefullness. With the immunity to shaken and stunned alone he keeps the predators dealing max death and on the raiders gets them where they need to go.


As far as a las cannon pred I would not waste the points on the twin link las cannon. His bs 5 is best for more shots. I think this alone makes him a better investment for dakka preds and especialy crusaders wich all my opponents fear greatly.

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My interpretation would allow HK hitting on 2+.

P103 Codex Space Marines

"A hunter-killer missile ... They are fired at Ballistic Skill 4..."

There is no wiggle room for interpretation. A HK missile is fired at BS4.

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I have used Chronus 3 times so far.


Two games against tyranids, and one game against marines.


Against the tyranids it proved valuable, as you are basically getting extra armour for free, the ability to shoot when shaken, and a better chance of hitting... Its proved useful to move away when something pops up behind thats a threat.


Against the marines - it meant that I took sustained fire for the battle - weapons destroyed, immobilised - but without a wreck or tearing all the weapons off, I kept shooting.


so far for me, he has maybe not been worth all the points - but it has made a vehicle that attracts some extra fire - but without a clean destroyed result, is relatively unaffected.


My recommendation is putting him in a land raider... being able to shoot regardless of the circumstance and not being stunnable could be interesting. since your already investing so many points as is - the extra nudge may just be worth it.


IMO He would have been a more sure-fire choice character if he could move to another vehicle if his is destroyed and he survives - or if you were able to initiate some repairs during battle, but yeah... Enjoy ^.^

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I feel chronus is overpriced for what he does. He costs the same as a mm/hf speeder, and not much less then a dakkapredator.


Moreover, vanilla vehicles don't really profit from what he does. Apart from predators, we don't have any vehicles that rely on their BS to hit stuff (vindicators and whirlwinds throw templates, and land raiders are all twinlinked), so having BS5 isn't that much of an advantage. Immunity to stun/shaken is again not worth the price tag.

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Hitting on 2+ and extra Armor is nice. Also in a Predator he is much saver than most other units in the field.

But for 100 Pts you can nearly buy a second predator and regarding the mathematical aspect 2 Predaturs shurely have a higher chance to hit a target than one predator at 2+. They are also much harder to destroy than one with extra armor.

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I feel chronus is overpriced for what he does. He costs the same as a mm/hf speeder, and not much less then a dakkapredator.


Moreover, vanilla vehicles don't really profit from what he does. Apart from predators, we don't have any vehicles that rely on their BS to hit stuff (vindicators and whirlwinds throw templates, and land raiders are all twinlinked), so having BS5 isn't that much of an advantage. Immunity to stun/shaken is again not worth the price tag.


I concur. If he was 50pts it may have been worth it but even then is a little expensive. I would only take him at 50pts if he could re-join another tank in the army when on foot. Only then.


Now I don't think he is particularly bad and the vehicle he joins can be a particular thorn in the side of an opponent (particularly at range) so don't get me wrong, but you can get a whole other vehicle with those points (or most of one).


Anyway, that wasn't that helpful, so I would like to add that I think a Predator of any type would be do well with Chronus. All their weapons are long ranged. Twin linked Lascannon and Heavy bolter sponsons is my favourite Predator (looks the best IMHO) and can be really nasty hitting on 2+s.

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