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Exorcist Land Raider


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Hello Everyone !


I've recently been working on a Sister of Battle conversion and i'd like your opinion on it =)





Inside the throne is going to be a Saint of course =) But... a dead one ! They're still tugging her around as an holy relic =)


Let me know what you think !




and sorry for blurry pic :P Cellphone =)

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It's in Pieces :P


I can take the launcherplatform off the land raider =)


I think the launcher is right on the spot. If you look at the tank from the front the proportions ( if that is the right english word ) between the Trone and the lengt of the pipes are ace ^^

I also think the piping on the launcher is a bit too large. I would tone that down a little, just to make it a little less OTT.


I really like the idea of a dead saint being lugged around the battlefield, though, and can readily accept an Exorcist launcher as the WH version of a Hyperios LR!

  Lord Rao said:
I also think the piping on the launcher is a bit too large. I would tone that down a little, just to make it a little less OTT.


I really like the idea of a dead saint being lugged around the battlefield, though, and can readily accept an Exorcist launcher as the WH version of a Hyperios LR!

This WH40k; there is no such thing as a model that is too over the top. As kornomaniac said, it needs to be that big to be proportional to the rest of the vehicle.

hehe Indeed.


It's pretty much thesame idea as the catholic church had in the 17th century i believe. The bigger the better. Cathedrals from that time where way too big and over the top to impress the people. I'd like my land raider to have thesame effect on the lowly mortals of the Wh40k universe ^^

Coming from a tank realist (a philosophy with no place in the 41st millennium), that monster is way too big to be practical on the battlefield. The Land Raider already has a ridiculously high silhouette and the LR Exorcist could never even hope for concealment. Most people would say that the girls would want the enemy to clearly see their tank and tremble before it, but the Sister in the tank's cupola staring down the barrel of an Eldar lance weapon thinks otherwise.

It's still an impressive model though.

  Panzerkopf said:
Coming from a tank realist (a philosophy with no place in the 41st millennium), that monster is way too big to be practical on the battlefield. The Land Raider already has a ridiculously high silhouette and the LR Exorcist could never even hope for concealment. Most people would say that the girls would want the enemy to clearly see their tank and tremble before it, but the Sister in the tank's cupola staring down the barrel of an Eldar lance weapon thinks otherwise.

It's still an impressive model though.


The fellow in the Throne of Judgement is about as safe...which isn't saying much. Yeah, it's got a huge silhouette but so did both the tanks it's baaed off. The exorcist is huge and so is the landraider. Melding the two just made it worse. It just goes to show the Adeptus Mechanicus don't know crud about good tank design (Yeah, adeptus mechanicus, they are the producers of the Exorcist from an old design, the Sisters never designed it's appearance).


Actually that only raises more questions...why does the exorcist look like that if it's an of STC design? Also what would a fully operational one be like...

The vertical launch tubes for the Exorcist launcher always bugged me. The missiles would have to fly straight into the air and land on top of their target, which would be very advantageous since a tank's top armor is always thin. However, there's no special rule stating that the missile always hits rear armor or anything like that. So either the Exorcist missile flies straight into the air and descends in a parabola before leveling out and flying horizontally, or it was designed by the sculptor's 4 year old.

Maybe the Exorcist was originally supposed to be an ordnance weapon like the Whirlwind but the game designers changed their minds after the model was produced.


Either way, the Exorcist looks dumb as hell and makes no sense either. Build your own.

Everything in 40K is realistic. If you think something is unrealistic, remember that it runs on FAITH IN THE EMPEROR.

So, as it is stated, it might seem unrealistic, that the exorcist missile falls down, but turns at the last moment and then hits the target straight on, remember that it runs on FAITH IN THE EMPEROR.

When you think that the Exorcist does not look like anything you would ever bring to a battlefield, remember that all the ornaments and the organ on top runs on FAITH IN THE EMPEROR.

And above all, if you think that these arguments above seems invalid from a logical, realistic point of view, just remember that it depends entirely upon FAITH IN THE EMPEROR. And if you deny that, you're a heretic!

@ ArmouredWing:


They're a bunch of Balsa wood and plasticard put together =)

Made them myself.


The 'Pillars' wil have gold at the top and bottom on the 'raised' part.

And inbetween that i'll paint em with some marble effect.

The laurels on top of the pillars wil all be painted gold. =)


@ Validar


just what i was thinking ;) haha


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